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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.2.1)

Part Number E55141-01
P4 Change 1723563 on 2015/10/09
Interface MigratableServiceCoordinatorRuntimeMBean

All Superinterfaces:
DynamicMBean, MBeanRegistration, MigratorInterface, NotificationBroadcaster, Remote, RuntimeMBean, WebLogicMBean

public interface MigratableServiceCoordinatorRuntimeMBean
extends RuntimeMBean, MigratorInterface

This class is used for monitoring the Migratable Service Coordinator.

Method Summary
abstract  void migrate(MigratableTargetMBean migratableTarget, ServerMBean destination)
          Migrates all services deployed to the migratableTarget to the destination server.
abstract  void migrate(MigratableTargetMBean migratableTarget, ServerMBean destination, boolean sourceUp, boolean destinationUp)
          Migrates all services deployed to the migratableTarget to the destination server.
abstract  void migrateJTA(MigratableTargetMBean migratableTarget, ServerMBean destination, boolean sourceUp, boolean destinationUp)
          Migrates the JTARecoveryManager deployed to a migratableTarget to the destination server.
abstract  void migrateSingleton(SingletonServiceMBean singletonService, ServerMBean destination)
          Migrates the singleton service specified by the SingletonServiceMBean to the destination server.


Methods inherited from interface
addPropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener


Methods inherited from interface
getMBeanInfo, getName, getObjectName, getParent, getType, isCachingDisabled, isRegistered, setName, setParent


Methods inherited from interface
getAttribute, getAttributes, invoke, setAttribute, setAttributes


Methods inherited from interface
postDeregister, postRegister, preDeregister, preRegister


Methods inherited from interface
addNotificationListener, getNotificationInfo, removeNotificationListener


Methods inherited from interface weblogic.cluster.singleton.MigratorInterface
migrate, migrate, migrateJTA


Method Detail


void migrate(MigratableTargetMBean migratableTarget,
             ServerMBean destination)
             throws MigrationException

Migrates all services deployed to the migratableTarget to the destination server. This method assumes that the source and the destination server are up and running. Precondition: The migratableTarget must contain at least one server. The destination server must be a member of the migratableTarget's list of candidate servers. If automatic migration mode is disabled, the destination server must not be the currently hosting server (i.e. head of candidate list of the migratableTarget). Postcondition: If automatic migration mode is disabled and if the migration succeeded, the head of the candidate server list in the migratableTarget will be the destination server.

migratableTarget - - all services targeted to this target are to be migrated to the destination server. THIS MUST BE A CONFIG MBEAN
destination - - the new server where the services deployed to migratableTarget shall be activated


void migrateSingleton(SingletonServiceMBean singletonService,
                      ServerMBean destination)
                      throws MigrationException

Migrates the singleton service specified by the SingletonServiceMBean to the destination server. This method assumes that the source and the destination server are up and running. Precondition: The SingletonServiceMBean must contain at least one server. The destination server must be a member of the SingletonServiceMBean's list of candidate servers. If automatic migration mode is disabled, the destination server must not be the currently hosting server (i.e. head of candidate list of the migratableTarget). Postcondition: If automatic migration mode is disabled and if the migration succeeded, the head of the candidate server list in the migratableTarget will be the destination server.

singletonService - - SingletonService to be migrated to the destination server. THIS MUST BE A CONFIG MBEAN
destination - - the new server where the singleton service shall be activated


void migrate(MigratableTargetMBean migratableTarget,
             ServerMBean destination,
             boolean sourceUp,
             boolean destinationUp)
             throws MigrationException

Migrates all services deployed to the migratableTarget to the destination server. Use this method if either the source or the destination or both are not running. Precondition: The migratableTarget must contain at least one server. The destination server must be a member of the migratableTarget's list of candidate servers. If automatic migration mode is disabled, the destination server must not be the currently hosting server (i.e. head of candidate list of the migratableTarget). Postcondition: If automatic migration mode is disabled and if the migration succeeded, the head of the candidate server list in the migratableTarget will be the destination server.

migratableTarget - - all services targeted to this target are to be migrated to the destination server. THIS MUST BE A CONFIG MBEAN
destination - - the new server where the services deployed to migratableTarget shall be activated
sourceUp - - the currently active server is up and running. If false, the administrator must ensure that the services deployed to migratableTarget are NOT active.
destinationUp - - the destination server is up and running.


void migrateJTA(MigratableTargetMBean migratableTarget,
                ServerMBean destination,
                boolean sourceUp,
                boolean destinationUp)
                throws MigrationException

Migrates the JTARecoveryManager deployed to a migratableTarget to the destination server.

migratableTarget -
destination -
sourceUp -
destinationUp -

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.2.1)

Part Number E55141-01
P4 Change 1723563 on 2015/10/09