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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.2.1)

Part Number E55141-01
P4 Change 1723563 on 2015/10/09
Interface CoherenceClusterMetricsRuntimeMBean

All Superinterfaces:
DynamicMBean, MBeanRegistration, NotificationBroadcaster, RuntimeMBean, WebLogicMBean

public interface CoherenceClusterMetricsRuntimeMBean
extends RuntimeMBean

A CoherenceClusterRuntimeMetricsMBean gathers metrics from nodes in the cluster according to the specified report group xml file, and then provides a way to query for subsets of the group file by nodes and by table name, which refers to individual file names within the report group file.


Method Summary
abstract  CoherenceClusterSystemResourceMBean getCoherenceClusterSystemResource()
          Get the CCSR associated with this Coherence Metrics Runtime MBean if there is one.
abstract  CoherenceManagementClusterMBean getCoherenceManagementCluster()
          Get the CoherenceManagementClusterMBean associated with this Coherence Metrics Runtime MBean if there is one.
abstract  String[] getInstances()
          Get the Management nodes names.
abstract  TabularData[] getMetrics(String[] asTables, String[] asNodeId, Properties properties)
          Get the requested table metrics from the requested target nodes.
abstract  List<SocketAddress> getNameServiceAddresses()
          Get the list of socket addresses for connecting to the NameService.
abstract  String getReportGroupFile()
          The report group file representing the superset of metrics this bean will gather
abstract  TabularType[] getSchema(String[] asTables, String[] asNodeId, Properties properties)
          Acquire the superset of tabularTypes available from running the given table names on the specified nodes.


Methods inherited from interface
addPropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener


Methods inherited from interface
getMBeanInfo, getName, getObjectName, getParent, getType, isCachingDisabled, isRegistered, setName, setParent


Methods inherited from interface
getAttribute, getAttributes, invoke, setAttribute, setAttributes


Methods inherited from interface
postDeregister, postRegister, preDeregister, preRegister


Methods inherited from interface
addNotificationListener, getNotificationInfo, removeNotificationListener


Method Detail


CoherenceClusterSystemResourceMBean getCoherenceClusterSystemResource()

Get the CCSR associated with this Coherence Metrics Runtime MBean if there is one.

The Coherence Metrics MBean can either be associated with a CCSR or it can be outside of WLS domain and simply have a list of CoherenceManagementJMXAddresses.



CoherenceManagementClusterMBean getCoherenceManagementCluster()

Get the CoherenceManagementClusterMBean associated with this Coherence Metrics Runtime MBean if there is one.



String getReportGroupFile()

The report group file representing the superset of metrics this bean will gather

report group file location


List<SocketAddress> getNameServiceAddresses()

Get the list of socket addresses for connecting to the NameService. It can be used to lookup JMXServiceURL for the MBean Connector.

list of socket addresses for the NameService.


String[] getInstances()

Get the Management nodes names.

a string array of management node names that are alive now, or a 0-length array if none are alive


TabularType[] getSchema(String[] asTables,
                        String[] asNodeId,
                        Properties properties)

Acquire the superset of tabularTypes available from running the given table names on the specified nodes.

asTables - an array of table names to get a schema for. If null, get all tables possible
asNodeId - an array of nodeIds specifying which nodes to get schemas from, e.g. {"2", "3"} If null, query all nodes possible.
properties - the property dms.use.cache will tell us whether to use the cache (true) or not (false)
The tabularTypes representing the schema of the provided table names in the given order, found from searching through the provided list of nodes. The array will have null values at the corresponding indices for each table not found. An array of length 0 is returned if null is passed into asTables and no tables are found.


TabularData[] getMetrics(String[] asTables,
                         String[] asNodeId,
                         Properties properties)

Get the requested table metrics from the requested target nodes.

asTables - an array of table names to return metrics for. If null, get all tables possible.
asNodeId - an array of nodeIds specifying which nodes to get schemas from, e.g. {"2", "3"} If null, query all nodes possible.
properties - the property dms.use.cache will tell us whether to use the cache (true) or not (false)

Return the requested table data from the requested target nodes as an array of TabularDatas in the same order as the input table name array. If an array of length 0 or null is provided for either table names or nodeIds, all tables or nodes will be returned, respectively. The TabularDatas will have an extra "SourceNodeId" column specifying from which node that row data came from. If there are no metrics from any node for a requested table name, a TabularData array of length 0 is returned.

For example, suppose there are 4 nodes (1, 2, 3, 4). getMetrics({table1, table2, table3}, {1, 2}, null) may return a list of TabularData such as the following:

1 rowData1, // t1 metric row1 from node 1
1 rowData2, // t1 metric row2 from node 1
1 rowData3, // t1 metric row3 from node 1
2 rowData1)},
{TabularData( // node 2 has no t2 metric rows
2 rowData1, // t2 metric row1 from node 2
2 rowData2)}, // t2 metric row2 from node 2
null] // t3 has no metric rows from any node

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.2.1)

Part Number E55141-01
P4 Change 1723563 on 2015/10/09