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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.2.1)

Part Number E55141-01
P4 Change 1723563 on 2015/10/09

Class JoinRowSetImpl

  extended by weblogic.jdbc.rowset.BaseRowSet
      extended by weblogic.jdbc.rowset.CachedRowSetImpl
          extended by weblogic.jdbc.rowset.JoinRowSetImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, AutoCloseable, Cloneable, ResultSet, Wrapper, RowSet, CachedRowSet, FilteredRowSet, Joinable, JoinRowSet, SyncResolver, WebRowSet, RowSetInternal, SortedRowSet, WLCachedRowSet, WLRowSetInternal

Deprecated. Use the reference implementation classes in the J2SE JRE/SDK.

public class JoinRowSetImpl
extends CachedRowSetImpl
implements JoinRowSet

JoinRowSetImpl is an implementation of the JDBC JoinRowSet API (javax.sql.JoinRowSet). The JoinRowSet interface describes a mechanism by which a meaningful relationship can be drawn between any standard RowSet implementations. Any number of disconnected RowSet objects can be added to an instance of JoinRowSet provided the RowSet objects can be related in a SQL JOIN By definition, the SQL JOIN statement is used to combine the data contained in two relational database tables based upon a common attribute. By establishing and then enforcing column matches, a JoinRowSet object establishes relationships between RowSet instances without the need for database access. This permits greater flexibility, particularly for disconnected applications.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary


Fields inherited from interface javax.sql.rowset.JoinRowSet


Fields inherited from interface javax.sql.rowset.WebRowSet


Fields inherited from interface javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet


Fields inherited from interface java.sql.ResultSet


Fields inherited from interface javax.sql.rowset.spi.SyncResolver


Method Summary
 void addRowSet(Joinable rowset)
          Deprecated. Adds the given RowSet object to this JoinRowSet object
 void addRowSet(RowSet[] rowset, int[] columnIdx)
          Deprecated. Adds the given RowSet objects to the JOIN relationship and sets the designated columns as the match columns
 void addRowSet(RowSet[] rowset, String[] columnName)
          Deprecated. Adds the given RowSet objects to the JOIN relationship and sets the designated columns as the match columns
 void addRowSet(RowSet rowset, int columnIdx)
          Deprecated. Adds the given RowSet object to the JOIN relation and sets the designated column as the match column
 void addRowSet(RowSet rowset, String columnName)
          Deprecated. Adds the given RowSet object to the JOIN relationship and sets the designated column as the match column
 int getJoinType()
          Deprecated. Returns the last set SQL JOIN type in this JoinRowSetImpl object
<T> T
getObject(int columnIndex, Class<T> type)
          Deprecated. ResultSet - not supported.
<T> T
getObject(String columnLabel, Class<T> type)
          Deprecated. ResultSet - not supported.
 String[] getRowSetNames()
          Deprecated. Returns a string array of the RowSet names currently residing with the JoinRowSet object instance
 Collection getRowSets()
          Deprecated. Returns a Collection of the RowSet object instances currently residing with the instance of the JoinRowSet object instance.
 String getWhereClause()
          Deprecated. Return a SQL-like description of the WHERE clause being used in a JoinRowSet object instance.
 void setJoinType(int joinType)
          Deprecated. Sets the type of SQL JOIN that this JoinRowSet object will use
 boolean supportsCrossJoin()
          Deprecated. Returns true if this JoinRowSet object supports an SQL CROSS_JOIN and false if it does not
 boolean supportsFullJoin()
          Deprecated. Returns true if this JoinRowSet object supports an SQL FULL_JOIN and false if it does not
 boolean supportsInnerJoin()
          Deprecated. Returns true if this JoinRowSet object supports an SQL INNER_JOIN and false if it does not
 boolean supportsLeftOuterJoin()
          Deprecated. Returns true if this JoinRowSet object supports an SQL LEFT_OUTER_JOIN and false if it does not
 boolean supportsRightOuterJoin()
          Deprecated. Returns true if this JoinRowSet object supports an SQL RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN and false if it does not
 CachedRowSet toCachedRowSet()
          Deprecated. Creates a separate CachedRowSet object that contains the data in this JoinRowSet object


Methods inherited from class weblogic.jdbc.rowset.CachedRowSetImpl
acceptChanges, acceptChanges, cancelRowUpdates, close, commit, createCopy, createCopyNoConstraints, createCopySchema, createShared, deleteRow, execute, execute, executeAndGuessTableName, executeAndGuessTableNameAndPrimaryKeys, getCurrentRow, getFilter, getOriginal, getOriginalRow, getPageSize, getRow, getSorter, insertRow, isWrapperFor, moveToCurrentRow, moveToInsertRow, moveToUpdateRow, nextPage, populate, populate, populateInternal, previousPage, readXml, readXml, readXml, refreshRow, release, restoreOriginal, rollback, rollback, rowSetPopulated, setFilter, setOriginalRow, setPageSize, setRowSetSynced, setRowSynced, setSorter, size, toCollection, toCollection, toCollection, undoDelete, undoInsert, undoUpdate, unwrap, updateRow, writeXml, writeXml, writeXml, writeXml


