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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.2.1)

Part Number E55141-01
P4 Change 1723563 on 2015/10/09
Interface RecordingManagerMBean

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public interface RecordingManagerMBean
extends Service

This MBean records configuration actions that occur during an edit session and writes the actions as series of WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) commands. You can then use WLST to replay the commands.

WLST is a command-line scripting environment that you can use to create, manage, and monitor WebLogic Server domains. It is installed on your system when you install WebLogic Server.

This MBean does not record WLST commands for the following:

You cannot remove or undo a command once it has been recorded. Instead, you can edit the script file after you stop recording.

If you record commands that get or set the values of encrypted attributes (such the password for a server's Java Standard Trust keystore), this MBean creates two files in addition to the script file: a user configuration file that contains the encrypted data and a key file that contains the key used to encrypt the data. Use the file system to limit read and write access to the key file. Users who can read the key file can read all of the encrypted data that you recorded.

The key file and user configuration files are created in the same directory as the recorded script file and are named recording-fileConfig and recording-fileSecret where recording-file is the name of the recorded script file.

When you use WLST to replay the commands, the user configuration and key files must be in the same directory as the script file. If you move the script file, you must also move the user configuration and key files. Only the key file that was used to encrypt the data can be used to unencrypt the data.

Field Summary
static String OBJECT_NAME
          This is the ObjectName under which this service is registered in the MBeanServer


Method Summary
abstract  String getRecordingFileName()
          Returns the full path of the recording file.
abstract  boolean isRecording()
          Indicates whether a recording session is currently in progress.
abstract  void record(String str)
          Writes a string to the script file.
abstract  void startRecording(String fileName, boolean append)
          Starts a recording session.
abstract  void stopRecording()
          Stops a recording session.


Methods inherited from interface
getName, getParentAttribute, getParentService, getPath, getType


Field Detail


static final String OBJECT_NAME
This is the ObjectName under which this service is registered in the MBeanServer

Method Detail


void startRecording(String fileName,
                    boolean append)
                    throws RecordingException

Starts a recording session. The recorded actions will be saved as WLST commands in the specified file. Actions are recorded and written as you invoke them.

If the specified file already exists, this method adds the WLST commands to the beginning or end of the file, depending on which value you pass in the append argument. This method does not overwrite an existing file.

fileName - Absolute path and file name for the file in which to write WLST commands.
append - If set to true, this method writes WLST commands at the end of the recording file instead of the beginning.
RecordingException - If a recording session is already started or the specified file cannot be opened.


void stopRecording()
                   throws RecordingException

Stops a recording session.

RecordingException - If there is no active recording session


boolean isRecording()

Indicates whether a recording session is currently in progress.

true if a session is in progress, false otherwise.


String getRecordingFileName()

Returns the full path of the recording file.

Recording file name


void record(String str)
            throws RecordingException

Writes a string to the script file.

If you invoke this method while a recording session is in progress, the method writes the string immediately after the WLST command that it has most recently recorded.

str -
RecordingException - if there is no active recording session

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.2.1)

Part Number E55141-01
P4 Change 1723563 on 2015/10/09