A.6 Connection Arguments

When you invoke most wlevs.Admin commands, you must specify the arguments in this topic to connect to an Oracle Stream Analytics server instance.

java wlevs.Admin 
    [ {-url URL} | -protocol protocol | {-listenAddress hostname -listenPort port} ]
    [ User Credentials Arguments ]
    [ Common Arguments ]
    COMMAND-NAME command-arguments

Table A-1 Connection Arguments

Argument Definition
-url service:jmx:msarmi://host:port/jndi/jmxconnector

Specifies the URL that establishes a JMX connection to the Oracle Stream Analytics instance that you want to administer, where:

  • host refers to the name of the computer on which the Oracle Stream Analytics instance is running

  • port refers to the Oracle Stream Analytics server JNDI port

If you use this argument, do not specify -listenAddress or -listenPort.

Other than host, you specify the remainder of the URL as written.

For example, if Oracle Stream Analytics is running on a computer with host name ariel, and the JMX listening port is 9002, then the URL would be:

  -url service:jmx:msarmi://ariel:9002/jndi/jmxconnector

See JMX for details about configuring JMX, JNDI, and RMI for Oracle Stream Analytics.

-listenAddress hostname

Specifies the name of computer on which the Oracle Stream Analytics instances is running. This argument, together with -listenPort, is used to build the URL that establishes a JMX connection to the server you want to administer.

You use this argument, together with -listenPort, instead of -url.

For example, if Oracle Stream Analytics is running on a computer with host name ariel, then this argument would be:

  -listenAddress ariel
-listenPort port

Specifies the port configured for Oracle Stream Analytics that listens to JMX connections. This argument, together with -listenAddress, is used to build the URL that establishes a JMX connection to the server you want to administer.

You use this argument, together with -listenAddress, instead of -url.

The JMX port is configured in the config.xml file of the Oracle Stream Analytics domain you are administering. In particular, the port is the <port> child element of the <netio> element, as shown:


In the example, the port is 9002 and you specify as an argument as follows:

  -listenPort 9002

See JMX for details about configuring JMX, JNDI, and RMI for Oracle Stream Analytics.