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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.2.1)

Part Number E55141-01
P4 Change 1723563 on 2015/10/09
Interface JTAClusterMBean

All Superinterfaces:
ConfigurationMBean, DescriptorBean, DynamicMBean, JTAMBean, MBeanRegistration, NotificationBroadcaster, SettableBean, WebLogicMBean

public interface JTAClusterMBean
extends JTAMBean

This interface provides access to the JTA configuration attributes. The methods defined herein are applicable for JTA configuration at the clluster level.


Field Summary


Fields inherited from interface


Fields inherited from interface


Method Summary
abstract  int getAbandonTimeoutSeconds()
          Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, a transaction manager persists in attempting to complete the second phase of a two-phase commit transaction.
abstract  int getBeforeCompletionIterationLimit()
          The maximum number of cycles that the transaction manager performs the beforeCompletion synchronization callback for this cluster.
abstract  int getCheckpointIntervalSeconds()
          The interval at which the transaction manager creates a new transaction log file and checks all old transaction log files to see if they are ready to be deleted.
abstract  int getCompletionTimeoutSeconds()
          Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, a transaction manager waits for all resource managers to respond and indicate if the transaction can be committed or rolled back.
abstract  int getCrossDomainRecoveryRetryInterval()
          The interval at which a store lock for a given server in a recovery domain will be checked for takeover eligibility.
abstract  String[] getDeterminers()
          Specifies a list of one or more transaction resources (determiners) separated by line breaks.
abstract  boolean getForgetHeuristics()
          Specifies whether the transaction manager automatically performs an XA Resource forget operation for heuristic transaction completions.
abstract  int getMaxResourceRequestsOnServer()
          Maximum number of concurrent requests to resources allowed for each server.
abstract  long getMaxResourceUnavailableMillis()
          Maximum duration time, in milliseconds, that a resource is declared dead.
abstract  int getMaxRetrySecondsBeforeDeterminerFail()
          The maximum amount of time, in seconds, WebLogic Server waits for the determiner to recover from a failure.
abstract  int getMaxTransactions()
          The maximum number of simultaneous in-progress transactions allowed on a server in this cluster.
abstract  long getMaxTransactionsHealthIntervalMillis()
          The interval for which the transaction map must be full for the JTA subsystem to declare its health as CRITICAL.
abstract  int getMaxUniqueNameStatistics()
          The maximum number of unique transaction names for which statistics are maintained.
abstract  long getMaxXACallMillis()
          Maximum allowed time duration, in milliseconds, for XA calls to resources.
abstract  int getMigrationCheckpointIntervalSeconds()
          The time interval, in seconds, that the checkpoint is done for the migrated transaction logs (TLOGs).
abstract  String getParallelXADispatchPolicy()
          The dispatch policy to use when performing XA operations in parallel.
abstract  boolean getParallelXAEnabled()
          Indicates that XA calls are executed in parallel if there are available threads.
abstract  int getPurgeResourceFromCheckpointIntervalSeconds()
          The interval that a particular resource must be accessed within for it to be included in the checkpoint record.
abstract  String getRecoverySiteName()
          The name of the site whose transactions this site/domain will recover in the event that intra-cluster transaction service migration is not successful or efficient.
abstract  long getRecoveryThresholdMillis()
          The interval that recovery is attempted until the resource becomes available.
abstract  String getSecurityInteropMode()
          Specifies the security mode of the communication channel used for XA calls between servers that participate in a global transaction.
abstract  long getSerializeEnlistmentsGCIntervalMillis()
          The time interval, in milliseconds, at which internal objects used to serialize resource enlistment are cleaned up.
abstract  int getShutdownGracePeriod()
          Indicates how long the server should wait for active transactions to complete before allowing shutdown.
abstract  int getTimeoutSeconds()
          Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, an active transaction is allowed to be in the first phase of a two-phase commit transaction.
abstract  int getUnregisterResourceGracePeriod()
          The amount of time, in seconds, a transaction manager waits for transactions involving the resource to complete before unregistering a resource.
abstract  boolean isClusterwideRecoveryEnabled()
          Indicates that cluster-wide recovery is used for distributed transactions.
abstract  boolean isTightlyCoupledTransactionsEnabled()
          Indicates tight coupling of transaction branches that span different transaction manager systems.
abstract  boolean isTLOGWriteWhenDeterminerExistsEnabled()
          Indicates two-phase transaction recovery logs are written even if one or more determiners are configured.
abstract  boolean isTwoPhaseEnabled()
          Indicates that the two-phase commit protocol is used to coordinate transactions across two or more resource managers.


