12 Satellite Properties

The following topics provide information about each property associated with the Satellite category in the wcs_properties.json file:

12.1 About the Properties in the Satellite Category

Properties categorized under Satellite in the WebCenter Sites wcs_properties.json file describe how to communicate with any of the Satellite servlets (Satellite Server), whether they are running locally or on remote servers.

Additionally, because Satellite Server is installed by default on the server that hosts your WebCenter Sites application, each WebCenter Sites system has a Satellite Server wcs_properties.json file that configures the local Satellite servlet. (Note that when Satellite Server is also running on a remote server, that server also has a Satellite Server wcs_properties.json file.) For information about the properties in that file, see Satellite Server JSON File.

12.2 Properties in the Satellite Category

Table 12-1 provides a description for each of the properties in the JSON file that are associated with the Satellite category.

Table 12-1 Satellite Properties

Properties Description


This value is the servlet path for the Blob Server servlet. It is used to tell Satellite Server where to go to resolve satellite.blob tags.

Typical values include /NASApp/cs/BlobServer for iPlanet and /servlet/BlobServer for servlet runners.

Default value: /<wcsites.app.contextroot>/BlobServer


Applies to only legacy page caching. This property specifies the location of disk based cache data. If this property is left blank, cached data will be stored in the context's temp folder.

Default value: blank


Applies to only legacy page caching. This property specifies the maximum number of objects to maintain in the cache. Objects are removed from the cache if the size specified is exceeded; an LRU method is used to manage cache size limits.

Default value: 1000000


Applies to installations in which Satellite Server and WebCenter Sites are running in the same web application and must therefore share the user's session. This property specifies the path to the WebCenter Sites installation, enabling Satellite Server to access WebCenter Sites resources.

Possible values:

  • blank, if Satellite Server is running in a web application other than WebCenter Sites.

  • <cs_installation_dir> if Satellite Server is running in the same web application as WebCenter Sites.

Default value: <wcsites.home>


Satellite Server maintains a session between itself and the remote host on behalf of the client. Satellite Server needs to know the name of the session ID cookie the application server uses so that it can be properly tracked.

Enter the possible session cookie name prefixes here, separated by a semicolon. If left blank, a default set will be used.

Default value: JSESSIONID;WebLogicSession;GX_SESSIONID


Specifies the host names of the servers that are hosting Satellite servlets that the CacheManager on this server (the one that hosts WebCenter Sites) needs to communicate with.

Enter a comma-separated list of host names. The value for each host must include the path to the WebCenter Sites servlets.Use the following format:


You can use https or special ports, if necessary. If required by your configuration, be sure to specify a fully-qualified domain name.

The Satellite servlet that resides on this server is listed by default.


Specifies the passwords for the user accounts specified by the cs.satelliteusers property. Note that the password for the Satellite servlet on this server is listed by default.

The value of this property is encrypted as a single string. Therefore, when you edit the value of this property, you must enter all the passwords for all the Satellite servlet hosts, including the comma delimiter.

Enter a comma-separated list of passwords in the order that matches the order in which you enter the corresponding users for the cs.satelliteusers property. Be sure that the order of this list also matches the order of the list of host names provided for the cs.satellitehosts property.


Specifies the user names for the Satellite Server hosts. Note that the user name for the Satellite servlet on this server is listed by default.

Enter a comma-separated list of user names in the order that matches the list of passwords that you specified for the cs.satellitepassword property.


Applies to inCache page caching and legacy page caching. This property specifies expiration information (in the form of a COM.FutureTense.Util.TimePattern string) for all cached objects that do not have this information specified elsewhere.

The expiration information for an object can be specified in the cachecontrol attribute on the satellite.page (and related) tags. For pages, expiration information can also be specified in the SiteCatalog's sscacheinfo column. For binary objects, the default value for the cachecontrol attribute is specified in the futuretense.ini file.

Note that the outermost wrapper page of any request cannot specify an override, so this property is the only place where it can be controlled.

