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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.2.1)

Part Number E55141-01
P4 Change 1723563 on 2015/10/09

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Resource   


Uses of Resource in


Classes in that implement Resource
 class AdminResource
          The AdminResource class is used by a container to specify the Administrative resource (and method related to the resource) that a caller is attempting to access.
 class ApplicationResource
          The ApplicationResource class is used by a container to specify the Application resource (and method related to the resource) for which a security policy is being defined, or that a caller is attempting to access.
 class COMResource
          The COMResource class is used by a container to specify a class type that can be exported from the COM runtime.
 class ControlResource
          The ControlResource class is used by a controls container to specify the Control resource (and method related to the resource) that a caller is attempting to access.
 class EISResource
          The EISResource class is used by a container to specify the EIS resource (and method related to the resource) that a caller is attempting to access.
 class EJBResource
          The EJBResource class is used by a container to specify the EJB resource (and method related to the resource) that a caller is attempting to access.
 class JDBCResource
          The JDBCResource class is used by a container to specify the JDBC resource (and method related to the resource) that a caller is attempting to access.
 class JMSResource
          The JMSResource class is used by a container to specify the JMS resource (and method related to the resource) that a caller is attempting to access.
 class JMXResource
          The JMXResource class is used by a container to specify the JMX MBean resource (and method related to the resource) that a caller is attempting to access.
 class JNDIResource
          The JNDIResource class is used by a container to specify the JMS resource (and method related to the resource) that a caller is attempting to access.
 class KerberosServiceResource
          The KerberosServiceResource is used by the customer to define a resource for Kerberos service.
 class RemoteResource
          The RemoteResource class is used by WLS to represent a service endpoint that is not deployed on the local WLS server.
 class ResourceBase
          The ResourceBase class is an abstract base class for all the specific resource types and facilitates the model for the extending resources.
 class ServerResource
          The ServerResource class is used by a container to specify the Server resource (and method related to the resource) that a caller is attempting to access.
 class URLResource
          The URLResource class is used by a container to specify the URL resource (and method related to the resource) that a caller is attempting to access.
 class WebServiceResource
          The WebServiceResource class is used by a container to specify the Web Service resource (and method related to the resource) that a caller is attempting to access.
 class WorkContextResource
          The WorkContextResource class is used by a container to specify the WorkContext resource (and method related to the resource) that a caller is attempting to access.


Fields in declared as Resource
protected static Resource ResourceBase.NO_PARENT
protected  Resource ResourceBase.parent


Methods in that return Resource
 Resource KerberosServiceResource.getParentResource()
 Resource ResourceBase.getParentResource()
          Gets a Resource object that represents the parent of the current resource.
protected  Resource AdminResource.makeParent()
          Gets a Resource object that represents the parent of the current AdminResource.
protected  Resource ApplicationResource.makeParent()
          Gets a Resource object that represents the parent of the current ApplicationResource.
protected  Resource COMResource.makeParent()
          Gets a Resource object that represents the parent of the current COMResource.
protected  Resource ControlResource.makeParent()
          Gets a Resource object that represents the parent of the current ControlResource.
protected  Resource EISResource.makeParent()
          Gets a Resource object that represents the parent of the current EISResource.
protected  Resource EJBResource.makeParent()
          Gets a Resource object that represents the parent of the current EJBResource.
protected  Resource JDBCResource.makeParent()
          Gets a Resource object that represents the parent of the current JDBCResource.
protected  Resource JMSResource.makeParent()
          Gets a Resource object that represents the parent of the current JMSResource.
protected  Resource JMXResource.makeParent()
          Gets a Resource object that represents the parent of the current JMXResource.
protected  Resource JNDIResource.makeParent()
          Gets a Resource object that represents the parent of the current JNDIResource.
protected  Resource RemoteResource.makeParent()
          Gets a Resource object that represents the parent of the current RemoteResource.
protected  Resource ResourceBase.makeParent()
          Creates a ResourceBase object that represents the parent of the current resource.
protected  Resource ServerResource.makeParent()
          Gets a Resource object that represents the parent of the current ServerResource.
protected  Resource URLResource.makeParent()
          Gets a Resource object that represents the parent of the current URLResource.
protected  Resource WebServiceResource.makeParent()
          Gets a Resource object that represents the parent of the current WebServiceResource.
protected  Resource WorkContextResource.makeParent()
          Gets a Resource object that represents the parent of the current WorkContextResource.


Uses of Resource in


Subinterfaces of Resource in
 interface SelfDescribingResource
          The SelfDescribingResource class adds added query methods to the Resource class.
 interface SelfDescribingResourceV2
          The SelfDescribingResourceV2 class adds more query methods to the SelfDescribingResource class.


Methods in that return Resource
abstract  Resource Resource.getParentResource()
          Gets a Resource object that represents the parent of the current resource.
abstract  Resource AuditApplicationVersionEvent.getResource()
          Returns the resource associated with this AuditApplicationVersionEvent.
abstract  Resource AuditAtzEvent.getResource()
          Gets the resource associated with this AuditAtzEvent.
abstract  Resource AuditCredentialMappingEvent.getResource()
          Gets the resource of the getCredential operation associated with this AuditCredentialMappingEvent.
abstract  Resource AuditPolicyEvent.getResource()
          Gets the resource associated with this AuditPolicyEvent.
abstract  Resource[] PolicyCollectionInfo.getResourceTypes()
          Get the resource types used in the policy collection.
abstract  Resource[] RoleCollectionInfo.getResourceTypes()
          Get the resource types used in the role collection.


