9 Managing Access to Content Management Site Components

You can configure and manage site components such as start menus of sites, roles to access assets, permissions to access and configure Sites trees, and so on.


9.1 Overview

You can grant permissions to users to access a site, and then manage their roles to configure start menus, access assets, and configure site trees.

See Enabling and Managing Asset Types.

  • Start menus, which determine whether the users can create, search for, and edit assets of certain types on the site to which the users are assigned.

  • Permissions to assets (that are not part of a workflow process). For such assets, you can create policies that define which roles have permissions to perform which functions on assets.

  • Permissions to the tree in WebCenter Sites. You can control users' permissions to the tree, tabs in the tree, nodes in the tabs, and items in the nodes.

Roles are the components that you call to associate users with interface functions and the content that the users must manage.

9.2 Managing Access to Asset Types Using Start Menus

A start menu is a list of linked asset types of a site. You can manage start menus by modifying the asset components that can added from the Start menus, search and new.

See the following two figures for the New and Search menu forms in the Admin interface.

Figure 9-1 New Menu in the Admin Interface

Description of Figure 9-1 follows
Description of "Figure 9-1 New Menu in the Admin Interface"

Figure 9-2 Search Menu in the Admin Interface

Description of Figure 9-2 follows
Description of "Figure 9-2 Search Menu in the Admin Interface"

Clicking an asset type name opens a form for either creating an asset of the selected type, or searching for assets of the selected type. For example, clicking an asset type in a New start menu opens a form for creating an asset of the selected type. Clicking an asset type in the Search start menu opens a form that is used to search for and edit assets of the selected type.

The start menus shown in the preceding figures are accessible from the Admin Interface by the user clicking the New and Search buttons, at the top left of the interface. You, as the administrator, grant a user permission to a start menu item by assigning the same role to the user and the start menu item.

This section covers the following topics:

9.2.1 Working with Start Menu Items

Each option in a start menu is a start menu item. A start menu item names the type of asset a user can create, copy, or search for. For example, the New start menu shown in Figure 9-1 belongs to the Admin Interface and shows 16 start menus items to the user authorized to work with the items. The user can create assets of the types listed in the menu.

In the Admin Interface, start menu items are shown in a list when users click New or Search in the button bar.

You configure the start menu items to determine the following about the assets that are created with them:

  • Which roles on which sites have access to the start menu item. Specifying roles controls which content providers can create or search for assets of this type on the specified sites.

  • Field/value pairs. You can supply values for certain fields so that those fields are automatically filled in whenever a content provider creates an asset with the shortcut.

    For example, for basic assets, it can be useful to have the start menu item set a pre-determined value for the Dimension, Description, End Date, Start Date, Subtype, Template or User fields (or some combination). If your basic assets have associations that can be different based on the subtype of the asset, be sure to create start menu items that set a subtype for new assets so that the only the appropriate associations appear in the New form.

    For flex assets, it is useful to have start menu items that set the flex definition for new flex assets so the content providers have fewer steps.

  • Which workflow process to assign by default to new assets created with the start menu item and the users who participate in that workflow process.

Start menu items also determine whether certain operations can be performed on an asset type that is listed in a tree (in the Admin interface). If an asset type is shown on a tree, but there is no start menu item created for it, the only options listed in the right-click menu for the asset type are Refresh, Edit, and Inspect. To have the New option included in the right-click menu, a New start menu item must be created for the asset type. Start Menu Items for Different Kinds of Users

If you have different groups of content providers who create different types of content, you could create start menu items for each type.

For example, suppose that you have a group of writers who create business articles. You could create a start menu item that creates an article, sets the Category to Business, sets the template to the correct template for articles on the business page, and places it in a workflow for business articles. Additionally, if you create a role for business writers, you can configure the start menu item so that only users with the business writer role can use this start menu item. Start menu Items for Flex Assets

For flex assets, you can set the definition of a flex asset with the start menu item.

For example, suppose that your public site were a catalog of household goods and that your flex assets were products. You could create a start menu item named "Toaster" that sets the product definition to "toaster" for new toaster products, a start menu item named "glassware" that sets the appropriate product definition for new glassware products, and so on. A start menu item that sets the flex definition in this way eliminates a step for your content providers, thereby reducing the chance that they will select the wrong flex definition by mistake.

