33 Migrating Folders_g to Folders

This chapter describes how to migrate Oracle WebCenter Content Server folder content and structure from Contribution Folders to Folders by using the Folders Migration utility.

This chapter covers the following topics:

33.1 Understanding Folders_g Migration to Folders

The Folders Migration utility can be used to migrate folder content and structure from Contribution Folders (provided by the Folders_g component) to Folders (provided by the FrameworkFolders component). The utility is available when the tables associated with Contribution Folders are present in the database schema and the FrameworkFolders component is enabled. For more information about Folders and the FrameworkFolders component, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Managing Oracle WebCenter Content.


FrameworkFolders is the name of the component that replaces the older Folders_g component. The older Folder interface is now referred to as Contribution Folders. The interface supported by the FrameworkFolders component is referred to as Folders.


WebCenter Portal and earlier supports the Folders_g component only. For information about configuring Content Server with WebCenter Portal, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal.

The FrameworkFolders component is installed (disabled) by default with a new installation of WebCenter Content. A WebCenter Content system that is updated from an earlier version using the Folders_g component can choose to continue to use that component or choose to migrate to use the FrameworkFolders component. You can migrate both Folders_g folder structure and folders content over to Folders.


Do not have both Folders_g and FrameworkFolders components enabled and running at the same time in a production system. If you do have both enabled simultaneously, an alert will be displayed on the web interface and certain functionality will not work as expected, such as WebDAV.

Technically you never need to have both components enabled simultaneously. However, during the process of migration it may be convenient to have both components enabled if any of the Folders_g data needs to be groomed, and it is acceptable to have both components enabled during this process.


The migration operation can be performed multiple times. This enables you to validate that the migrated data is in the shape you expect after the migration is complete or to otherwise change configurations or modify source data and retry the migration.

The primary concern is if any content has manually been moved from Folders_g into the new Folders structure before the migration has been done. If this is this case, the migration may result in losing the manually set location of the item in the new Folders structure. To avoid this issue, any item moved into the new Folders structure should be removed from Folders_g before the migrations or have its xCollectionID field set to 0 (zero).

33.2 Preparing to Migrate Folders

You can set several migration variables in the Content Server config.cfg file to modify migration operations.

  • FolderMigrateExcludeList: Specifies a list of folders to exclude from the migration. This list can include folder IDs and folder marks. Use upper case letters and separate items with commas. This variable is best modified using the Modify Excluded Folders dialog on the Folder migration page. If this variable is not set, only the TRASH folder is excluded.

  • FldMigrateDefaultSecurityGroup: Specifies the default Security Group to assign to migrated folders if one is not already associated with the folders. If the variable is not set, the default value is Public. Folders in Folders_g do not need and may not have a Security Group setting. Migrated folders are required to have a Security Group setting.

  • FldMigrateRootBaseName: Specifies the base name for the root folder created in Folders when the migration is run. The root folder has the form: <$FldMigrateRootBaseName$>_<$date$>_#<$run_index$>. If the variable is not set, the default value is Migrate.

  • ShowFolderMigrationMenu: Specifies whether the Folder Migration option is displayed in the Administration menu. If migration is possible (Folders_g tables are available in the database schema) and if the variable is not specified, the default is 1, which displays the option. To prevent the option from showing in the Administration menu, set this variable to 0 (zero).

33.3 Migrating to Folders

This section describes how to migrate Folders_g folders structure and folders content to Folders.

  1. Using a web browser, log in to Content Server instance as administrator.

  2. If the FrameworkFolders component is not yet enabled, do so now. For more information, see Enabling or Disabling a Component Using the Component Manager.


    Technically you never need to have both components enabled simultaneously. However, during the process of migration it may be convenient to have both components enabled if any of the Folders_g data needs to be groomed, and it is acceptable to have both components enabled during this process.