Methods inherited from class weblogic.jdbc.rowset.BaseRowSet
absolute, addRowSetListener, afterLast, beforeFirst, clearParameters, clearWarnings, columnUpdated, columnUpdated, findColumn, first, getArray, getArray, getAsciiStream, getAsciiStream, getBigDecimal, getBigDecimal, getBigDecimal, getBigDecimal, getBinaryStream, getBinaryStream, getBlob, getBlob, getBoolean, getBoolean, getByte, getByte, getBytes, getBytes, getCharacterStream, getCharacterStream, getClob, getClob, getCommand, getConcurrency, getConnection, getCursorName, getDataSource, getDataSourceName, getDate, getDate, getDate, getDate, getDouble, getDouble, getEscapeProcessing, getFetchDirection, getFetchSize, getFloat, getFloat, getHoldability, getInt, getInt, getKeyColumns, getLong, getLong, getMatchColumnIndexes, getMatchColumnNames, getMaxFieldSize, getMaxRows, getMetaData, getNCharacterStream, getNCharacterStream, getNClob, getNClob, getNString, getNString, getObject, getObject, getObject, getObject, getPassword, getQueryTimeout, getRef, getRef, getRow, getRowId, getRowId, getRowSetWarnings, getShort, getShort, getShowDeleted, getSQLXML, getSQLXML, getStatement, getString, getString, getSyncProvider, getTableName, getTime, getTime, getTime, getTime, getTimestamp, getTimestamp, getTimestamp, getTimestamp, getTransactionIsolation, getType, getTypeMap, getUnicodeStream, getUnicodeStream, getUrl, getURL, getURL, getUsername, getWarnings, isAfterLast, isBeforeFirst, isClosed, isFirst, isLast, isReadOnly, last, next, previous, relative, removeRowSetListener, rowDeleted, rowInserted, rowUpdated, setArray, setAsciiStream, setAsciiStream, setAsciiStream, setAsciiStream, setBigDecimal, setBigDecimal, setBinaryStream, setBinaryStream, setBinaryStream, setBinaryStream, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBoolean, setBoolean, setByte, setByte, setBytes, setBytes, setCharacterStream, setCharacterStream, setCharacterStream, setCharacterStream, setClob, setClob, setClob, setClob, setClob, setClob, setCommand, setConcurrency, setDataSource, setDataSourceName, setDate, setDate, setDate, setDate, setDouble, setDouble, setEscapeProcessing, setFetchDirection, setFetchSize, setFloat, setFloat, setInt, setInt, setKeyColumns, setLong, setLong, setMatchColumn, setMatchColumn, setMatchColumn, setMatchColumn, setMaxFieldSize, setMaxRows, setMetaData, setNCharacterStream, setNCharacterStream, setNCharacterStream, setNCharacterStream, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNString, setNString, setNull, setNull, setNull, setNull, setObject, setObject, setObject, setObject, setObject, setObject, setPassword, setQueryTimeout, setReadOnly, setRef, setRowId, setRowId, setShort, setShort, setShowDeleted, setSQLXML, setSQLXML, setString, setString, setSyncProvider, setTableName, setTime, setTime, setTime, setTime, setTimestamp, setTimestamp, setTimestamp, setTimestamp, setTransactionIsolation, setType, setTypeMap, setURL, setUrl, setUsername, unsetMatchColumn, unsetMatchColumn, unsetMatchColumn, unsetMatchColumn, updateArray, updateArray, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateBigDecimal, updateBigDecimal, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBoolean, updateBoolean, updateByte, updateByte, updateBytes, updateBytes, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateDate, updateDate, updateDouble, updateDouble, updateFloat, updateFloat, updateInt, updateInt, updateLong, updateLong, updateNCharacterStream, updateNCharacterStream, updateNCharacterStream, updateNCharacterStream, updateNCharacterStream, updateNCharacterStream, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNString, updateNString, updateNull, updateNull, updateObject, updateObject, updateObject, updateObject, updateRef, updateRef, updateRowId, updateRowId, updateShort, updateShort, updateSQLXML, updateSQLXML, updateString, updateString, updateTime, updateTime, updateTimestamp, updateTimestamp, wasNull


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Methods inherited from interface javax.sql.rowset.WebRowSet
readXml, readXml, writeXml, writeXml, writeXml, writeXml