9.2.2 Managing Start Menu Items

Managing user's access to asset types on a site entails creating start menu items for the asset types. Start menu items determine which users can create and search for assets of specific types on a specific site. WebCenter Sites supports four kinds of start menu items:

  • New – creates a link for the asset type on the list that is shown when you click New in the button bar. If you do not create New items for the asset types that are enabled for a site, no one can create assets of those types. See About Start Menu Items.

  • Search – creates a link for the asset type on the list that is shown when you click Search in the button bar. If you do not create Search items for the assets that are enabled for a site, no one can search for and edit assets of those types in any of the WebCenter Sites interfaces. See Creating Search Start Menu Items.

Topics: About Start Menu Items

Before you begin creating start menu items, note the following:

  • Create start menu items for only the asset types that are enabled for that site. If the assets are not enabled, complete the steps in Enabling Asset Types for a Site.

  • To specify a default workflow process, create the workflow process first. See Creating and Managing Workflow Processes.

  • Talk with your developers to ascertain which fields are used by queries, collections, or other design elements for the online site. That way, you can specify useful default values for those fields.


    Content Query assets are not supported within the Admin interface.

  • Talk with your developers about specific dates when the site will change so that you can create start menu items with appropriate default start and end dates for Site Preview. Also note that for published assets, the end date determines when the assets automatically expire from the web site. Speak with developers about their requirements when formulating end date defaults.

  • Talk with your developers to find out which templates are appropriate for the various subtypes of asset types that you are creating start menu items for.

  • You cannot set values for the following kinds of fields:

    • An upload field or any field that writes data to a URL column.

    • Fields that accept multiple values.

    • Association fields.

    • Flex attribute fields for flex and flex parent assets.

    To illustrate, the following asset types cannot have set values in the Start Menu:

    • Visitor Attribute

    • CS Element

    • Dimension

    • Dimension Set

    • Flex Attribute

    • Flex Child Definition

    • Flex Filter

    • Flex Parent Definition

    • History Attribute

    • History Definition

    • Page Attribute

    • Page Definition

    • Page Filter

    • SiteEntry

    • Template

    • Attribute Editor Creating a Start Menu Item

  1. In the General Admin tree, expand the Admin node, expand the Start Menu node, and then double-click Add New.

    The Start Menu form opens.

    Figure 9-3 Start Menu Form — Part I

    Description of Figure 9-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 9-3 Start Menu Form — Part I"
  2. In the Name field, enter the name of the item, using up to 64 characters. Although it is not required, it is a good idea to start the name with the word "New" (for example, "New Article" or "New Template"). This is to help the user later realize that the start menu item is for a new asset.


    The following characters are not allowed in the Name field: single quote ('), double quote ("), less-than sign (<), and greater-than sign (>). Additionally, the name cannot end with a backslash (\).

    The name used in the New field will be shown on the New and Search forms if the Description field is left blank.

  3. In the Asset Type field, select the type of asset for which you are creating the Start Menu item.

  4. Click Continue.

  5. If you have chosen a flex asset type, the Flex Definition field will appear. If you did not select a flex asset type, skip to step 6.

    1. In the Flex Definition field, select the asset subtype.

    2. If the form does not automatically reload, click Continue.

    The Start Menu form continues with new fields.

    Figure 9-4 Start Menu Form — Part II

    Description of Figure 9-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 9-4 Start Menu Form — Part II"
  6. In the Description field, enter a short description, using up to 255 characters. The name entered in the Description field will be shown on the New and Search forms.

  7. In the Type field, select New.

    Note that the Asset Type field is an information-only field that shows your choice of asset type from the previous form.

  8. (Optional) In the Default Values section, complete the following steps if you want field values to be set automatically when a content provider creates an asset with this start menu item.

    1. Select a field from the Field drop-down list. This list shows all the fields for assets of this type; for example, category, source, and template.

