B Oracle HTTP Server Configuration for WebCenter Portal

This appendix describes the Oracle HTTP Server configuration required for WebCenter Portal.

B.1 Oracle HTTP Server Configuration

This section includes the following topics:

B.1.1 Scenarios for Using Oracle HTTP Server

When Oracle WebCenter Portal components are running on Oracle WebLogic Server, you can set Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) as the frontend to Oracle WebLogic Server. Some scenarios that require OHS as the frontend are:

  • For OSSO to function properly between Site Studio and Oracle Content Server. This is achieved through mod_osso of OHS.

  • The adequate distribution of load across the Oracle WebLogic Server cluster nodes. This is achieved through mod_wl of OHS.

  • OHS is required for OAM's WebGate component.

  • OHS is used as a reverse proxy.

In these cases, you must configure the mod_wl_ohs module to allow requests to be proxied from an OHS to Oracle WebLogic Server.

B.1.2 Sample mod_wl_ohs.conf

The default location of the mod_wl_ohs.conf file is: OHS_HOME/Oracle_WT1/instances/instance1/config/OHS/ohs1/mod_wl_ohs.conf. After you have configured the mod_wl_ohs module using the Fusion Middleware Control, the file mod_wl_ohs.conf file looks similar to the following sample code:

# WebCenter Portal Application
  <Location /webcenter>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WeblogicHost webcenter.example.com
    WeblogicPort 8888
  <Location /webcenterhelp>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WeblogicHost webcenter.example.com
    WeblogicPort 8888
  <Location /rss>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WeblogicHost webcenter.example.com
    WeblogicPort 8888
  <Location /rest>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WeblogicHost webcenter.example.com
    WeblogicPort 8888
# Discussions
  <Location /owc_discussions>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WeblogicHost discuss.example.com
    WeblogicPort 8890
# SES Search
  <Location /rsscrawl>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WeblogicHost ses.example.com
    WeblogicPort 7777
  <Location /sesUserAuth>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WeblogicHost ses.example.com
    WeblogicPort 7777
# Portlets
  <Location /portalTools>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WeblogicHost webcenter.example.com
    WeblogicPort 8889
  <Location /wsrp-tools>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WeblogicHost webcenter.example.com
    WeblogicPort 8889
  <Location /pagelets>
     SetHandler weblogic-handler
     WeblogicHost webcenter.example.com
     WeblogicPort 8889
#  Web server context root for Oracle WebCenter Content Server
   <Location /cs>
     SetHandler weblogic-handler
     WeblogicHost ucm.example.com
     WeblogicPort 16200
#  Enables Oracle WebCenter Content Server authentication
   <Location /adfAuthentication>
     SetHandler weblogic-handler
     WeblogicHost ucm.example.com  # Same as /cs entry
     WeblogicPort 16200            # Same as /cs entry
   <Location /samlacs/acs>
     SetHandler weblogic-handler
     WeblogicHost ucm.example.com
     WeblogicPort 16200
# BPEL Server
  <Location /workflow>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WeblogicHost soa.example.com
    WeblogicPort 8001

B.1.3 Configuring OHS

SSL Directives

If you have configured SSL, then the following additional directives are required:

  • WLProxySSL ON

  • WLProxySSLPassThrough ON

For example, mod_wl_ohs.conf entries with SSL directives looks like the following:

# WebCenter Portal Application
  <Location /webcenter>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WeblogicHost webcenter.example.com
    WeblogicPort 8888
       WLProxySSL ON     
       WLProxySSLPassThrough ON 
  <Location /webcenterhelp>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WeblogicHost webcenter.example.com
    WeblogicPort 8888
       WLProxySSL ON     
       WLProxySSLPassThrough ON 

Frontend Listening Host and Frontend Listening Port

If the Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) frontend is also the site entry point, use the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console to set the FrontEnd Host and FrontEnd HTTP Port for each server that uses the OHS frontend.

Configuring an Error Page for a Cluster

Include the ErrorPage parameter in mod_wl_ohs.conf as follows:

 <Location /webcenter>
  SetHandler weblogic-handler
  ErrorPage http://mycompany.com/error.html

Users are redirected to http://company.com/error.html if all the WC_Portal managed servers are down. When any managed server comes back online, users access WebCenter Portal as normal.

See also, Configuring mod_wl_ohs in Administrator's Guide for Oracle HTTP Server.