Configuring Oracle Cloud Adapter Connection and CSF Key Properties

Enter the Oracle Cloud adapter configuration connectivity and Credential Store Framework (CSF) key values for your integration.

What You Can Do from the Oracle Cloud Adapter Connection Page

You can specify the following connection values for the Oracle Cloud adapter.

  • Specify the WSDL URL for some adapters. If you are configuring the Oracle Eloqua Cloud adapter, no WSDL is required.
  • Specify the security policy.
  • Create the authentication key. A key created for one direction (for example, outbound) is also available for selection in the other direction (for example, inbound).

What You See on the Oracle Cloud Adapter Connection Page

The following table describes the key information on the Oracle Cloud adapter Connection page.

Element Description


Note: This field is not displayed for the Oracle Eloqua Cloud adapter.

Specify the WSDL. The WSDL is used to build integrations specific to your instance. You can also select the WSDL from a file system or another source by choosing the browser icon next to the WSDL URL field. Click File System at the top of the dialog, then browse for the WSDL.

Security Policy

Select the security policy appropriate to your environment (for example, USERNAME_PASSWORD_TOKEN).

  • The wizard shows all policies, including those that may not be applicable. To make a correct selection, you must have a knowledge of policies. For example, you cannot select a SAML-based policy because the identity is not propagated.

  • The policies you apply to the cloud adapter are unique to the cloud adapter and do not impact other endpoints in the composite.

Authentication Key

Select the CSF authentication key.

  • Add: Click to create a new authentication key. You must specify the key name, user name, and password.

  • Edit: Click to edit an authentication key.

  • Delete: Click to delete an authentication key.


Click to validate the authentication key.

What You Can Do from the Oracle Cloud Adapter CSF Key Page

You can specify the following CSF key values for the Oracle Cloud adapter.

  • CSF key name
  • User name and password
  • If you are configuring the Oracle NetSuite Cloud adapter only, you must specify an email account and role.
  • If you are configuring the Oracle Eloqua Cloud adapter only, you must specify a company name.

What You See on the Oracle Cloud Adapter CSF Key Page

The following table describes the key information on the Oracle Cloud adapter CSF Key page.

Element Description

CSF Key Name

Specify the CSF key to enable runtime injection of credentials. The adapter uses the CSF to retrieve the username and password required for authentication with the application (for example, the Oracle Sales Cloud or Oracle ERP application). This key identifies your login credentials during design-time.

Company Name (Oracle Eloqua Cloud adapter only)

Note: This field is only displayed for the Oracle Eloqua Cloud adapter.

Specify the Oracle Eloqua company name.

Email , Account and Role

Note: This field is only displayed for the Oracle NetSuite Cloud adapter.

Specify the email account and role.

User Name

Enter the user name for connecting to your application (for example, the Oracle Sales Cloud or Oracle ERP application). Your administrator provides you with user credentials.


Enter the password for connecting to your application.

Re-enter Password

Re-enter the same password a second time.