    2. In the Value field, enter or select a value.


      All values are case-sensitive. WebCenter Sites does not validate the value against the field that you are setting it for. Therefore, you must be sure that you have entered an appropriate value.

    3. Click the Add arrow to add the value to the field.

    4. Repeat the previous three steps, as necessary.


      When you set a field value through a start menu item, the field does not become a read-only field. That is, no matter what value you set in the Start Menu form, that value can be overridden by the content provider who creates an asset through the start menu item. The values that you specify are for convenience only.

  9. In the Sites field, select which sites can use this start menu item. Use Ctrl-Click to select multiple sites.

  10. In the Roles field, select the roles that can have access to the start menu item. Use Ctrl-Click to select multiple roles.


    If you are assigning a default workflow with this start menu item, the roles that you select in this step must match the roles that are (or will be) authorized for the start step in the workflow process.

  11. (Optional) To configure workflow process details for assets created with this start menu item, complete the following steps:

    1. Click Select Workflow.

    2. In the Select Workflow form, select the appropriate workflow process from the drop-down list and then click Select Workflow.

    3. In the Set Participants form, select at least one user for each role that opens, and click Set Participants.

    4. Click Continue.

      The system saves the workflow information and re-shows the Start Menu form.

  12. Click Save. Creating Search Start Menu Items

To create a Search start menu item:

  1. In the General Admin tree, expand the Admin node, expand the Start Menu node, and then double-click Add New.

    The Start Menu form opens.

  2. In the Name field, enter the name of the item, using up to 64 characters. Although it is not required, it is a good idea to start the name with the word "Find" (for example, "Find Article" or "Find Template"). This is the name that is shown on the Search list.


    The following characters are not allowed in the Name field: single quote (;), double quote ("), less-than sign (<), and greater-than sign (>). Additionally, the name cannot end with a backslash (\).

  3. In the Asset Type field, select the type of asset for which you are creating the Start Menu item.

  4. Click Continue.

  5. If you have chosen a flex asset type, the Flex Definition field will appear. If you did not select a flex asset type, skip to step 7.

    1. In the Flex Definition field, select the asset subtype.

    2. If the form does not automatically reload, click Continue.

    The Start Menu form opens with new fields.

  6. Figure 9-5 Start Menu (for New Search)

    Description of Figure 9-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 9-5 Start Menu (for New Search)"
  7. In the Description field, enter a short description, using up to 255 characters.

  8. In the Type field, select Search.

    Note that the Asset Type field is an information-only field that shows your choice of asset type.

  9. In the Sites field, select which sites can use this start menu item. Use Ctrl-Click to select multiple sites.

  10. In the Roles field, select the roles that can have access to the start menu item. Use Ctrl-Click to select multiple roles.


    If you are assigning a default workflow with this start menu item, the roles that you select in this step must match the roles that are (or will be) authorized for the start step in the workflow process.

  11. Click Save. Editing Start Menu Items

To edit a Start Menu item:

  1. In the General Admin tree, expand the Admin node, expand the Start Menu node, and then expand the node the Start Menu item is located under. Double-click the Start Menu item.

    The Start Menu Item form opens.

  2. Click Edit.

    The Start Menu form with the stored information for the item opens.

  3. Make the changes to the item.
  4. Click Save. Showing a List of All Start Menu Items

In addition to the individual start menu nodes that appear for each of the asset types that exist on your WebCenter Sites system, there is a top-level Start Menu node in the Admin tree.

To show a list of all start menu items, do one of the following:

  • Use the Start Menu node in the Admin tree to see a list of all the start menu items in the system.

  • In the Inspect form of any individual start menu item, there is a link you can click to list all the start menu items in the system.

9.3 How to Set Access Permissions to Assets

With WebCenter Sites, set access permissions to assets that aren’t part of a workflow process of a site. You can configure policies that define roles for such assets. These roles control the permissions to perform various functions such as checkout, copy, edit, delete, rollback, share, approve, and build on assets.

For definitions of the functions, see Determining Function Privileges. For example, a policy for the Copy function can specify which roles are allowed to copy an asset. A different policy for the Copy function can specify which roles are denied the ability to copy an asset. For flex assets, inheritable policies can be set on parents, meaning that the policies are inherited by the children.