Methods inherited from interface
getDeterminerCandidateResourceInfoList, getWSATTransportSecurityMode, isWSATIssuedTokenEnabled, setAbandonTimeoutSeconds, setBeforeCompletionIterationLimit, setCheckpointIntervalSeconds, setClusterwideRecoveryEnabled, setCompletionTimeoutSeconds, setCrossDomainRecoveryRetryInterval, setDeterminers, setForgetHeuristics, setMaxRetrySecondsBeforeDeterminerFail, setMaxTransactions, setMaxUniqueNameStatistics, setParallelXAEnabled, setRecoverySiteName, setSecurityInteropMode, setShutdownGracePeriod, setTightlyCoupledTransactionsEnabled, setTimeoutSeconds, setTLOGWriteWhenDeterminerExistsEnabled, setTwoPhaseEnabled, setUnregisterResourceGracePeriod, setWSATIssuedTokenEnabled, setWSATTransportSecurityMode


Methods inherited from interface
freezeCurrentValue, getId, getInheritedProperties, getName, getNotes, isDynamicallyCreated, isInherited, isSet, restoreDefaultValue, setComments, setDefaultedMBean, setName, setNotes, setPersistenceEnabled, unSet


Methods inherited from interface
getMBeanInfo, getObjectName, getParent, getType, isCachingDisabled, isRegistered, setParent


Methods inherited from interface
getAttribute, getAttributes, invoke, setAttribute, setAttributes


Methods inherited from interface
postDeregister, postRegister, preDeregister, preRegister


Methods inherited from interface
addNotificationListener, getNotificationInfo, removeNotificationListener


Methods inherited from interface weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean
addPropertyChangeListener, createChildCopyIncludingObsolete, getParentBean, isEditable, removePropertyChangeListener


Method Detail


int getTimeoutSeconds()

Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, an active transaction is allowed to be in the first phase of a two-phase commit transaction. If the specified amount of time expires, the transaction is automatically rolled back.

Specified by:
getTimeoutSeconds in interface JTAMBean
Transaction timeout in seconds.


int getAbandonTimeoutSeconds()

Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, a transaction manager persists in attempting to complete the second phase of a two-phase commit transaction.

During the second phase of a two-phase commit transaction, the transaction manager continues to try to complete the transaction until all resource managers indicate that the transaction is completed. After the abandon transaction timer expires, no further attempt is made to resolve the transaction. If the transaction is in a prepared state before being abandoned, the transaction manager rolls back the transaction to release any locks held on behalf of the abandoned transaction.

Specified by:
getAbandonTimeoutSeconds in interface JTAMBean
Abandon timeout in seconds. Default is 24 hours.


int getCompletionTimeoutSeconds()

Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, a transaction manager waits for all resource managers to respond and indicate if the transaction can be committed or rolled back.

Specified by:
getCompletionTimeoutSeconds in interface JTAMBean
Completion timeout in seconds.


boolean getForgetHeuristics()

Specifies whether the transaction manager automatically performs an XA Resource forget operation for heuristic transaction completions.

When enabled, the transaction manager automatically performs an XA Resource forget() operation for all resources as soon as the transaction learns of a heuristic outcome. Disable this feature only if you know what to do with the resource when it reports a heuristic decision.

Specified by:
getForgetHeuristics in interface JTAMBean
true if heuristic transactions are to be forgotten in affected resource managers, false otherwise.


int getBeforeCompletionIterationLimit()

The maximum number of cycles that the transaction manager performs the beforeCompletion synchronization callback for this cluster.

Nothing prevents a Synchronization object from registering another during beforeCompletion, even those whose beforeCompletions have already been called. For example, an EJB can call another in its ejbStore() method. To accommodate this, the transaction manager calls all Synchronization objects, then repeats the cycle if new ones have been registered. This count sets a limit to the number of cycles that synchronization occurs.

Specified by:
getBeforeCompletionIterationLimit in interface JTAMBean
The maximum beforeCompletion iterations


int getMaxTransactions()

The maximum number of simultaneous in-progress transactions allowed on a server in this cluster.

Specified by:
getMaxTransactions in interface JTAMBean
The maximum number of concurrent transactions.


int getMaxUniqueNameStatistics()

The maximum number of unique transaction names for which statistics are maintained.

The first 1001 unique transaction names are maintained as their own transaction name and stored in each statistic. After the 1001st transaction name is reached, the transaction name is stored as weblogic.transaction.statistics.namedOverflow, and the transaction statistic is also merged and maintained in weblogic.transaction.statistics.namedOverflow.

A transaction name typically represents a category of business transactions, such as "funds-transfer."

Specified by:
getMaxUniqueNameStatistics in interface JTAMBean
Limit of individual transaction name statistics.


int getMaxResourceRequestsOnServer()

Maximum number of concurrent requests to resources allowed for each server.

Specified by:
getMaxResourceRequestsOnServer in interface JTAMBean
The maxResourceRequestsOnServer value


long getMaxXACallMillis()

Maximum allowed time duration, in milliseconds, for XA calls to resources. If a particular XA call to a resource exceeds the limit, the resource is declared unavailable.

Specified by:
getMaxXACallMillis in interface JTAMBean
The maxXACallMillis value


long getMaxResourceUnavailableMillis()

Maximum duration time, in milliseconds, that a resource is declared dead. After the duration, the resource is declared available again, even if the resource provider does not explicitly re-register the resource.