Methods inherited from interface javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet
acceptChanges, acceptChanges, columnUpdated, columnUpdated, commit, createCopy, createCopyNoConstraints, createCopySchema, createShared, execute, getKeyColumns, getOriginal, getOriginalRow, getPageSize, getRowSetWarnings, getShowDeleted, getSyncProvider, getTableName, nextPage, populate, populate, previousPage, release, restoreOriginal, rollback, rollback, rowSetPopulated, setKeyColumns, setMetaData, setOriginalRow, setPageSize, setShowDeleted, setSyncProvider, setTableName, size, toCollection, toCollection, toCollection, undoDelete, undoInsert, undoUpdate


Methods inherited from interface javax.sql.RowSet
addRowSetListener, clearParameters, execute, getCommand, getDataSourceName, getEscapeProcessing, getMaxFieldSize, getMaxRows, getPassword, getQueryTimeout, getTransactionIsolation, getTypeMap, getUrl, getUsername, isReadOnly, removeRowSetListener, setArray, setAsciiStream, setAsciiStream, setAsciiStream, setAsciiStream, setBigDecimal, setBigDecimal, setBinaryStream, setBinaryStream, setBinaryStream, setBinaryStream, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBoolean, setBoolean, setByte, setByte, setBytes, setBytes, setCharacterStream, setCharacterStream, setCharacterStream, setCharacterStream, setClob, setClob, setClob, setClob, setClob, setClob, setCommand, setConcurrency, setDataSourceName, setDate, setDate, setDate, setDate, setDouble, setDouble, setEscapeProcessing, setFloat, setFloat, setInt, setInt, setLong, setLong, setMaxFieldSize, setMaxRows, setNCharacterStream, setNCharacterStream, setNCharacterStream, setNCharacterStream, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNString, setNString, setNull, setNull, setNull, setNull, setObject, setObject, setObject, setObject, setObject, setObject, setPassword, setQueryTimeout, setReadOnly, setRef, setRowId, setRowId, setShort, setShort, setSQLXML, setSQLXML, setString, setString, setTime, setTime, setTime, setTime, setTimestamp, setTimestamp, setTimestamp, setTimestamp, setTransactionIsolation, setType, setTypeMap, setURL, setUrl, setUsername


Methods inherited from interface java.sql.ResultSet
absolute, afterLast, beforeFirst, cancelRowUpdates, clearWarnings, close, deleteRow, findColumn, first, getArray, getArray, getAsciiStream, getAsciiStream, getBigDecimal, getBigDecimal, getBigDecimal, getBigDecimal, getBinaryStream, getBinaryStream, getBlob, getBlob, getBoolean, getBoolean, getByte, getByte, getBytes, getBytes, getCharacterStream, getCharacterStream, getClob, getClob, getConcurrency, getCursorName, getDate, getDate, getDate, getDate, getDouble, getDouble, getFetchDirection, getFetchSize, getFloat, getFloat, getHoldability, getInt, getInt, getLong, getLong, getMetaData, getNCharacterStream, getNCharacterStream, getNClob, getNClob, getNString, getNString, getObject, getObject, getObject, getObject, getRef, getRef, getRow, getRowId, getRowId, getShort, getShort, getSQLXML, getSQLXML, getStatement, getString, getString, getTime, getTime, getTime, getTime, getTimestamp, getTimestamp, getTimestamp, getTimestamp, getType, getUnicodeStream, getUnicodeStream, getURL, getURL, getWarnings, insertRow, isAfterLast, isBeforeFirst, isClosed, isFirst, isLast, last, moveToCurrentRow, moveToInsertRow, next, previous, refreshRow, relative, rowDeleted, rowInserted, rowUpdated, setFetchDirection, setFetchSize, updateArray, updateArray, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateBigDecimal, updateBigDecimal, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBoolean, updateBoolean, updateByte, updateByte, updateBytes, updateBytes, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateDate, updateDate, updateDouble, updateDouble, updateFloat, updateFloat, updateInt, updateInt, updateLong, updateLong, updateNCharacterStream, updateNCharacterStream, updateNCharacterStream, updateNCharacterStream, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNString, updateNString, updateNull, updateNull, updateObject, updateObject, updateObject, updateObject, updateObject, updateObject, updateObject, updateObject, updateRef, updateRef, updateRow, updateRowId, updateRowId, updateShort, updateShort, updateSQLXML, updateSQLXML, updateString, updateString, updateTime, updateTime, updateTimestamp, updateTimestamp, wasNull