All of the above-listed functions are defined in the wcs_properties.json file, as values of the property xcelerate.authorizefunction (categorized under Security, if you are using the Property Management Tool).

Access permissions serve a three-fold purpose:

  • Extend the workflow function privileges system, making it possible to set permissions for assets when they are not in workflow.

  • Introduce functions (authorize, inspect, and preview) for viewing the contents of assets that are not in workflow.

  • Introduce a hierarchical permission inheritance model for assets that are not in workflow.


    The access permissions feature does not apply to other entities, such as pagelets.


9.3.1 Understanding the Permission Structure

Permission structure determines which functions (for example, edit and view) a role can perform. A user's permissions are managed by assigning him the roles that can perform the functions. WebCenter Sites implements a three-level permission structure: Grant, Deny, and Inherited. Grant and Deny denote the explicit permissions, they grant or deny the permission to perform a function. Inherited means that permissions are neither granted nor denied. Instead, the permissions are inherited from the parent asset's policy, if one exists. If the parent's policy does not exist, then the asset's permissions are inherited from the policy of the parent's parent, and so on.

If permissions are ambiguous, the following considerations may help resolve the ambiguity:

  • A permission is granted if at least one user's roles grants the permission.

  • Grant overrides Deny. If one role grants a permission, but another role denies the same permission, the permission is granted.

  • A permission is denied if at least one user's roles denies the permission, and no user's roles grant the permission.

    The above scenarios are summarized in the following table:

    Table 9-1 Permission Structure

    Role 1 Role 2 Result










  • Assets can inherit permissions from parent assets.

    For example, if a parent asset named "Money Market Funds" grants the delete permission to a role named Editor, and user Bob has that role, then Bob can delete the "Money Market Funds" asset and all of its child assets.

  • Asset permissions can override the parent assets' permissions.

    A "Prime Money Market semi-annual report" asset denies the delete permission to a certain role. That same role is granted the delete permission in the "Prime Money Market" parent asset. Bob cannot delete the report, even though the parent asset grants the delete permission.

  • If there are no applicable permissions found on a particular asset, then the administrator must use the Property Management Tool in the Admin interface to examine the wcs_properties.json file for this permission. In the wcs_properties.json file, permissions for a particular function are set for all assets, rather than for a single asset.

    See Setting Access Permissions from Property Files.

  • Asset permissions overrides property settings in the wcs_properties.json file.

    For example, if there is a permission xcelerate.copy.grant in the wcs_properties.json file and the permission to delete asset A is revoked, then the permission to delete asset A is denied.

9.3.2 Working with Authorization Types

Three types of authorization can be defined on a particular function and a particular asset: workflow function privileges, access permissions, and authorization properties in wcs_properties.json, all independent of each other.

When a user attempts to perform a function on an asset, the system performs a series of authorization checks in the following order, for that function:

For assets in workflow:

The system checks the workflow function privileges for the function in the workflow process in which the asset is entered.

  1. If no function privilege is defined for the function, the system checks the access permission policy for that function, as defined in the asset's access permissions interface.

  2. If no access permission is set for the function (including inheritance of the parent's policy), then the system checks the authorization properties in wcs_properties.json.

  3. If no types of authorization are defined, permission to perform the function on the asset is granted, by default.


    The above types of authorization are checked in the order shown. If two or more types of authorization are defined, the authorization that is found first overrides all other types of authorization. For example, for a specific function such as Edit, if both workflow function privileges and access permissions are defined on an asset, then function privileges on Edit override access permissions on Edit.

    For assets that are not in workflow:

    1. The system checks the access permissions policy for the function, as defined in the asset's access permissions interface.

    2. If no access permission is set for the function (including inheritance of the parent's policy), then the system checks the authorization properties in wcs_properties.json.

    3. If no levels of authorization are defined, permission to perform the function on the asset is granted, by default.

The different types of authorization are independent of each other. Only one type of authorization can apply to an asset at any given time for any given function. The following guidelines can help you decide which type of authorization to use:

  1. If a function does not require authorization, do not use any of the authorization types. All roles will have permission to perform that function.

