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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.2.1)

Part Number E55141-01
P4 Change 1723563 on 2015/10/09

Uses of Class

Packages that use NestedException


Uses of NestedException in weblogic.common


Subclasses of NestedException in weblogic.common
 class ConnectDeadException
          Class for ConnectDeadException
 class ConnectDisabledException
          Class for ConnectDisabledException
 class ResourceException
          Class for ResourceExceptions.


Uses of NestedException in


Subclasses of NestedException in
 class DeferredDeploymentException
 class DeploymentException
          Exceptions thrown during the deployment process.
 class DistributedAttributeUpdateException
 class DistributedManagementException
          This exception wraps a set of exceptions thrown when trying to update attributes over multiple managed servers in a WebLogic Domain.
 class DistributedOperationUpdateException
 class DistributedUpdateException
          This exception is the super-exception for exception that occured while propagating an updated from the Admin Server to a specific Managed Server.
 class ManagementException
          The top-level management exception.
 class MBeanCreationException
          Exception generated during the creation of an MBean.
 class UndeploymentException
          Top-level exception for application undeployment exception.


Uses of NestedException in


Subclasses of NestedException in
 class ConfigurationException
 class OutOfDateConfigurationException


Uses of NestedException in


Subclasses of NestedException in
 class ActivateConflictException
 class EditException
          This is the base class for all edit mbeanserver exceptions.
 class EditTimedOutException
          Thrown when the request to start an edit session times out because another user has an edit session.
 class NotEditorException
          Thrown when the user has not started an edit session and is not the current editor.
 class RecordingException
          WLST script recording related exceptions .
 class ValidationException
          Thrown when an exception occurs during validation of the edit changes.


Uses of NestedException in


Subclasses of NestedException in
 class MigrationException


Uses of NestedException in


Subclasses of NestedException in
 class AlreadyExistsException
          The AlreadyExistsException exception is thrown when the object to be created already exists.
 class CreateException
          The CreateException exception is thrown when there is a problem detected with the object to be created.
 class InvalidCursorException
          The InvalidCursorException exception is thrown when an invalid cursor is passed to a method that expects a cursor.
 class InvalidParameterException
          The InvalidParameterException exception is thrown when an invalid parameter is supplied.
 class InvalidPredicateException
          The InvalidPredicateException exception is thrown when an invalid predicate class name is used.
 class NotFoundException
          The NotFoundException exception is thrown when the specified object does not exist.
 class RemoveException
          The RemoveException exception is thrown when there is a problem detected with the object to be removed.


Uses of NestedException in


Subclasses of NestedException in
 class DeployHandleCreationException
          The DeployHandleCreationException is thrown if a security provider encounters a problem while creating a DeployPolicyHandle or DeployRoleHandle.
 class ResourceCreationException
          The ResourceCreationException exception is thrown if a security provider encounters a problem while creating a resource.
 class ResourceRemovalException
          The ResourceRemovalException exception is thrown if a security provider is unable to remove a resource.
 class RoleCreationException
          A RoleCreationException exception is thrown if a Role Mapping provider has a problem creating a role.
 class RoleRemovalException
          The RoleRemovalException exception is thrown if a Role Mapping provider is unable to remove a role.
 class SecurityServiceException
          The SecurityServiceException exception is the base exception implemented by some of the WebLogic Security Framework exceptions (that is, any exception from the package that wrappers an exception with the same name from the package).


Uses of NestedException in


Subclasses of NestedException in
 class ApplicationRemovalException
          The ApplicationRemovalException is thrown if a security provider encounters a problem while handling the deletion of an application.
 class ApplicationVersionCreationException
          The ApplicationVersionCreationException is thrown if a security provider encounters a problem while handling the creation of a new application version.
 class ApplicationVersionRemovalException
          The ApplicationVersionRemovalException is thrown if a security provider encounters a problem while handling the deletion of an application version.
 class ConsumptionException
          The ConsumptionException is thrown if a security provider is unable to consume any type of security data.
 class JDBCConnectionServiceException
          The JDBCConnectionServiceException exception is thrown if a named JDBC data source is not found.
 class SecuritySpiException
          The SecuritySpiException exception is the base interface implemented by all security provider exceptions.


Uses of NestedException in weblogic.xml.schema.binding


Subclasses of NestedException in weblogic.xml.schema.binding
 class DeserializationException
          A DeserializationException is thrown if an error occurs during deserializtion.
 class SerializationException
          A SerializationException is thrown if an error occurs during serializtion.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.2.1)

Part Number E55141-01
P4 Change 1723563 on 2015/10/09