1 Introduction and Roadmap

This chapter describes the contents and organization of this guide—Administering JDBC Data Sources for Oracle WebLogic Server.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Document Scope and Audience

This document is a resource for software developers and system administrators who develop and support applications that use the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API. It also contains information that is useful for business analysts and system architects who are evaluating WebLogic Server. The topics in this document are relevant during the evaluation, design, development, pre-production, and production phases of a software project.

This document does not address specific JDBC programming topics. For links to WebLogic Server documentation and resources for this topic, see Related Documentation.

It is assumed that the reader is familiar with Java EE and JDBC concepts. This document emphasizes the value-added features provided by WebLogic Server.

Guide to this Document

Related Documentation

This document contains JDBC data source configuration and administration information.

For comprehensive guidelines for developing, deploying, and monitoring WebLogic Server applications, see the following documents:

JDBC Samples and Tutorials

In addition to this document, Oracle provides a variety of JDBC code samples and tutorials that show configuration and API use, and provide practical instructions on how to perform key JDBC development tasks.

Avitek Medical Records Application (MedRec) and Tutorials

MedRec is an end-to-end sample Java EE application shipped with WebLogic Server that simulates an independent, centralized medical record management system. The MedRec application provides a framework for patients, doctors, and administrators to manage patient data using a variety of different clients.

MedRec demonstrates WebLogic Server and Java EE features, and highlights Oracle-recommended best practices. MedRec is optionally installed with the WebLogic Server installation. You can start MedRec from the ORACLE_HOME\user_projects\domains\medrec directory, where ORACLE_HOME is the directory you specified as the Oracle Home when you installed Oracle WebLogic Server.

JDBC Examples in the WebLogic Server Distribution

WebLogic Server optionally installs API code examples in EXAMPLES_HOME\wl_server\examples\src\examples, where EXAMPLES_HOME represents the directory in which the WebLogic Server code examples are configured. For more information, see "Sample Applications and Code Examples" in Understanding Oracle WebLogic Server.

New and Changed JDBC Data Source Features in This Release

This release includes the following new and changed features:

For a comprehensive listing of the new WebLogic Server features introduced in this release, see What's New in Oracle WebLogic Server 12.2.1.

Default Data Source

Oracle provides Default Data Source support required by a Java EE 7-compliant runtime. This includes a configured data source that can be used by an application to access the Derby Database installed with WebLogic Server. See Chapter 4, "Using the Default Data Source."

Simplified Driver Installation/Update

In previous releases, adding a new JDBC driver or updating a JDBC driver where the replacement JAR has a different name than the original JAR required updating the WebLogic Server's classpath to include the location of the JDBC driver classes. In this release, you can simply put the drivers in the $DOMAIN_HOME/lib directory and not have to change the classpath. See Adding Third-Party JDBC Drivers Not Installed with WebLogic Server.

Proxy Data Source Support

Oracle provides a new data source type which provides the ability to switch between databases in a WebLogic Server Java EE Multitenant environment. See Chapter 7, "Using Proxy Data Sources."

UCP Data Source Support

A UCP data source is provided as an option for users who wish to use Oracle Universal Connection Pooling (UCP) to connect to Oracle Databases. UCP provides an alternative connection pooling technology to Oracle WebLogic Server connection pooling. For more information, see Chapter 8, "Using Universal Connection Pool Data Sources."

JDBC Data Source Support for Multitenancy

Data source configuration and monitoring support for WebLogic Server Multitenant. See "Configuring JDBC" in Using WebLogic Server Multitenant.

Connection Leak Profiling Enhancements

Connection leak profiling enhancements include:

  • A new attribute, Set Connection Leak Timeout Seconds, that can be used instead of Inactive Connection Timeout Seconds to specify the length of time before a reserved connection is considered leaked.

  • Two new profile records:

    • JDBC Object Closed Usage—Collect profile information about application components that close a connection, statement, or result set.

    • Local Transaction Connection Leak—Collect profile information about application components that leak a local transaction (start it but don't commit or rollback the transaction).

For more information, see Collecting Profile Information.

Enhanced Connection-Based System Properties

You can set connection-based system properties using variables based on your environment. For more information, see Enabling Connection-Based System Properties.

Application Continuity Runtime Statistics

Application Continuity (or Replay) statistics are available using the JDBCReplayStatisticsRuntimeMBean for Generic and Active GridLink data sources. For more information, see Viewing Runtime Statistics for Application Continuity.

ONS Node List Configuration Enhancements

You can now use a property node list to configure the ONS node list. The property node list, which can be used instead of a single node list, is a string composed of multiple records, with each record consisting of a key=value pair. For more information, see ONS Client Configuration.

DRCP Network Timeout Property

In this release, a system property weblogic.jdbc.attachNetworkTimeout is provided that, after an attach to the server, specifies a network timeout that forces a round-trip to the database (using an Oracle ping database operation). The timeout is then unset. For more information, see Database Resident Connection Pooling.

Enhanced Edition-Based Redefinition (EBR) Documentation

The documentation that describes this feature has been enhanced to include details about using EBR with JDBC connections, and describes how to configure WebLogic data sources to use Editions. For more information, see Using Edition-Based Redefinition.

Guidelines for Planned Maintenance and Database Outages

Procedures and guidelines have been included for planning and managing database maintenance and downtimes for Multi Data Source and Active Gridlink data sources. For more information, see the following topics:

Enabling ONS and JDBC Debugging Changes

To enable ONS and JDBC replay debugging, you must configure Java Util Logging. For more information, see the following topics:

Removed Support for Connect-Time Failover

Oracle Connect-Time Failover was deprecated in an earlier release. This functionality, and the supporting appendix, have been removed in this release.