  2. If you require a simple authorization policy across multiple assets, use the Property Management Tool to set authorization properties in the wcs_properties.json file.

  3. If you require a simple authorization policy on a particular asset, set access permissions.

  4. If you require a more complex type of authorization that allows workflow to control the permissions on an asset, set workflow function privileges.

9.3.3 Setting Access Permissions

Setting access permissions means creating a policy for an asset by specifying which roles can perform which function(s) on the asset.

There are several ways to set access permissions on assets:

  • Using the Admin interface to set permissions on individual assets.

  • Using the Property Management Tool to set permissions on all assets at one time in the wcs_properties.json file.

  • Using the Oracle WebCenter Sites: Contributor interface to set permissions on individual assets. For instructions, see Setting Access Permissions from the Contributor Interface in Using Oracle WebCenter Sites.


If your asset is entered in to a workflow for which function privileges are defined, the function privileges override the asset's access permissions. For information about function privileges, Restricting Access to Assets While They Are in Workflow.

This section covers the following topics: The Asset Toolbar

When an asset is viewed, a toolbar is located at the top to aid in working with the asset. This is where you can perform certain function with each asset.

The icons in the toolbar perform the following actions, described from left to right:

  • Edit: to open the Edit form for the asset.

  • Delete: Click to delete the asset.

  • Approve for Publish: Click to approve the asset for publication the next time publication for this asset occurs.

  • Share Content: Click to share the content with other sites as enabled by the system administrator.

  • Add to My Bookmarks: Click to add a bookmark to this asset in the Bookmarks node in the My Work tree.

  • Status: Click to open a form detailing the workflow approval state of the asset.

  • Access Permissions: Click to open the Access Permissions form for the asset. See Setting Access Permissions from the Admin Interface.

  • Drop-down menu: this menu allows you additional ways to work with the asset, including using the asset to copy and create an asset, and create an asset and search for other assets. Setting Access Permissions from the Admin Interface

To set access permissions from the Admin interface:

  1. Locate the asset for which you will set access permissions.
  2. In the asset's Inspect form, select Access Permissions from the asset toolbar.

    The Attribute Editor form opens.

    Figure 9-7 Attribute Editor Form

    Description of Figure 9-7 follows
    Description of "Figure 9-7 Attribute Editor Form"
  3. Select a radio box, click View by role or View by function. In this example, View by Function is used.


    In this procedure, we are using View by function, which allows you to select a function and then specify the roles that are granted or denied permission to perform it. If you select View by role, the order is reversed: you will have to select the role first, then specify the functions it is granted or denied.

  4. Select a function.

    Roles that can perform the function are now shown in the Inherited list box, by default. Inherited refers to the permissions policy that the asset inherits from its parent, or its parent's parent, and so on, depending on which asset in the hierarchy has a policy.

  5. Select a role (or roles) to which you will deny or grant the permission to perform the function. (To select a block of roles, Shift-Click the beginning and end of the block. To select non-adjacent roles, Ctrl-Click each role).
  6. Select either Grant or Deny to allow or forbid the role(s) to perform the function:
    • Grant explicitly allows the selected role(s) to perform the selected functions on the specific asset. All other roles are denied permission to perform the selected function on that asset unless explicitly granted permission.

    • Deny explicitly forbids the selected role(s) to perform the selected function on the specific asset. All other roles are denied permission to perform the selected function on that asset unless explicitly granted permission.

    • Selecting neither Grant nor Deny leaves the roles in the Inherited list box to indicate that access permissions are inherited.

  7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 for each function and role that must be granted or denied or which you want to grant or deny permission.
  8. Click Save when finished.

    Users who now access this asset are able to perform the functions that their roles allow. Setting Access Permissions from Property Files

Use the Property Management Tool to either grant or deny permissions by setting the following properties in wcs_properties.json file:

  • xcelerate.grant.functionname = rolelist

  • xcelerate.deny.functionname = rolelist


    functionname is the name of the function, as shown in the wcs_properties.json file file, categorized under Security if you are using the Property Management Tool.

    rolelist is a comma-separated list of roles for which the permission is either denied or granted.

