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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.2.1)

Part Number E55141-01
P4 Change 1723563 on 2015/10/09

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ContextHandler Provides interfaces and classes for the configuration, control, and monitoring of SAML 2.0 security providers in a WebLogic security realm. Provides interfaces and classes for the configuration, control, and monitoring of SAML 1.1 security providers in a WebLogic security realm.   


Uses of ContextHandler in


Methods in with parameters of type ContextHandler
abstract  Collection<?> SAML2IdentityAsserterAttributeMapper.mapAttributeInfo(Collection<SAML2AttributeStatementInfo> attrs, ContextHandler contextHandler)
          This method takes a Collection of SAMLAttributeStatementInfo instances that represent the attributes of Attribute Statements in a SAML 2.0 Assertion, and maps the desired attributes in any application specific way.
abstract  Collection<SAML2AttributeStatementInfo> SAML2CredentialAttributeMapper.mapAttributes(Subject subject, ContextHandler handler)
          Maps attribute information from any application-specific sources to a collection of SAML2AttributeStatementInfo, each of which will be used to construct an <AttributeStatement> element in a SAML 2.0 assertion.
abstract  SAML2NameMapperInfo SAML2CredentialNameMapper.mapName(String name, ContextHandler handler)
          Maps a String name to a set of values used to construct a SAML NameIdentifier element for a SAML assertion.
abstract  String SAML2IdentityAsserterNameMapper.mapNameInfo(SAML2NameMapperInfo info, ContextHandler handler)
          Maps a SAMLNameMapperInfo to a local user name.
abstract  SAML2NameMapperInfo SAML2CredentialNameMapper.mapSubject(Subject subject, ContextHandler handler)
          Maps a Subject to a set of values used to construct a SAML NameIdentifier element for a SAML assertion.


Uses of ContextHandler in


Methods in that return ContextHandler
 ContextHandler ContextHandlerCallback.getContextHandler()
          The ContextHandler, if any, that was passed in.


Methods in with parameters of type ContextHandler
 void ContextHandlerCallback.setContextHandler(ContextHandler contextHandler)
          Set the value of the ContextHandler attribute.


Uses of ContextHandler in


Methods in with parameters of type ContextHandler
abstract  void SAMLIdentityAssertionAttributeMapper.mapAttributeInfo(Collection<SAMLAttributeStatementInfo> attrStmtInfos, ContextHandler contextHandler)
          map from collection of SAMLAttributeStatementInfo to collection of Principal.
abstract  Collection<SAMLAttributeStatementInfo> SAMLCredentialAttributeMapper.mapAttributes(Subject subject, ContextHandler handler)
          Maps a Subject to a set of values used to construct a SAMLAttributeStatementInfo element for a SAML assertion.
abstract  Collection SAMLIdentityAssertionNameMapper.mapGroupInfo(SAMLNameMapperInfo info, ContextHandler handler)
          Maps a SAMLNameMapperInfo to a Collection of group names.
abstract  SAMLNameMapperInfo SAMLCredentialNameMapper.mapName(String name, ContextHandler handler)
          Maps a String name to a set of values used to construct a SAML NameIdentifier element for a SAML assertion.
abstract  String SAMLIdentityAssertionNameMapper.mapNameInfo(SAMLNameMapperInfo info, ContextHandler handler)
          Maps a SAMLNameMapperInfo to a user name.
abstract  SAMLNameMapperInfo SAMLCredentialNameMapper.mapSubject(Subject subject, ContextHandler handler)
          Maps a Subject to a set of values used to construct a SAML NameIdentifier element for a SAML assertion.


Uses of ContextHandler in


Methods in that return ContextHandler
abstract  ContextHandler AuditCertPathBuilderEvent.getContext()
          Gets an optional ContextHandler object that may specify additional data on how to look up and validate the CertPath
abstract  ContextHandler AuditCertPathValidatorEvent.getContext()
          Gets an optional ContextHandler object that may specify additional data on how to validate the CertPath.
abstract  ContextHandler AuditContext.getContext()
          Gets a ContextHandler object from which additional audit information can be obtained.
abstract  ContextHandler CertPathBuilderParametersSpi.getContext()
          Gets a ContextHandler that may pass in extra parameters that can be used for building and validating the CertPath.
abstract  ContextHandler CertPathValidatorParametersSpi.getContext()
          Gets a ContextHandler that may pass in extra parameters that can be used for validating the CertPath.