Specified by:
getMaxResourceUnavailableMillis in interface JTAMBean
The maxResourceUnavailableMillis value


long getRecoveryThresholdMillis()

The interval that recovery is attempted until the resource becomes available.


int getMigrationCheckpointIntervalSeconds()

The time interval, in seconds, that the checkpoint is done for the migrated transaction logs (TLOGs).


long getMaxTransactionsHealthIntervalMillis()

The interval for which the transaction map must be full for the JTA subsystem to declare its health as CRITICAL.


int getPurgeResourceFromCheckpointIntervalSeconds()

The interval that a particular resource must be accessed within for it to be included in the checkpoint record.


int getCheckpointIntervalSeconds()

The interval at which the transaction manager creates a new transaction log file and checks all old transaction log files to see if they are ready to be deleted.

Specified by:
getCheckpointIntervalSeconds in interface JTAMBean
The checkpointIntervalSeconds value


long getSerializeEnlistmentsGCIntervalMillis()

The time interval, in milliseconds, at which internal objects used to serialize resource enlistment are cleaned up.

Specified by:
getSerializeEnlistmentsGCIntervalMillis in interface JTAMBean
The serializeEnlistmentsGCIntervalMillis value


boolean getParallelXAEnabled()

Indicates that XA calls are executed in parallel if there are available threads.


String getParallelXADispatchPolicy()

The dispatch policy to use when performing XA operations in parallel.


int getUnregisterResourceGracePeriod()

The amount of time, in seconds, a transaction manager waits for transactions involving the resource to complete before unregistering a resource. This grace period helps minimize the risk of abandoned transactions because of an unregistered resource, such as a JDBC data source module packaged with an application.

During the specified grace period, the unregisterResource call blocks until the call returns and no new transactions are started for the associated resource. If the number of outstanding transactions for the resource goes to 0, the unregisterResource call returns immediately.

At the end of the grace period, if outstanding transactions are associated with the resource, the unregisterResource call returns and a log message is written to the server on which the resource was previously registered.

Specified by:
getUnregisterResourceGracePeriod in interface JTAMBean
The unregisterResource grace period in seconds.


String getSecurityInteropMode()

Specifies the security mode of the communication channel used for XA calls between servers that participate in a global transaction. All server instances in a domain must have the same security mode setting.

Security Interoperability Mode options:

Specified by:
getSecurityInteropMode in interface JTAMBean
The security interoperability mode.


boolean isTwoPhaseEnabled()

Indicates that the two-phase commit protocol is used to coordinate transactions across two or more resource managers.

If not selected:

Specified by:
isTwoPhaseEnabled in interface JTAMBean


boolean isClusterwideRecoveryEnabled()

Indicates that cluster-wide recovery is used for distributed transactions.

When enabled, recovery operations for a distributed transaction are applied to all the servers of the cluster hosting a InterposedTransactionManager rather than just the server hosting the InterposedTransactionManager.

Specified by:
isClusterwideRecoveryEnabled in interface JTAMBean


boolean isTightlyCoupledTransactionsEnabled()

Indicates tight coupling of transaction branches that span different transaction manager systems.

When enabled, WebLogic uses the transaction identifier of a transaction imported by the InterposedTransactionManager for XA calls rather than an internally mapped Xid. This applies to inter-domain WebLogic transactions and transactions imported from Tuxedo. This allows for tight coupling of transaction branches for transactions that span across different transaction manager systems.

If a transaction between WebLogic and Tuxedo resources uses a GridLink Data Source with GridLink Affinity enabled, the XA Affinity context is automatically used for the transaction.

Specified by:
isTightlyCoupledTransactionsEnabled in interface JTAMBean


String[] getDeterminers()

Specifies a list of one or more transaction resources (determiners) separated by line breaks. A determiner's in-doubt transaction records are used during transaction recovery when a TLog is not present.

Specified by:
getDeterminers in interface JTAMBean
The determiners value


boolean isTLOGWriteWhenDeterminerExistsEnabled()

Indicates two-phase transaction recovery logs are written even if one or more determiners are configured.

Specified by:
isTLOGWriteWhenDeterminerExistsEnabled in interface JTAMBean


int getShutdownGracePeriod()

Indicates how long the server should wait for active transactions to complete before allowing shutdown.

Specified by:
getShutdownGracePeriod in interface JTAMBean


int getMaxRetrySecondsBeforeDeterminerFail()

The maximum amount of time, in seconds, WebLogic Server waits for the determiner to recover from a failure. If the determiner does not recover after this period, WebLogic Server sets the TLog health state to HEALTH_FAILED.

Specified by:
getMaxRetrySecondsBeforeDeterminerFail in interface JTAMBean


String getRecoverySiteName()

The name of the site whose transactions this site/domain will recover in the event that intra-cluster transaction service migration is not successful or efficient.

Specified by:
getRecoverySiteName in interface JTAMBean


int getCrossDomainRecoveryRetryInterval()

The interval at which a store lock for a given server in a recovery domain will be checked for takeover eligibility.

Specified by:
getCrossDomainRecoveryRetryInterval in interface JTAMBean

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.2.1)

Part Number E55141-01
P4 Change 1723563 on 2015/10/09