If the permission is granted or denied in wcs_properties.json, it is granted or denied for all assets. The following two examples provide more information.

Example A


In the wcs_properties.json file, if the property xcelerate.grant.edit doesn't have any value, then the access permission specified from the Contributor user interface holds true.

Example B


In the wcs_properties.json file, if the property xcelerate.grant.edit has value=RoleY, then the access permission specified from the Contributor user interface is used along with the value specified in wcs_properties.json file. Therefore, the role specified from the Contributor user interface is used with RoleY and both can have the edit access.

9.4 Other Options for Asset Types

Oracle WebCenter Sites provides site developers with various items in the General Admin tree, under the Admin node to configure asset types. They can design and implement asset types with the help of these items.

Administrators typically do not manage the items. However, after an asset type is designed and installed, you might be asked to maintain the following items:

  • sources

  • categories

  • subtypes

  • associations

  • mimetypes

For information about these items and procedures for creating and editing them, see Creating Basic Asset Types in Developing with Oracle WebCenter Sites.

9.5 Options for Managing Access to the Tree (Admin Interface Only)

In the General Admin tree, under the Admin node provides various items to configure asset types. You can configure this General Admin tree according to your preferences and requirements.

You have several ways to configure the tree that is shown in the left-hand panel of the Admin interface:

  • You can configure the tree to be either shown by default in the main window or hidden by default.

  • You can control whether users who toggle a tree off are allowed to toggle the tree back on.

  • You can configure nodes within the tree, adding items or functionality to them, and determining which users have access to them based on their roles.

  • You can configure a tree node’s sub nodes to specify the number of items that are shown under any given node.

WebCenter Sites supports two general categories of trees and nodes:

  • System default trees and nodes, which provide administrative functionality (for example, Admin, Site Admin, and Workflow) and access to individual assets (History, Bookmarks, Site Plan).

    Assets and asset types intended for developers (for example, Template) are either available only for inspection or inaccessible in the Contributor interface. Conversely, the following assets are available only through the Contributor interface: All flex assets and their parent assets, all basic assets, Oracle WebCenter Sites: Engage assets (such as recommendations, segments and promotions), Query, Collection, and Page assets.

  • Custom trees:

    • Trees that you create to make it more convenient for users in different roles to create the most commonly used asset types.

    • Trees that developers create to offer customized behavior or functionality.


      The Workflow Groups node is a hybrid between a system default and a custom tab. Although the Workflow Groups node is not installed by default and you must create it to use it, the element that provides its logic is installed. That is, while you must manually create this node, your developers do not have to code an element for you.

The following topics describe how to add roles to the system default trees and nodes, how to create basic tree nodes that provide access to asset types, and how to configure whether the tree is shown by default. See Customizing the Content Tree in Developing with Oracle WebCenter Sites.

9.5.1 Showing and Hiding the Tree

Any user can toggle the tree on and off whenever he requires less or more space in the main window to show the assets that he is working on.

You can configure your WebCenter Sites system so that the tree is toggled off by default. You can also control whether users are allowed to toggle the tree back on.

The WebCenter Sites features for working with assets are available in right-mouse menus on the tabs and through the icons at the top of the window and the action bars shown in the New, Edit, and Inspect forms for individual assets managed solely in the Admin interface. Therefore, it is not necessary to show the tree for content providers. However, because the administrative functions are available only through the Admin, Site Plan, and Workflow tabs, administrative users must always have access to the tree.

To configure the tree and toggling rights:

  1. In the Admin interface, open the Property Management Tool.

  2. In the Category drop-down menu, select UI.

  3. Click Search.

  4. To specify that the tree should be toggled off by default when users first log in to the Admin interface, do the following:

    1. Select the xcelerate.showSiteTree property.

    2. In the Value field, set its value to false.

    3. Click Save.

  5. (Optional) To configure the system so that only administrative users (that is, users who have the xceladmin ACL assigned to their user accounts) are allowed to toggle the tree back on, do the following:

    1. Select the xcelerate.restrictSiteTree property.

    2. In the Value field, set its value to true.

    3. Click Save.

  6. Restart the application server.

9.5.2 About Creating Tree Tabs

A tree node is a node (such as Admin) that opens in the left-hand panel of the Admin interface. Access to tree nodes is controlled through roles.