Methods in with parameters of type ContextHandler
abstract  boolean AdjudicatorV2.adjudicate(Result[] results, Resource resource, ContextHandler handler)
          Determines the final adjudication from a set of decisions rendered by Access Decisions, provided they are acting as policy decision points (PDPs).
abstract  Set<Resource> BulkAdjudicator.adjudicate(List<Map<Resource,Result>> results, List<Resource> resources, ContextHandler handler)
          Determines the final adjudication from a set of decisions rendered by Access Decisions, provided they are acting as policy decision points (PDPs).
abstract  ProviderChallengeContext ChallengeIdentityAsserterV2.assertChallengeIdentity(String tokenType, Object token, ContextHandler handler)
          Use the supplied client token to establish client identity, possibly with multiple challenges.
abstract  CallbackHandler IdentityAsserterV2.assertIdentity(String type, Object token, ContextHandler handler)
          Asserts an identity based on token identity information.
abstract  void ChallengeIdentityAsserterV2.continueChallengeIdentity(ProviderChallengeContext context, String tokenType, Object token, ContextHandler handler)
          Use the supplied provider context and client token to continue establishing client identity
abstract  Object ChallengeIdentityAsserterV2.getChallengeToken(String type, ContextHandler handler)
          Returns the Identity Assertion provider's challenge token.
abstract  Object CredentialMapperV2.getCredential(Subject requestor, String initiator, Resource resource, ContextHandler handler, String credType)
          Returns credential of the specified type from the target resource associated with the specified initiator.
abstract  Object[] CredentialMapperV2.getCredentials(Subject requestor, Subject initiator, Resource resource, ContextHandler handler, String credType)
          Returns credentials of the specified type from the target resource associated with the specified initiator.
abstract  Map<Resource,Map<String,SecurityRole>> BulkRoleMapper.getRoles(Subject subject, List<Resource> resource, ContextHandler handler)
          Indicates whether the role policies defined for the list of resources allow the requestor to posses a given role by utilizing the information contained in the subject and context.
abstract  Map RoleMapper.getRoles(Subject subject, Resource resource, ContextHandler handler)
          Indicates whether the authorization policies defined for the resource allow the requested method to be performed.
abstract  Result AccessDecision.isAccessAllowed(Subject subject, Map roles, Resource resource, ContextHandler handler, Direction direction)
          Indicates whether the authorization policies defined for the resource allow the requested method to be performed, by utilizing the information contained in the subject.
abstract  Map<Resource,Result> BulkAccessDecision.isAccessAllowed(Subject subject, Map<Resource,Map<String,SecurityRole>> roles, List<Resource> resources, ContextHandler handler, Direction direction)
          Indicates whether the authorization policies defined for the list of resources allow the requested method to be performed, by utilizing the information contained in the subject and context.


Uses of ContextHandler in weblogic.xml.crypto.common.keyinfo


Methods in weblogic.xml.crypto.common.keyinfo that return ContextHandler
protected  ContextHandler KeyResolver.getContextHandler(WSSecurityInfo securityInfo, String name, Object element)


Uses of ContextHandler in weblogic.xml.crypto.wss


Classes in weblogic.xml.crypto.wss that implement ContextHandler
 class SecurityTokenContextHandler
          Deprecated. can not be used directly by customers


Uses of ContextHandler in weblogic.xml.crypto.wss.provider


Methods in weblogic.xml.crypto.wss.provider with parameters of type ContextHandler
abstract  Object CredentialProvider.getCredential(String tokenType, String issuerName, ContextHandler ctxHandler, Purpose p)
abstract  SecurityToken SecurityTokenHandler.getSecurityToken(String valueType, Object credentials, ContextHandler ctxHandler)
abstract  SecurityToken SecurityTokenHandler.getSecurityToken(String valueType, String issuer, Purpose p, ContextHandler ctxHandler)
abstract  boolean SecurityTokenHandler.matches(SecurityToken token, String tokenType, String issuerName, ContextHandler ctxHandler, Purpose p)


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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.2.1)

Part Number E55141-01
P4 Change 1723563 on 2015/10/09