17 UI Properties

The following topics provide information about each property associated with the UI category in the WebCenter Sites wcs_properties.json file:

17.1 About the Properties in the UI Category

Properties categorized under UI in the WebCenter Sites wcs_properties.json file control the appearance of and components displayed in the WebCenter Sites Contributor and Admin interfaces.

17.2 Properties in the UI Category

Table 17-1 provides a description for each of the properties in the JSON file that are associated with the UI category.

Table 17-1 UI Properties

Property Description


Used to enable and disable the WebCenter Sites Admin interface for content contributors. Access to the following assets is affected:

  • All flex assets and their parent assets

  • All basic assets

  • Oracle WebCenter Sites: Engage assets, such as recommendations, segments and promotions

  • Query, Collection, and Page assets

By default, this property is set to false, which disables the WebCenter Sites Admin interface for content contributors. The assets listed above cannot be created, edited, searched for, or deleted, except from the Oracle WebCenter Sites: Contributor interface, where they are supported by default.

Note: In the Contributor interface, asset types and assets intended for developers are either available only for inspection or they are inaccessible. They must be accessed from the WebCenter Sites Admin interface.

Default value: false


This property is used to enable and disable the Flash uploader.

Default value: false


This property allows you to specify how a child asset will open when a user double-clicks a child tree node in the Contributor interface.

Possible values: open, inspect, edit

Default value: open

Note: If this property is set to open and a user double-clicks a child that is already open in a tab, that asset is displayed in the tab, in the view in which the asset is currently displayed. If the child is not currently open in a tab, the asset opens in its Inspect view.


This property allows you to specify how a parent asset will open when a use double-clicks a parent tree node in the Contributor interface.

Possible values: browse, open, inspect, edit

Default value: browse

Note: When this property is set to browse, double-clicking a parent tree node opens a Browse tab that lists all the child assets associated with that parent asset. If this property is set to open and a user double-clicks a parent that is already open in a tab, that parent is displayed in the tab, in the view in which the parent is currently displayed. If the parent is not currently open in a tab, the parent opens in its Inspect view.


This property should only be set to true if the included assets in the FCKEditor field should be shown in span tag. If set to false, FCKEditor determines between span and div tag implicitly after validating the content of the included asset.

Default value: false


Default maximum values for multi valued attributes in the asset forms.

Default value: -1


Specifies the ACL that users must be assigned so they can access administrator functions (that is, any of the functions that appear on the Admin tab in the WebCenter Sites Admin interface).

Possible Values: Any defined ACL

Default value: xceladmin

Note: If you change the value of this property to a different ACL, be sure to assign that ACL to all the tables that currently have the xceladmin ACL assigned to them.


Specifies whether assets can be shared to all sites.

Possible values: true | false

Default value: true


Specifies whether users from more than one site can participate in the same workflow process.

Possible values: true | false

Default value: true


Set to the preview generator name to generate URLs for preview, if no site-specific one is described.

Default value: Standard


One of two properties that enable the preview host feature, this property defines the protocol, server, and port for the preview host to use.

For information about this feature, see Maintaining Separate Browser Sessions for Preview in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Sites.

If you provide a value for this property, use the following syntax:



One of two properties that enable the preview host feature, this property specifies which servlet the preview host should use.

For information about this feature, see Maintaining Separate Browser Sessions for Preview in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Sites.

Default value: Satellite


Set to the name of page to generate URLs for preview.

Default value: OpenMarket/Xcelerate/UIFramework/ShowPreviewFrames

Note: Do not change the value of this property.


Specifies whether users, other than administrators, can toggle the tree on in the WebCenter Sites Admin interface when it is configured to be toggled off by default (that is, the xcelerate.showSiteTree property is set to false).

Set to true to enable only users with the xceladmin ACL to be able to toggle the tree back on.

Default value: false

For more information about this feature, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Sites.


Specifies which columns are shown in the search results and publishing screens in the Admin interface. It does not control the order in which the columns are displayed.

Default value: name,modified,locale,startDate,endDate,assetType


Specifies whether the tree is displayed by default when any user logs in to the WebCenter Sites Admin interface.

Set to false if you want the tree to be toggled off by default.

Default value: true

For more information about this feature, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Sites.


Enables hierarchical display mode for SiteEntry, CSElement, Template, and Recommendation assets.

The value of this property is a comma-delimited list of asset types that should be displayed in a hierarchy.

Asset types whose assets should not be displayed in a hierarchy should not be included in the list.

The hierarchical structure is based on the "/" in the asset name. Each "/" in the asset name represents one hierarchy level. For example, /AssetName is the top level, //AssetName is the next level, and so on.

Default value: SiteEntry,CSElement,Template,Recommendation


The class that implements ITreeTabManager to provide tree tab descriptions for WebCenter Sites.

Default value: com.openmarket.xcelerate.treetab.TreeTabManager

Note: The default is provided here for reference only. Do not change the value of this property.


Specifies the number of items that are displayed under a node in the tree in the WebCenter Sites Admin interface. When a node has more than this number of items, WebCenter Sites prompts the user to enter search criteria to reduce the number.

Default value: 100

For more information about this feature, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Sites.


Specifies the kind of tree that is used in the WebCenter Sites Admin interface.

Possible values: DojoTree or a value that specifies a customized replacement tree.

Default value: DojoTree

Do not change this property without first consulting Oracle support personnel.


Enables or disables Web Mode (in the Contributor interface) for this WebCenter Sites system. A value of true enables Web Mode.

Default value: true

Do not enable Web Mode on your WebCenter Sites delivery system.


Specifies the boolean that WebCenter Sites uses to determine the input names of attributes on FlexAsset/Parent forms. Turn this property on if you need to support custom attribute editors that have not been updated to the new format.

Default value: false


The field to display (name or description) to describe attributes on a FlexAsset or FlexGroup ContentForm or ContentDetails form.

Possible values: name or description

Default value: description