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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.2.1)

Part Number E55141-01
P4 Change 1723563 on 2015/10/09
Interface ActivationTaskMBean

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ActivationTaskMBean
extends Service

Provides information about an activation task, which is initiated by invoking the ConfigurationManagerMBean activate operation.

To describe the changes that are being activated in the domain, this MBean contains one Configuration object for each change that was saved to the domain's pending configuration files.

This MBean also contains attributes that describe the status of the activation operation as it attempts to distribute changes to all servers in the domain.

See Also:

Field Summary
          Indicates that the changes are canceling in the distribution phase.
          Indicates that the changes are failing in the commit phase.
          Indicates that the changes have been distributed to all servers and made permanent.
          Indicates that the changes are deferred until the server is available.
          Indicates that the changes have been distributed to all servers.
          Indicates that the changes have been validated and are being distributed to the various servers.
static int STATE_FAILED
          Indicates that the changes failed in the distribution phase.
static int STATE_NEW
          Indicates that the task has been created but distribution has not started.
static int STATE_PENDING
          Indicates that the configuration changes require that the server be restarted for the changes to become available.


Method Summary
abstract  Change[] getChanges()
          Contains the Change objects that describe the changes that are being activated.
abstract  long getCompletionTime()
          The time at which the activation task completes, either by successfully activating changes on all servers, rolling back all changes (because a server was unable to consume the changes), or by timing out.
abstract  String getDetails()
          Contains all available information about the current activation task in a single String object.
abstract  String getEditSessionName()
          Returns name of edit session which is activated.
abstract  Exception getError()
          Returns the exception that describes why the activation has failed.
abstract  String getPartitionName()
          Returns partition name of edit session which is activated.
abstract  long getStartTime()
          The time at which the ConfigurationManagerMBean activate operation was invoked.
abstract  int getState()
          The state of the activation task, which is initiated by invoking the ConfigurationManagerMBean activate operation.
abstract  ServerStatus[] getStatusByServer()
          The state of the activation task on each server in the domain.
abstract  String[] getSystemComponentsToRestart()
          Get list of names of system component, which need to be restarted.
abstract  String getUser()
          The name of the user who invoked the ConfigurationManagerMBean activate operation.
abstract  void waitForTaskCompletion()
          Allows the caller to wait until the activation task completes (either by successfully distributing changes or by rolling back the task) or times out.
abstract  void waitForTaskCompletion(long timeout)
          Allows the caller to wait until any of the following occurs:


Methods inherited from interface
getName, getParentAttribute, getParentService, getPath, getType


Field Detail


static final int STATE_NEW
Indicates that the task has been created but distribution has not started.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int STATE_DISTRIBUTING
Indicates that the changes have been validated and are being distributed to the various servers.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int STATE_DISTRIBUTED
Indicates that the changes have been distributed to all servers.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int STATE_PENDING
Indicates that the configuration changes require that the server be restarted for the changes to become available.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int STATE_COMMITTED
Indicates that the changes have been distributed to all servers and made permanent.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int STATE_FAILED
Indicates that the changes failed in the distribution phase.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int STATE_CANCELING
Indicates that the changes are canceling in the distribution phase.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int STATE_COMMIT_FAILING
Indicates that the changes are failing in the commit phase.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int STATE_DEFERRED
Indicates that the changes are deferred until the server is available.
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Method Detail


int getState()

The state of the activation task, which is initiated by invoking the ConfigurationManagerMBean activate operation.

States are:

int the state of the activate.


ServerStatus[] getStatusByServer()

The state of the activation task on each server in the domain.

If any server fails to activate the changes, the activation task is rolled back for all servers in the domain.

ServerStatus[] an array containing the status for each server.


String[] getSystemComponentsToRestart()
Get list of names of system component, which need to be restarted.
array of names of system components, which are in state "RESTART_REQUIRED".


Exception getError()

Returns the exception that describes why the activation has failed.

To see how each server responded to the activation request, get the value of this MBean's StatusByServer attribute.

Exception - a failure exception for the activate method.


long getStartTime()

The time at which the ConfigurationManagerMBean activate operation was invoked.

long the time the activate started.


long getCompletionTime()

The time at which the activation task completes, either by successfully activating changes on all servers, rolling back all changes (because a server was unable to consume the changes), or by timing out.

long the time the activate completed or zero if still active.


String getUser()

The name of the user who invoked the ConfigurationManagerMBean activate operation.

String containing the user that started the activate task.


Change[] getChanges()

Contains the Change objects that describe the changes that are being activated.

Each Change object describes a change to a single MBean attribute.

Change[] containing the changes.


String getDetails()

Contains all available information about the current activation task in a single String object.


String getEditSessionName()

Returns name of edit session which is activated.


String getPartitionName()

Returns partition name of edit session which is activated.


void waitForTaskCompletion()

Allows the caller to wait until the activation task completes (either by successfully distributing changes or by rolling back the task) or times out.


void waitForTaskCompletion(long timeout)

Allows the caller to wait until any of the following occurs:

timeout - long that specifies the time (milliseconds) to wait for the activate deployment request to complete.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.2.1)

Part Number E55141-01
P4 Change 1723563 on 2015/10/09