B.4.3 Deployment Commands

Table B-3 lists the deployment commands you can specify with the Deployer utility.

Table B-3 Deployment Commands

Command Description

Encrypts the user name and password and writes it to output file.

-encryptoutfile encryptoutfile

Specifies that encryptoutfile should be used to write encrypted the user and password.

-group groupname

Specifies that the deploy command (install, uninstall, update, suspend, or resume) applies to a target group, or more specifically, to the set of running servers within that group.

To specify the domain group, use the keyword all, such as:

-group all

To specify a custom group, simply specify the name of the group:

-group my_group

Note: You may only deploy to a group if the server is part of a multiserver domain (that is, if clustering is enabled). You may not deploy to a group if the server is part of a standalone-server domain (that is, if clustering is disabled). For more information, see About Multiserver Domains.


Prints a message describe command syntax and arguments.

-install bundle

Installs the specified OSGi bundle to the specified Oracle Stream Analytics instance.

The bundle parameter refers to a filename that is local to the computer from which you execute the Deployer utility.

Be sure to specify the full pathname of the bundle if it is not located relative to the directory from which you are running the Deployer utility.

In particular, Oracle Stream Analytics:

  • Copies the specified bundle to the domain directory.

  • Searches the META-INF/wlevs directory in the bundle for the component configuration files and extracts them to the domain directory.

  • Updates the internal deployment registry.

  • Starts the application. The incoming adapters immediately start receiving data.

-resume name

Resumes a previously suspended OSGI bundle on the specified Oracle Stream Analytics instance; the configured adapters once again start immediately receiving incoming data.

The name parameter refers to the symbolic name of the OSGi bundle that you want to stop. The symbolic name is the value of the Bundle-SymbolicName header in the bundle's MANIFEST.MF file:

Bundle-SymbolicName: myApp
-status name

Returns status information about a currently installed OSGi bundle.

The name parameter refers to the symbolic name of the OSGi bundle for which you want status information. The symbolic name is the value of the Bundle-SymbolicName header in the bundle's MANIFEST.MF file:

Bundle-SymbolicName: myApp
-suspend name

Suspends a currently running OSGI bundle which was previously installed to the specified Oracle Stream Analytics instance.

The name parameter refers to the symbolic name of the OSGi bundle that you want to start. The symbolic name is the value of the Bundle-SymbolicName header in the bundle's MANIFEST.MF file:

Bundle-SymbolicName: myApp
-uninstall name

Removes the existing bundle from the specified Oracle Stream Analytics instance.

The name parameter refers to the symbolic name of the OSGi bundle that you want to remove. The symbolic name is the value of the Bundle-SymbolicName header in the bundle's MANIFEST.MF file:

Bundle-SymbolicName: myApp

In particular, Oracle Stream Analytics:

  • Removes the specified OSGi bundle from the domain directory.

  • Removes the bundles from the internal deployment registry.

-update bundle

Updates the existing OSGi bundle with new application code.

The bundle parameter refers to a filename that is local to the computer from which you execute the Deployer utility.

Be sure to specify the full pathname of the bundle if it is not located relative to the directory from which you are running the Deployer utility.

In particular, Oracle Stream Analytics:

  • Copies the updated bundles to the domain directory.

  • Searches the META-INF/wlevs directory in the updated bundle for the updated component configuration files and extracts them to the domain directory.

  • Updates the internal deployment registry with the updated information.

-userconfigfile userconfigfile

Specifies that userconfigfile (security-config.xml) should be used to retrieve encrypted user name and password from the file.

-userkeyfile userkeyfile

Specifies that userkeyfile (.msainternal.dat) should be used to get the encryption key used to encrypt the password in the user config file.