Methods in that return types with arguments of type Resource
abstract  Set<Resource> BulkAdjudicator.adjudicate(List<Map<Resource,Result>> results, List<Resource> resources, ContextHandler handler)
          Determines the final adjudication from a set of decisions rendered by Access Decisions, provided they are acting as policy decision points (PDPs).
abstract  Map<Resource,Map<String,SecurityRole>> BulkRoleMapper.getRoles(Subject subject, List<Resource> resource, ContextHandler handler)
          Indicates whether the role policies defined for the list of resources allow the requestor to posses a given role by utilizing the information contained in the subject and context.
abstract  Map<Resource,Result> BulkAccessDecision.isAccessAllowed(Subject subject, Map<Resource,Map<String,SecurityRole>> roles, List<Resource> resources, ContextHandler handler, Direction direction)
          Indicates whether the authorization policies defined for the list of resources allow the requested method to be performed, by utilizing the information contained in the subject and context.


Methods in with parameters of type Resource
abstract  boolean AdjudicatorV2.adjudicate(Result[] results, Resource resource, ContextHandler handler)
          Determines the final adjudication from a set of decisions rendered by Access Decisions, provided they are acting as policy decision points (PDPs).
abstract  void DeployableAuthorizationProviderV2.deployExcludedPolicy(DeployPolicyHandle handle, Resource resource)
          Deploys a policy that always denies access.
abstract  void DeployableAuthorizationProviderV2.deployPolicy(DeployPolicyHandle handle, Resource resource, String[] roleNames)
          Deploys a policy (that is, creates a policy on behalf of a deployed Web application or EJB).
abstract  void DeployableRoleProviderV2.deployRole(DeployRoleHandle handle, Resource resource, String roleName, String[] userAndGroupNames)
          Deploys a role (that is, creates a role on behalf of a deployed Web application or EJB).
abstract  void DeployableAuthorizationProviderV2.deployUncheckedPolicy(DeployPolicyHandle handle, Resource resource)
          Deploys a policy that always grants access.
abstract  Object CredentialMapperV2.getCredential(Subject requestor, String initiator, Resource resource, ContextHandler handler, String credType)
          Returns credential of the specified type from the target resource associated with the specified initiator.
abstract  Object[] CredentialMapperV2.getCredentials(Subject requestor, Subject initiator, Resource resource, ContextHandler handler, String credType)
          Returns credentials of the specified type from the target resource associated with the specified initiator.
abstract  Map RoleMapper.getRoles(Subject subject, Resource resource, ContextHandler handler)
          Indicates whether the authorization policies defined for the resource allow the requested method to be performed.
abstract  Result AccessDecision.isAccessAllowed(Subject subject, Map roles, Resource resource, ContextHandler handler, Direction direction)
          Indicates whether the authorization policies defined for the resource allow the requested method to be performed, by utilizing the information contained in the subject.
abstract  boolean AccessDecision.isProtectedResource(Subject subject, Resource resource)
          Determines if the specified resource is protected against access by unauthenticated principals.
abstract  void PolicyCollectionHandler.setPolicy(Resource resource, String[] roleNames)
          Set a policy for the specified resource using the supplied roles names.
abstract  void RoleCollectionHandler.setRole(Resource resource, String roleName, String[] userAndGroupNames)
          Set the role to give set of users and groups for the specified resource using the supplied information.
abstract  void PolicyCollectionHandler.setUncheckedPolicy(Resource resource)
          Set a policy which always grants access to the specified resource.


Method parameters in with type arguments of type Resource
abstract  Set<Resource> BulkAdjudicator.adjudicate(List<Map<Resource,Result>> results, List<Resource> resources, ContextHandler handler)
          Determines the final adjudication from a set of decisions rendered by Access Decisions, provided they are acting as policy decision points (PDPs).
abstract  Set<Resource> BulkAdjudicator.adjudicate(List<Map<Resource,Result>> results, List<Resource> resources, ContextHandler handler)
          Determines the final adjudication from a set of decisions rendered by Access Decisions, provided they are acting as policy decision points (PDPs).
abstract  Map<Resource,Map<String,SecurityRole>> BulkRoleMapper.getRoles(Subject subject, List<Resource> resource, ContextHandler handler)
          Indicates whether the role policies defined for the list of resources allow the requestor to posses a given role by utilizing the information contained in the subject and context.
abstract  Map<Resource,Result> BulkAccessDecision.isAccessAllowed(Subject subject, Map<Resource,Map<String,SecurityRole>> roles, List<Resource> resources, ContextHandler handler, Direction direction)
          Indicates whether the authorization policies defined for the list of resources allow the requested method to be performed, by utilizing the information contained in the subject and context.
abstract  Map<Resource,Result> BulkAccessDecision.isAccessAllowed(Subject subject, Map<Resource,Map<String,SecurityRole>> roles, List<Resource> resources, ContextHandler handler, Direction direction)
          Indicates whether the authorization policies defined for the list of resources allow the requested method to be performed, by utilizing the information contained in the subject and context.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.2.1)

Part Number E55141-01
P4 Change 1723563 on 2015/10/09