Default value: 5:0:0 */*/*

This means that everything in the Satellite Server cache expires every day at 5:00 a.m.

The format is as follows:

<hours>:<minutes>:<seconds> <daysOfWeek>/<daysOfMonth>/<months>

Possible values:

  • <hours>: 0 through 23, where 0 is midnight

  • <minutes>: 0 through 59

  • <seconds>: 0 through 59

  • <daysOfWeek>: 0 through 6, where 0 is Sunday

  • <daysOfMonth>: 1 through 31

  • <months>: 1 through 12

Other possible values:

  • never, which means the page can expire only if the cache is full and it is the least recently used page

  • immediate, which means to never cache the page


Applies to legacy page caching. This property specifies the size (in kilobytes) of objects that can be cached to disk. Smaller objects are retained in memory.

This value should be adjusted for system RAM, disk speed, and so on.

Default value: 250


The Satellite servlet converts WebCenter Sites URLs that you GET or POST to into Satellite URLs. This property specifies which string to replace in the WebCenter Sites URL to create a Satellite URL.

This value is case sensitive.

Effective in Satellite Server 6, use the new satellite.form tag for all forms.

Default value: action=\"ContentServer\"


If this property is set to true, Satellite Server will parse through all processable pages returned from WebCenter Sites and replace all instances of the string described by the formaction property with the string described by the newformaction property. It will also replace any occurrence of ContentServer with the string described by the servlet property.

Default value: false


The name of the remote host system running WebCenter Sites that the Satellite engine is caching requests for.

This is required and there is no default.


Specifies the replacement string in URLs to be GET'ed or POST'ed to the locally mapped servlet.

This value is case sensitive.

Effective in Satellite Server 6, use the new satellite.form tag for all forms.

Default value: action=\"Satellite\"


The port number for communicating with the WebCenter Sites host.

Default value: 80


The communication protocol between the Satellite Server host and the WebCenter Sites host. (Generally http:// or https://).

Note that setting the protocol to https:// will not, in itself, ensure secure communications. You will still need to get a certificate.

Default value: <wcsites.app.protocal>://


This value is the servlet path for the WebCenter Sites servlet.

It is used to tell Satellite Server where to go to resolve satellite.page tags.

Typical values include /NASApp/cs/ContentServer for iPlanet and /servlet/ContentServer for servlet runners.

Default value: /<wcsites.app.contextroot>/ContentServer


Specifies the URL pattern used to identify the Satellite Server servlet. Satellite Server will rewrite links and forms to use this URL pattern if pages are properly designed.

Default value: Satellite


Users can now specify the prefix that is prepended to the session id cookie.

The session id cookie is the session id cookie for the host (that is, WebCenter Sites). Satellite Server needs to pass the session id cookie to the client in order to maintain a session between WebCenter Sites and the client.

The cookie must be renamed, so it does not conflict with the session cookie that Satellite Server itself uses. The configurable prefix allows users who know the name of the session id cookie to construct the full cookie name. This can be used in a servlet filter or other mechanism to support custom functionality.

Default value: SS_X_


Specifies whether the ContentServer servlet and the Satellite servlet share the user session.

If Satellite Server is running remotely, set this to false; if Satellite Server and ContentServer are co-resident, set this property to true.

If this property is not set appropriately, user-specific information may be inconsistent between pages.

Default value: true


The password for the Satellite Server user, on the Satellite Server side. This is encrypted, using a two-way hash function.

Default value: <wcsites.satelliteserver.password>


The username for the Satellite Server user, on the Satellite Server side. This must match the value for the wcsites.satelliteserver.username property.

Default value: <wcsites.satelliteserver.username>


A regular expression denoting content types that may contain nested components such as pagelets, links to other WebCenter Sites pages, or links to blobs.

Default value: text/.*|.*xml.*


The password for the Satellite Server user, on the WebCenter Sites system. This is encrypted using a two-way hash function.

Default value: <wcsites.satelliteserver.password>


Specifies the Satellite Server username on the WebCenter Sites system.

Default value: satteliteserver