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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.2.1)

Part Number E55141-01
P4 Change 1723563 on 2015/10/09

Interface TemplateBean

All Superinterfaces:
NamedEntityBean, SettableBean

public interface TemplateBean
extends NamedEntityBean

Template beans contain default values for destination attributes. If a destination defines a template and does not explicitly set the value of an attribute, then that attribute will take its value from the defined template.

Method Summary
abstract  void addDestinationKey(String destinationKey)
          Adds a destination key to the end of the list of keys used for sorting destinations.
abstract  GroupParamsBean createGroupParams(String subDeploymentName)
          Creates a group parameter and adds it to this template.
abstract  void destroyGroupParams(GroupParamsBean quota)
          Removes a group parameter from this template.
abstract  DestinationBean findErrorDestination(String subDeploymentName)
          Finds the name of the error destination to use when a destination comes from a specific group
abstract  String getAttachSender()
          Specifies whether messages landing on destinations that use this template should attach the credential of the sending user.
abstract  DeliveryFailureParamsBean getDeliveryFailureParams()
          The parameters that control what should happen to messages when failures occur.
abstract  DeliveryParamsOverridesBean getDeliveryParamsOverrides()
          Delivery parameter settings that override delivery parameters set by the JMS client.
abstract  String[] getDestinationKeys()
          The list of potential destination keys for sorting messages that arrive on destinations that use this JMS template.
abstract  GroupParamsBean[] getGroupParams()
          The group parameters for this template.
abstract  int getIncompleteWorkExpirationTime()
          Specifies the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, before undelivered messages in an incomplete UOW are expired.
abstract  int getMaximumMessageSize()
          The maximum size of a message that will be accepted from producers on this destination.
abstract  MessageLoggingParamsBean getMessageLoggingParams()
          Message logging parameters control message logging actions when a message life cycle change is detected.
abstract  int getMessagingPerformancePreference()
          Controls how long destinations that use this template are willing to wait to create full batches of available messages (if at all) for delivery to consumers.
abstract  MulticastParamsBean getMulticast()
          The parameters for receiving messages using multicast rather than a connection-oriented protocol such as TCP.
abstract  QuotaBean getQuota()
          A Quota controls the allotment of system resources available to destinations.
abstract  String getSafExportPolicy()
          Specifies whether a user can send messages to destinations that use this template using Store-and-Forward.
abstract  ThresholdParamsBean getThresholds()
          A threshold is a point that must be exceeded in order to produce a given effect.
abstract  String getUnitOfWorkHandlingPolicy()
          Specifies whether the Unit-of-Work (UOW) feature is enabled for destinations that use this template.
abstract  boolean isConsumptionPausedAtStartup()
          Specifies whether message consumption is paused on destinations that use this template at server startup.
abstract  boolean isDefaultUnitOfOrder()
          Specifies whether WebLogic Server creates a system-generated unit-of-order name based on the domain, JMS server, and destination name.
abstract  boolean isInsertionPausedAtStartup()
          Specifies whether new message insertion is paused on destinations that use this template at server startup.
abstract  boolean isProductionPausedAtStartup()
          Specifies whether new message production on destinations that use this template is paused on at server startup.
abstract  GroupParamsBean lookupGroupParams(String subDeploymentName)
          Finds the group params bean associated with the given sub-deployment-name
abstract  void removeDestinationKey(String destinationKey)
          Removes a destination key from the list of keys used for sorting destinations.
abstract  void setAttachSender(String attachSender)
          Sets the value of the AttachSender attribute.
abstract  void setConsumptionPausedAtStartup(boolean consumptionPausedAtStartup)
          Sets the value of the ConsumptionPausedAtStartup attribute.
abstract  void setDefaultUnitOfOrder(boolean defaultUnitOfOrder)
          Sets the value of the DefaultUnitOfOrder attribute.
abstract  void setDestinationKeys(String[] destinationKeyArray)
          Sets the value of the DestinationKeys attribute.
abstract  void setIncompleteWorkExpirationTime(int incompleteWorkExpirationTime)
          Sets the value of the IncompleteWorkExpirationTime.
abstract  void setInsertionPausedAtStartup(boolean insertionPausedAtStartup)
          Sets the value of the InsertionPausedAtStartup attribute.
abstract  void setMaximumMessageSize(int maximumMessageSize)
          Sets the value of the MaximumMessageSize attribute.
abstract  void setMessagingPerformancePreference(int throughputEmphasis)
          Sets the value of the MessagingPerformancePreference attribute.
abstract  void setProductionPausedAtStartup(boolean productionPausedAtStartup)
          Sets the value of the ProductionPausedAtStartup attribute.
abstract  void setQuota(QuotaBean quota)
          Sets the value of the Quota attribute.
abstract  void setSafExportPolicy(String safExportPolicy)
          Sets the value of the SafExportPolicy attribute.
abstract  void setUnitOfWorkHandlingPolicy(String unitOfWorkHandlingPolicy)
          Sets the value of the UnitOfWorkHandlingPolicy attribute.