  3. Choose Administration, then Folder Migration.

    Figure 33-1 Folder Migration Page

    Description of Figure 33-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 33-1 Folder Migration Page"
  4. In the Run Migration section of the Folder Migration page, the following pre-migration information is displayed:

    • Folder sub-trees that will be excluded from the migrate option (by default, TRASH)

    • Number of folders to migrate

    • Number of content items in folders that will be migrated

    • Number of shortcuts to migrate

    • Number of folders to exclude from migration

    To add folders to be excluded from the migration, click Modify Excluded Folders. This displays the Folders Migration: Excluded Folders window. Select one or more folders from the Browse Legacy Folders tree and they are automatically moved to the Legacy Folders to Exclude from Migration pane.

  5. If the Show Advanced Migration Options link is displayed, you can click the link to display options for creating links between content items and folders during the migration. An owner link is the primary association between a content item and a folder in Folders. A content item can have only one owner link (as opposed to unlimited secondary shortcuts). The owner link options specify how to handle situations where the migration process attempts to create an owner link for a content item that has an existing owner link from a previous migration or prior manual assignment.

    The Options for Existing Owner Links section lists the following three options:

    • Remove existing owner link. Allow migration to create new owner link.

      This is the default selection. It is most likely to be used when an administrator is migrating folders and content from a populated Folders_g hierarchy to a completely empty Folders hierarchy.

    • Convert existing owner link to shortcut. Allow migration to create new owner link.

      If the Folders hierarchy has begun to be populated with folders and content before the folder migration process is started, there is the possibility that a content item exists in both the legacy Folders_g hierarchy and the new Folders hierarchy. A user can add a content item into a Folders folder while it is also within a Folders_g folder. When migration occurs, the migration process will try to take the Folders_g version of that content item and put it into the newly created and migrated Folders folder that corresponds to the Folders_g folder. However, only a single owner link is allowed to the content item, so that same content item cannot be placed into the new Folders folder without breaking the link to the Folders folder it already resides in. If you want to keep the information instead of breaking the link, this option changes the Folders_g owner link to a Folders shortcut.

    • Leave existing owner link. Change migrated link to shortcut.

      If the Folders hierarchy has begun to be populated with folders and content before the folder migration process is started, there is the possibility that a content item exists in both the legacy Folders_g hierarchy and the new Folders hierarchy. A user can add a content item into a Folders folder while it is also within a Folders_g folder. When migration occurs, the migration process will try to take the Folders_g version of that content item and put it into the newly created and migrated Folders folder that corresponds to the Folders_g folder. However, only a single owner link is allowed to the content item, so that same content item cannot be placed into the new Folders folder without breaking the link to the Folders folder it already resides in. If you want the pre-migration Folders folder to have the single owner link to the content item, this option allows the migrated folder have a shortcut to the item.

  6. Click Migrate Folder Data. A status bar and messages will display the progress of the migration.

    When the migration is complete, the following post-migration status information is displayed in a table:

    • Migration run number

    • Date and time the migration started

    • Date and time the migration ended

    • User ID of the user who ran the migration

    • Number of folders successfully migrated

    • Number of migrated content associations

    • Number of migrated shortcuts

  7. To view more details about a specific migration run, click the Info icon next to the run number.

    The Folder Migration Information page opens with information about the GUID, legacy folder ID, name, and type of each folder that was migrated.

    When you no longer have any use for the data from a specific migration, you can click Delete Migration Data on the Folder Migration Information page.

  8. For information on migration runs that may have had data removed, click Show Additional Migration Data. This displays a table with the same columns as the post-migration status information, but it contains information about runs that had data removed. If the columns are empty, no runs had data removed.

    To block this display, click Hide Additional Migration Data.

  9. When you are satisfied with the completed migration, if the Folders_g component is enabled, then disable it.

33.4 After Folders Migration is Complete

When the folder migration process is complete and you have verified the data has been transferred into the Folders structure as desired, it is unlikely that you would want to migrate again. To prevent arbitrary and unwanted future migrations it is recommended that the variable ShowFolderMigrationMenu=0 is set in the Content Server config.cfg file. This variable setting prevents the Folder Migration option from being displayed in the Administration menu.