Several default tree nodes are core to WebCenter Sites. Before creating a tree node, review the default nodes to gain an understanding of the existing capabilities of WebCenter Sites. The default tree nodes are:

  • Bookmarks – shows the assets that you selected and placed in your bookmarks. All users see this tab as soon as they use the Add to My Bookmarks button to place an asset in their bookmarks.

  • Admin – shows the administrative functions that affect all of the sites in the system. By default, only users with the default system role named GeneralAdmin have access to this node.

  • Mobility – enables developers to configure the Mobility feature. By default, only users with the default system role named GeneralAdmin have access to this node.

  • Connector Admin – shows the administrative functions for administering WebCenter Content.

  • Dev — serves as the source for creating pages on your site. Some of these sources are: Templates, Product Definition, Content Definition, and other sources for the creating pages.

  • History – shows the assets that you worked with during the current session. All users see this tab as soon as they create, inspect, edit, or copy their first asset. This tab is not configurable.

  • Site Admin – holds a subset of the administrative functions that apply only to the site that you are currently logged in to. By default, only users with the default system role named SiteAdmin have access to this tab. This tab is useful if you have individuals who manage which existing users have access to individual sites, but who do not have to create users or sites.

  • Visitors Admin – enables developers to configure and manage Visitor Services through the WebCenter Sites Admin interface.

  • Site Navigation – shows a graphical and hierarchical representation of the pages, collections, queries, and content assets that make up the online site that you are making available on the delivery system. By default, all of the FirstSiteII sample site roles and system default roles grant access to this tab.

  • Workflow – has the workflow configuration functions. By default, only users with the Workflow Admin role have access to this tab.

  • Bookmarks – holds a list of bookmarked pages.

  • History – shows the assets that you worked with during the current session.

This section covers the following topics: Creating a Tree Tab


Before creating a tree tab, familiarize yourself with the default tree tabs to avoid duplicating their functions.

To create a tree tab:

  1. In the Admin tab, double-click Tree.

    The Tree Tabs form opens.

  2. In the Tree Tabs form, click Add New Tree Tab.

    The Add New Tree Tab form opens.

    Figure 9-9 Add New Tree Tab Form

    Description of Figure 9-9 follows
    Description of "Figure 9-9 Add New Tree Tab Form"
  3. In the Title field, enter a short, descriptive name of up to 64 characters.
  4. In the Tooltip field, enter a short, informative description of the tab, up to 255 characters. This description is shown when the mouse hovers over the tab.
  5. In the Site field, select the sites that will show the tab.
  6. In the Required Roles field, select which roles can access the tab.
  7. In the Tab Contents field, select the asset types and then click Add Selected Items.
  8. (Optional) To add custom functionality to this tab, use the Section Name and Element Name fields at the bottom of the form. You will require help from your developers for this step. See Implementing a Custom Tree in Developing with Oracle WebCenter Sites.
  9. Click Save.

    The tab is shown in the tree (refresh if necessary). Creating the Workflow Groups Tab

The Workflow Groups tab shows the workflow groups that exist for a site and the assets that are included in those groups. See Understanding Workflow Groups. This tab does not appear by default. To use it, you must create it.

To create the Workflow Groups tab:

  1. In the Admin tab, double-click Tree.

    The Tree Tabs form opens.

  2. In the form, click Add New Tree Tab.

    The Add New Tree Tab form opens.

  3. In the Title field, enter a short, descriptive name of up to 64 characters.

    For example: Workflow Groups.

  4. In the Tooltip field, enter a short, informative description of the tab, up to 255 characters.

    For example: Workflow Groups.

  5. In the Site field, select the sites that will show the tab.
  6. In the Required Roles field, select which roles can access the tab.
  7. In the Tab Contents area, scroll down to the section area. In the Section Name field, enter Groups.
  8. In the Element Name field, enter OpenMarket/Gator/UIFramework/LoadWorkflowGroups
  9. Click Add New Section.