Methods inherited from interface weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.NamedEntityBean
getId, getName, getNotes, setName, setNotes


Method Detail


String[] getDestinationKeys()

The list of potential destination keys for sorting messages that arrive on destinations that use this JMS template.

The keys are ordered from most significant to least significant. If more than one key is specified, a key based on the JMSMessageID can only be the last key in the list.

Note: If JMSMessageID is not defined in the key, it is implicitly assumed to be the last key and is set as "Ascending" (FIFO) for the sort order.

An array of destination keys, ordered from most signifigant to least


void addDestinationKey(String destinationKey)

Adds a destination key to the end of the list of keys used for sorting destinations.

destinationKey - The string to be added as a key. Will be added to the end of the list of keys


void removeDestinationKey(String destinationKey)

Removes a destination key from the list of keys used for sorting destinations.

destinationKey - The string to be removed as a key used for sorting


void setDestinationKeys(String[] destinationKeyArray)
                        throws IllegalArgumentException

Sets the value of the DestinationKeys attribute.

destinationKeyArray - An array of keys to be used with this template
See Also:
TemplateBean.getDestinationKeys(), TemplateBean.getDestinationKeys()


ThresholdParamsBean getThresholds()

A threshold is a point that must be exceeded in order to produce a given effect. These action points may cause logging, flow control, or other actions, as defined by the specific points whose values have been exceeded.

The threshold bean describing the threshold parameters


DeliveryParamsOverridesBean getDeliveryParamsOverrides()

Delivery parameter settings that override delivery parameters set by the JMS client.

These overrides, if set, will cause those specific parameters set in the JMS client to be ignored and replaced by the value set here.

The delivery parameters override bean describing the override parameters


DeliveryFailureParamsBean getDeliveryFailureParams()

The parameters that control what should happen to messages when failures occur.

These parameters enable the Administrator to control error destinations, logging, and other actions that might be taken when a message cannot be delivered or when other failures are detected.

The delivery failure parameters bean that describing the actions to take on failures


MessageLoggingParamsBean getMessageLoggingParams()

Message logging parameters control message logging actions when a message life cycle change is detected.

The message logging parameters bean that describing the actions to take when message life cycle change are detected


String getAttachSender()

Specifies whether messages landing on destinations that use this template should attach the credential of the sending user.

This property is dynamically configurable. A dynamic change will only affect messages received after the update has been made.

The value of the attach sender mode the destination is in (Supports, Always, or Never)


void setAttachSender(String attachSender)
                     throws IllegalArgumentException

Sets the value of the AttachSender attribute.

attachSender - The attach sender mode the destination should be in (Supports, Always, or Never)
See Also:
TemplateBean.getAttachSender(), TemplateBean.getAttachSender()


boolean isProductionPausedAtStartup()

Specifies whether new message production on destinations that use this template is paused on at server startup.

true if production of messages is paused when the destination is started; false otherwise


void setProductionPausedAtStartup(boolean productionPausedAtStartup)
                                  throws IllegalArgumentException

Sets the value of the ProductionPausedAtStartup attribute.

productionPausedAtStartup - true if production should be paused when the destination starts up
See Also:
TemplateBean.isProductionPausedAtStartup(), TemplateBean.isProductionPausedAtStartup()


boolean isInsertionPausedAtStartup()

Specifies whether new message insertion is paused on destinations that use this template at server startup.

true if insertion into the destination is paused when the destination starts up; false otherwise


void setInsertionPausedAtStartup(boolean insertionPausedAtStartup)
                                 throws IllegalArgumentException

Sets the value of the InsertionPausedAtStartup attribute.

insertionPausedAtStartup - true if insertion into the destination should be paused when the destination starts
See Also:
TemplateBean.isInsertionPausedAtStartup(), TemplateBean.isInsertionPausedAtStartup()


boolean isConsumptionPausedAtStartup()

