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Oracle Fusion Middleware Design Time Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces and Data Visualization Components
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AbstractMapThemeOptions - Class in
AbstractMapThemeOptions() - Constructor for class
AbstractMapThemeOptions.RowSelection - Enum in
A set of constants that allows automatic generation/deletion of the clickListener and selectionListener attributes.
accept(CreatorInfo) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.standalone.WidgetFactory.RestrictingWidgetFilter
accept(CreatorInfo) - Method in interface oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.standalone.WidgetFactory.WidgetFilter
Determines whether or not to allow this Creator to be included in the list of returned Widgets.
acceptPattern(Set<String>) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
Determines whether the set of properties for this pattern is allowed in this configuration.
addChild(TreemapNodeConfiguration) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.treemap.TreemapNodeConfiguration
Adds a child TreemapNodeConfiguration to this node.
addCreatorPresentationFactory(String, CreatorPresentationFactory) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.registration.DatabindingFrameworkRegistration
Patterns usually refer to presentations by the full classname.
addExcludedProperties(String...) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
Adds properties to be used to filter the patterns.
addIncludedProperties(String...) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.registration.RegistrationConfiguration
Adds properties to be used to filter the patterns.
addParameter(String, String) - Method in class
Adds a new parameter to the page definition.
addParameter(String, String) - Method in class
Adds a new parameter to the page definition usage.
addProperty(String, Object) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.creator.v2.CreatorParams
Adds a new property.
addProperty(String, Object) - Method in class
addTypeProperty(String, String) - Method in class
addTypeProperty(String, String) - Method in class
addTypeProperty(String, String) - Method in class
ADF_BASE_BINDING - Static variable in class oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.ADFViewDatabindingConstants
ADF_FACES_DEFAULT_PREFIX - Static variable in class
ADF_FACES_NS - Static variable in class
ADF_FACES_PATTERN_SOURCE - Static variable in class
How to register these patterns: import oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.registration.DatabindingPatternRegistration; DatabindingPatternRegistration.create(Patterns.ADF_FACES_PATTERN_SOURCE).register(); If a custom classloader is needed, you can add one: DatabindingPatternRegistration .create(Patterns.ADF_FACES_PATTERN_SOURCE) .withClassLoader(<classLoader>) .register();
ADF_OP_FIND - Static variable in class oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.ADFViewDatabindingConstants
ADF_OUTPUT_FORMATTED - Static variable in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.timeline.TimelineItemOptions
ADF_OUTPUT_FORMATTED_WITH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.timeline.TimelineItemOptions
ADF_OUTPUT_TEXT - Static variable in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.timeline.TimelineItemOptions
ADF_OUTPUT_TEXT_WITH_LABEL - Static variable in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.timeline.TimelineItemOptions
ADFBaseModelProviderFactory - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.provider
ADFBaseModelProviderFactory() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.provider.ADFBaseModelProviderFactory
ADFBaseProvider - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.provider
ADFBaseProvider(ADFDesignTimeContext, DataControl) - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.provider.ADFBaseProvider
Called in the case where we are the first data control tree node, and we need to run the configurators based on that.
ADFBaseProvider(ADFDesignTimeContext, DataControl, Application, PageDefinitionUsage) - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.provider.ADFBaseProvider
ADFBaseProvider(ADFBaseProvider) - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.provider.ADFBaseProvider
ADFBaseProvider(ADFDesignTimeContext) - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.provider.ADFBaseProvider
ADFBaseProvider() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.provider.ADFBaseProvider
ADFBindingConfigurationEvent - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.provider.configuration
Event that gets fired after an ADF based model provider is finalized.
ADFBindingConfigurationEvent(ADFBaseProvider, ControlBinding) - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.provider.configuration.ADFBindingConfigurationEvent
ADFBindingConfigurationListener - Interface in oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.provider.configuration
Listens to ADFBindingConfigurationEvents.
ADFBindingConfigurationRegistry - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.provider.configuration
Registry for global binding configuration listeners.
ADFBindingConfigurationRegistry() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.provider.configuration.ADFBindingConfigurationRegistry
ADFBindingGenerator - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.utils
ADFBindingGenerator() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.utils.ADFBindingGenerator
ADFBindingUtils - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.utils
ADFBindingUtils() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.utils.ADFBindingUtils
ADFDatabindingRegistration - Class in
Callers should not use this class normally.
ADFDatabindingRegistration() - Constructor for class
ADFDesignTimeContext - Interface in oracle.adfdt
ADFModelProviderFactory - Interface in oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.provider
Due to api changes and backwards compatability, clients are encouraged to subclass ADFBaseModelProviderFactory instead of implementing this class directly.
ADFModelProviderRegistry - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.provider
ADFModelProviderRegistry() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.provider.ADFModelProviderRegistry
ADFViewDatabindingConstants - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding
ADFViewDatabindingConstants() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.ADFViewDatabindingConstants
AF_NS - Static variable in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.options.ComplexExtendedProperties
Alert - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.graph
A set of accessor methods that allow the user to change the structure and functionality of a alert.
Alert() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.graph.Alert
AlertSet - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.graph
A set of accessor methods that allow the user to change the structure and functionality of a alertSet.
AlertSet() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.graph.AlertSet
Annotation - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.graph
A set of accessor methods that allow the user to change the structure and functionality of a annotation.
Annotation() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.graph.Annotation
AnnotationSet - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.graph
A set of accessor methods that allow the user to change the structure and functionality of a annotationSet.