    The word Groups opens in the Selected column.

  10. Click Save.

9.5.3 Editing Trees and Nodes

Editing a tree or node means that you can:

  • Rename it.

  • Edit its tooltip.

  • Enable it for a different set of sites.

  • Show it to a different set of roles.

  • Select a different set of content for it, and/or rearrange the content's order.


    A tree node is shown in the Contributor interface when two conditions are met: the tree node is enabled on the user's site, and both the tree node and the user have at least one role in common.

    When you create site users with roles, you must select the roles in the default tree nodes so that the users have access. (Default tree nodes are not automatically enabled for roles.).

To edit a tree or node:

  1. In the General Admin tree, expand the Admin node, and then double-click Tree.

    The Tree Tabs form opens.

  2. Navigate to the tab and click its Edit icon.

    The Edit Tree Tab form opens.

  3. In the Edit Tree Tab form, make the necessary changes.

    For example:

    • If you wish to enable the tree tab for a new site, select the site from the Sites list.

    • If your new site has users with new roles, and you wish to enable the tree tab for those users, select the users' roles from the Roles list.

  4. Click Save.

9.5.4 Deleting Tree Tabs

To delete a tree tab:

  1. In the General Admin tree, expand the Admin node, and then double-click Tree.

    The Tree Tabs form opens.

  2. In the Tree Tabs form, navigate to the tree tab and click its Delete icon.

    A warning message opens.

  3. Click Delete Tree Tab.

    The tree tab has been deleted.

9.5.5 Changing Tree Tab Order

You can change the order in which the tree tabs (nodes) are shown.

To change the order of tree tabs:

  1. In the General Admin tree, expand the Admin node, and then double-click Tree.

    The Tree Tabs form opens.

  2. At the bottom of the Tree Tabs form, click Order Tree Tabs.

    The Order Tree Tabs form opens.

    Figure 9-10 Order Tree Tabs Form

    Description of Figure 9-10 follows
    Description of "Figure 9-10 Order Tree Tabs Form"

    The form lists the tabs in the order in which they will appear in the tree.

    The tree arranges its tabs into rows. When there are more tabs than a single row can accommodate, an additional row is formed behind it. The tabs in each row are ordered from left to right. Rows are ordered front-to-back.

  3. To move a tab in the tree, select the tab from the list and then use the arrow buttons to move the tab to the correct position. Repeat this step for each tab to reposition.
  4. Click Save.

    The new tab order is shown in the tree (refresh if necessary).

9.5.6 Configuring the Number of Items Shown Under Nodes on Tabs

To optimize the response time of WebCenter Sites, you may want to limit the number of assets that are listed under their respective node in a tree tab. When the WebCenter Sites database holds many assets of any one type, WebCenter Sites can take a long time to load all the assets and then list them under their node in the tab. Limit the number of items to be listed under the node by setting a threshold to minimize loading time. Then, when the number of assets (or other items) for a node exceeds the threshold, and a user attempts to access the assets, the administrator's interface prompts the user to enter a search criterion that restricts the number of items to be returned.

For example, consider a node contains more than 300 articles, and the threshold is set to 100. When a user expands the node icon that represents the articles, WebCenter Sites shows a small search criteria form that prompts the user to enter values to limit the number of articles that it returns.

To configure the number of items under a node in a tree tab:

  1. In the Admin interface, open the Property Management Tool.
  2. In the Name field, enter xcelerate.treeMaxNodes.
  3. Click Search.
  4. Select the name of the property. In the Value field, specify a value for it. By default, this property is set to 100, which means that up to 100 items can be shown under a node.


    When the number of items to display exceeds the value defined in the xcelerate.treeMaxNodes property, categorized assets (AviSports, Tennis Articles, Basketball Articles, and so on) are properly delimited with a Next and Previous button that allows the users to load the articles in sets of X assets. However, uncategorized assets are not delimited. However, the current tree design in contributor user interface doesn't allow this process at the root(tab) level as multiple tab contents are displayed at the root level.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Restart the application server.