Specifies whether message consumption is paused on destinations that use this template at server startup.

true if consumption from this destination is paused when the destination starts; false otherwise


void setConsumptionPausedAtStartup(boolean consumptionPausedAtStartup)
                                   throws IllegalArgumentException

Sets the value of the ConsumptionPausedAtStartup attribute.

consumptionPausedAtStartup - true if consumption from this destination should be paused when the destination starts
See Also:
TemplateBean.isConsumptionPausedAtStartup(), TemplateBean.isConsumptionPausedAtStartup()


int getMaximumMessageSize()

The maximum size of a message that will be accepted from producers on this destination. The message size includes the message body, any user-defined properties, and the user-defined JMS header fields: JMSCorrelationID and JMSType.

Producers sending messages that exceed the configured maximum message size for the destination receive a ResourceAllocationException .

The maximum message size is only enforced for the initial production of a message. Messages that are redirected to an error destination or forwarded to a member of a distributed destination are not checked for size. For instance, if a destination and its corresponding error destination are configured with a maximum message size of 128K bytes and 64K bytes, respectively, a message of 96K bytes could be redirected to the error destination (even though it exceeds the 64K byte maximum), but a producer could not directly send the 96K byte message to the error destination.

Maximum Message Size is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are affected; stored messages are not affected.

The maximum message size allowed for this destination


void setMaximumMessageSize(int maximumMessageSize)
                           throws IllegalArgumentException

Sets the value of the MaximumMessageSize attribute.

maximumMessageSize - The maximum size allowed by this destination
See Also:
TemplateBean.getMaximumMessageSize(), TemplateBean.getMaximumMessageSize()


QuotaBean getQuota()

A Quota controls the allotment of system resources available to destinations. For example the number of bytes a destination is allowed to store can be configured with a QuotaBean.

The quota bean associated with this destination.


void setQuota(QuotaBean quota)
              throws IllegalArgumentException

Sets the value of the Quota attribute.

quota - The quota bean to be associated with this destination.
See Also:


boolean isDefaultUnitOfOrder()

Specifies whether WebLogic Server creates a system-generated unit-of-order name based on the domain, JMS server, and destination name. Any message arriving at this destination that does not already belong to a unit-of-order is assigned this default name.

This field is recommended for advanced use. Generally, it is recommended to set a message unit-of-order using application calls or connection factory configuration. When relying on a destination default unit order to enforce ordering with adistributed destination, the application must be aware that unit-of-order routing doesn't apply. Instead the application must specifically ensure that any particular set of messages that must be processed in order are all sent to the same specific member destination even in the event of process failures or service migration.

true if "default-unit-of-order" is true; false otherwise


void setDefaultUnitOfOrder(boolean defaultUnitOfOrder)
                           throws IllegalArgumentException

Sets the value of the DefaultUnitOfOrder attribute.

defaultUnitOfOrder -
See Also:
TemplateBean.isDefaultUnitOfOrder(), TemplateBean.isDefaultUnitOfOrder()


String getSafExportPolicy()

Specifies whether a user can send messages to destinations that use this template using Store-and-Forward.

This property is dynamically configurable. A dynamic change will only affect messages sent after the update has been made.

weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.constants.JMSConstants.EXPORT_TO_ALL, or weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.constants.JMSConstants.EXPORT_TO_NONE


void setSafExportPolicy(String safExportPolicy)

Sets the value of the SafExportPolicy attribute.

See Also:
TemplateBean.getSafExportPolicy(), TemplateBean.getSafExportPolicy()


MulticastParamsBean getMulticast()

The parameters for receiving messages using multicast rather than a connection-oriented protocol such as TCP.

Topics with certain quality of service tolerance can receive a significant performance boost by using multicast to receive messages rather than using a connection oriented protocol like TCP.

The multicast parameters for this template


GroupParamsBean[] getGroupParams()

The group parameters for this template. When using templates, group parameters enable you to customize parameters based on the group to which the destination belongs.

Templates are a convenient way to associate common parameters amongst a large number of destinations. However, some attributes of particular destinations may need to be configured based on where the destination is targeted. For example, the error destination of a destination and the destination itself must be targeted to the same JMS server.

Group parameters allow the template user to customize parameters based on the group the destination is a member of. The value that will be used for a destination will come from the group parameter if the subdeployment attribute has the same name as the subdeployment the destination is a member of.