AnnotationSet() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.graph.AnnotationSet
applyChanges(BinderParams) - Method in interface oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.creator.v2.ExtendedProperties
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root(s) within the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.creator.v2.SimpleExtendedProperties
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.common.binding.creator.v2.SimpleExtendedProperties.SimpleExtendedPropertiesDelegate
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.chart.CommonChartOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared.AttributeExceptionRuleOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams, Element) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared.AttributeExceptionRuleOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared.AttributeGroupsOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams, Element) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared.AttributeGroupsOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared.AttributeMatchRuleOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams, Element) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared.AttributeMatchRuleOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared.AttributeOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams, Element) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared.AttributeOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.gauge.CommonGaugeOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.gauge.GaugeOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.marker.MarkerOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams, Element) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.marker.MarkerOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams, Element) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.nBox.NBoxColumnOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams, Element) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.nBox.NBoxNodeOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams, Element) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.nBox.NBoxOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams, Element) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.nBox.NBoxRowOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.options.ComplexExtendedProperties
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams, boolean) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.options.ComplexExtendedProperties
Applies changes on the subtree root conditionally, based on the value of the onlyAttributes parameter.If the value of this parameter is true, only attribute changes will be applied.
applyChanges(BinderParams, Element) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.options.ComplexExtendedProperties
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams, Element, boolean) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.options.ComplexExtendedProperties
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(CreatorParams, Element, boolean) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.options.ComplexExtendedProperties
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the CreatorParams params.
applyChanges(BinderParams) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.pictoChart.PictoChartOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.pivotTable.PivotTableOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams, Element) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.tagCloud.TagCloudItemOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams, Element) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.tagCloud.TagCloudOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.timeline.TimeAxisOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams, Element) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.timeline.TimeAxisOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams, Element) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.timeline.TimelineItemOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.timeline.TimelineOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.timeline.TimelineOverviewOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
applyChanges(BinderParams, Element) - Method in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.timeline.TimelineSeriesOptions
Applies changes from this set of properties to the subtree rooted by the bind root in the bind params.
AREA_CHART - Static variable in class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.chart.CommonChartOptions
AREA_CHART - Static variable in class
AREA_GRAPH - Static variable in class
AreaChartExtendedProperties - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.chart.extension
A set of accessor methods that allow the user to change the structure and functionality of a areaChart.
AreaChartExtendedProperties() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.chart.extension.AreaChartExtendedProperties
AreaChartOptions - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.chart
AreaChartOptions() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.chart.AreaChartOptions
AreaChartPattern - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.chart
AreaChartPattern() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.chart.AreaChartPattern
AreaGraphExtendedProperties - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.graph.extension
This class is deprecated. Please use oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.chart.extension.AreaChartExtendedProperties instead.
AreaGraphExtendedProperties() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.graph.extension.AreaGraphExtendedProperties
AreaGraphOptions - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.graph
Binding options that allow the user to change the structure and functionality of an Area graph.
AreaGraphPattern - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.graph
AreaGraphPattern() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.graph.AreaGraphPattern
Attribute - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared
A set of accessor methods that allows the user to set the name and value of an Attribute.
Attribute() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared.Attribute
AttributeExceptionRule - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared
A set of accessor methods that allow the user to change the structure and functionality of a attributeExceptionRule.
AttributeExceptionRule() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared.AttributeExceptionRule
AttributeExceptionRuleOptions - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared
AttributeExceptionRuleOptions() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared.AttributeExceptionRuleOptions
AttributeExceptionRuleUtils - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared
AttributeExceptionRuleUtils, containing useful AttributeExceptionRule utilities.
AttributeExceptionRuleUtils() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared.AttributeExceptionRuleUtils
AttributeFormat - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.graph
A set of accessor methods that allow the user to change the structure and functionality of a attributeFormat.
AttributeFormat() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.graph.AttributeFormat
AttributeGroups - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared
A set of accessor methods that allow the user to change the structure and functionality of a attributeGroups.
AttributeGroups() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared.AttributeGroups
AttributeGroupsOptions - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared
AttributeGroupsOptions() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared.AttributeGroupsOptions
AttributeGroupsPattern - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared
AttributeGroupsPattern, the databinding pattern for configuring attributeGroups.
AttributeGroupsPattern() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared.AttributeGroupsPattern
AttributeGroupsUtils - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared
AttributeGroupsUtils, containing useful AttributeGroups utilities.
AttributeGroupsUtils() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared.AttributeGroupsUtils
AttributeMatchRule - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared
A set of accessor methods that allow the user to change the structure and functionality of a attributeMatchRule.
AttributeMatchRule() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared.AttributeMatchRule
AttributeMatchRuleOptions - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared
AttributeMatchRuleOptions() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared.AttributeMatchRuleOptions
AttributeMatchRuleUtils - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared
AttributeMatchRuleUtils, containing useful AttributeMatchRule utilities.
AttributeMatchRuleUtils() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared.AttributeMatchRuleUtils
AttributeOptions - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared
AttributeOptions() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared.AttributeOptions
AttributeUtils - Class in oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared
AttributeUtils, containing useful Attribute utilities.
AttributeUtils() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.common.shared.AttributeUtils
AttributeValues() - Constructor for class oracle.adfdt.view.dvt.binding.pattern.timeline.TimelineItemOptions.AttributeValues
Default Constructor
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Oracle Fusion Middleware Design Time Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces and Data Visualization Components
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