Methods inherited from interface java.sql.Wrapper
isWrapperFor, unwrap


Methods inherited from interface javax.sql.rowset.Joinable
getMatchColumnIndexes, getMatchColumnNames, setMatchColumn, setMatchColumn, setMatchColumn, setMatchColumn, unsetMatchColumn, unsetMatchColumn, unsetMatchColumn, unsetMatchColumn


Methods inherited from interface weblogic.jdbc.rowset.WLCachedRowSet
getDataSource, getRows, getRows, isComplete, loadXML, populate, setDataSource, writeXML, writeXML


Methods inherited from interface weblogic.jdbc.rowset.WLRowSetInternal


Methods inherited from interface javax.sql.RowSetInternal
getConnection, getParams, setMetaData


Methods inherited from interface weblogic.jdbc.rowset.WLCachedRowSet
getDataSource, getRows, getRows, isComplete, loadXML, populate, setDataSource, writeXML, writeXML


Methods inherited from interface javax.sql.rowset.spi.SyncResolver
getConflictValue, getConflictValue, getStatus, nextConflict, previousConflict, setResolvedValue, setResolvedValue


Method Detail


public void addRowSet(Joinable rowset)
               throws SQLException
Adds the given RowSet object to this JoinRowSet object
Specified by:
addRowSet in interface JoinRowSet


public void addRowSet(RowSet rowset,
                      int columnIdx)
               throws SQLException
Adds the given RowSet object to the JOIN relation and sets the designated column as the match column
Specified by:
addRowSet in interface JoinRowSet


public void addRowSet(RowSet rowset,
                      String columnName)
               throws SQLException
Adds the given RowSet object to the JOIN relationship and sets the designated column as the match column
Specified by:
addRowSet in interface JoinRowSet


public void addRowSet(RowSet[] rowset,
                      int[] columnIdx)
               throws SQLException
Adds the given RowSet objects to the JOIN relationship and sets the designated columns as the match columns
Specified by:
addRowSet in interface JoinRowSet


public void addRowSet(RowSet[] rowset,
                      String[] columnName)
               throws SQLException
Adds the given RowSet objects to the JOIN relationship and sets the designated columns as the match columns
Specified by:
addRowSet in interface JoinRowSet


public Collection getRowSets()
                      throws SQLException
Returns a Collection of the RowSet object instances currently residing with the instance of the JoinRowSet object instance.
Specified by:
getRowSets in interface JoinRowSet


public String[] getRowSetNames()
                        throws SQLException
Returns a string array of the RowSet names currently residing with the JoinRowSet object instance
Specified by:
getRowSetNames in interface JoinRowSet


public CachedRowSet toCachedRowSet()
                            throws SQLException
Creates a separate CachedRowSet object that contains the data in this JoinRowSet object
Specified by:
toCachedRowSet in interface JoinRowSet


public boolean supportsCrossJoin()
Returns true if this JoinRowSet object supports an SQL CROSS_JOIN and false if it does not
Specified by:
supportsCrossJoin in interface JoinRowSet


public boolean supportsInnerJoin()
Returns true if this JoinRowSet object supports an SQL INNER_JOIN and false if it does not
Specified by:
supportsInnerJoin in interface JoinRowSet


public boolean supportsLeftOuterJoin()
Returns true if this JoinRowSet object supports an SQL LEFT_OUTER_JOIN and false if it does not
Specified by:
supportsLeftOuterJoin in interface JoinRowSet


public boolean supportsRightOuterJoin()
Returns true if this JoinRowSet object supports an SQL RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN and false if it does not
Specified by:
supportsRightOuterJoin in interface JoinRowSet


public boolean supportsFullJoin()
Returns true if this JoinRowSet object supports an SQL FULL_JOIN and false if it does not
Specified by:
supportsFullJoin in interface JoinRowSet


public int getJoinType()
Returns the last set SQL JOIN type in this JoinRowSetImpl object
Specified by:
getJoinType in interface JoinRowSet


public void setJoinType(int joinType)
                 throws SQLException
Sets the type of SQL JOIN that this JoinRowSet object will use
Specified by:
setJoinType in interface JoinRowSet


public String getWhereClause()
                      throws SQLException
Return a SQL-like description of the WHERE clause being used in a JoinRowSet object instance.
Specified by:
getWhereClause in interface JoinRowSet


public <T> T getObject(int columnIndex,
                       Class<T> type)
            throws SQLException
Description copied from class: CachedRowSetImpl
ResultSet - not supported.
Specified by:
getObject in interface ResultSet
getObject in class CachedRowSetImpl


public <T> T getObject(String columnLabel,
                       Class<T> type)
            throws SQLException
Description copied from class: CachedRowSetImpl
ResultSet - not supported.
Specified by:
getObject in interface ResultSet
getObject in class CachedRowSetImpl

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.2.1)

Part Number E55141-01
P4 Change 1723563 on 2015/10/09