For example, imagine two queues Q1 and Q2 in subdeployments G1 and G2 respectively. Both Q1 and Q2 specify template X1 as their template. X1 has group parameters with sub-deployment attributes G1 and G2, where the error destination value for G1 is E1 and the quota value for G2 is E2. Neither Q1 nor Q2 specify their error-destination variable explicitly, so they will get their error destinations from the template. Since Q1 is a member of G1, and the template value of G1 is E1, Q1 will get the error destination E1. Likewise, Q2's error destination will eventually resolve to error destination E2. If a third destination Q3 is added in with sub-deployment G3 and the template does not have a group parameter for G3 then Q3 will get the default value for its error destination.

An array of group parameters associated with this template


GroupParamsBean createGroupParams(String subDeploymentName)

Creates a group parameter and adds it to this template.

Templates are a convenient way to associate common parameters amongst a large number of destinations. However, some attributes of particular destinations may need to be configured based on where the destination is targeted. For example, the error destination of a destination and the destination itself must be targeted to the same JMS server.

Group parameters allow the template user to customize parameters based on the group the destination is a member of. The value that will be used for a destination will come from the group parameter if the sub-deployment attribute has the same name as the sub-deployment the destination is a member of.

subDeploymentName - The name of the sub-deployment for which these parameters apply
The group parameters bean added to this template
See Also:


void destroyGroupParams(GroupParamsBean quota)

Removes a group parameter from this template.

Templates are a convenient way to associate common parameters amongst a large number of destinations. However, some attributes of particular destinations may need to be configured based on where the destination is targeted. For example, the quota of a destination and the destination itself must be targeted to the same JMS server.

Group parameters allow the template user to customize parameters based on the group the destination is a member of. The value that will be used for a destination will come from the group parameter if the group parameter has the same name as the name of the group the destination is a member of. If no group parameter matches the group of the destination then that destination will get the default value for the attribute.

quota - The quota to be removed from this template


GroupParamsBean lookupGroupParams(String subDeploymentName)
Finds the group params bean associated with the given sub-deployment-name
subDeploymentName - The name of the sub-deployment key for which to find the associated GroupParamsBean
The GroupParamsBean associated with the given sub-deployment-name


DestinationBean findErrorDestination(String subDeploymentName)

Finds the name of the error destination to use when a destination comes from a specific group

subDeploymentName - The subDeployment for which to find the quota
The name of the quota object that should be used for that group


int getMessagingPerformancePreference()

Controls how long destinations that use this template are willing to wait to create full batches of available messages (if at all) for delivery to consumers. At the minimum value, batching is disabled; at the default value, less-than-full batches will not wait and are delivered immediately with currently available messages; tuning higher than the default value controls the maximum wait time for additional messages before less-than-full batches are delivered to consumers.

The maximum message count of a full batch is controlled by the JMS connection factory's MessagesMaximum setting.

The level of emphasis on throughput over latency


void setMessagingPerformancePreference(int throughputEmphasis)
                                       throws IllegalArgumentException

Sets the value of the MessagingPerformancePreference attribute.

throughputEmphasis - The level of emphasis on throughput over latency
See Also:


String getUnitOfWorkHandlingPolicy()

Specifies whether the Unit-of-Work (UOW) feature is enabled for destinations that use this template. A UOW is a set of messages that are processed as a single unit.

A string indicating how unit of work messages are handled


void setUnitOfWorkHandlingPolicy(String unitOfWorkHandlingPolicy)
                                 throws IllegalArgumentException

Sets the value of the UnitOfWorkHandlingPolicy attribute.

unitOfWorkHandlingPolicy - The way unit of work messages are processed for applicable destinations
See Also:


int getIncompleteWorkExpirationTime()

Specifies the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, before undelivered messages in an incomplete UOW are expired. Such messages will then follow the template's expiration policy defined for undeliverable messages.

Note: A template's error destination for UOW messages cannot be configured to use the Single Message Delivery value.

The number of milliseconds before messages will be expired


void setIncompleteWorkExpirationTime(int incompleteWorkExpirationTime)
                                     throws IllegalArgumentException

Sets the value of the IncompleteWorkExpirationTime.

incompleteWorkExpirationTime - The number of milliseconds before messages will be expired
See Also:

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.2.1)

Part Number E55141-01
P4 Change 1723563 on 2015/10/09