What's New in This Guide for Release 12c (

The following topics introduce the new and changed features of ADF Faces and other significant changes, which are described in this guide.

New and Changed Features for Release 12c (

Oracle Fusion Middleware Release 12c ( of Oracle JDeveloper and Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF) includes the following new and changed development features, which are described in this guide.

  • ADF Faces Components
    • ADF Faces converters supports new formats for negative numbers. For more information, see How to Specify Negative Numbers for Converters.

    • The masonryLayout component now supports tile sizes beyond 3x2 or 3x2. For more information, see How to Use a masonryLayout Component.

    • The codeEditor component supports code completion so developers can add their own code hints and a number of other enhancements. For more information, see Using Code Editor.

    • The inputDate component has a performance enhancement that allows it to open calendar immediately on the client. It no longer needs to fetch from the server to get its content. For more information, see How to Add an InputDate Component.

    • Exporting data from table, tree or tree table components to Excel spreadsheets is enhanced so that the format of the data field is preserved. The type of the field is used to set the format in the Excel cell, and if the format is not valid, then the default is to export text as Text format. For more information, see Exporting Data from Table, Tree, or Tree Tables.

    • The table component supports clientside fetching of rows to eliminate re-fetching when the user scrolls back up the already fetched table rows. The number of rows on the client that can be cached is configured using the attribute maxClientRows in combination with a scrollPolicy attribute set to scroll. For more information, see How to Display a Table on a Page.

    • The inputListOfValues component can use af:autoSuggestBehavior to filter the list when the user enters more than a specified minimum number of characters. For more information, see How to Use the InputListOfValues Component.

    • The calendar component now supports printing for all types of views. For more information, see About Creating a Calendar Component.

  • ADF Data Visualization Components

    • A new chart component, the ADF DVT Stock chart, is now available. Use stock charts to display the different values and trade volumes of stocks and shares. The client-side stock chart is recommended over the legacy server-side stock graph. For more information, see Chart Component Use Cases and Examples and How to Add Data to Stock Charts.

    • The ADF DVT Chart solution now also includes range charts. The range chart can be created by providing high and low values to area or bar charts. Use range charts to represent data within a particular significant range or as an alternative to using reference areas. Range bar charts are also useful to create waterfall charts for cost analysis. For more information, see Chart Component Use Cases and Examples.

    • The ADF DVT Chart solution now also includes split Dual-Y charts. The split dual-y chart can be created for all charts that support a Y2 axis. Use split Dual-Y charts to better represent different axis data or to unclutter a chart’s plot area. For more information, see Chart Component Use Cases and Examples.

    • A new data visualization component, the ADF DVT Picto Chart, is now available. The Picto chart is a versatile data visualization tool that allows for more aesthetically pleasing presentation of information. Picto charts are used to represent absolute numbers or parts of a population, and can be used in a variety of ways. For more information, see Using Picto Chart Components.

    • A new data visualization component, the ADF DVT Tag Cloud, is now available. The tag cloud is a data visualization tool that displays tag metadata or string metrics in a cloud or rectangular layout. Tags may be grouped by color and may be assigned relative size or importance, which is reflected in the font size of the tag. For more information, see Using Tag Cloud Components.

    • Other ADF DVT Chart changes include the following improvements. For more information, see Customizing Chart Display Elements.

      • Bar charts now support varying width for bars.

      • Chart titles and footnotes can now be aligned to the plot area bounds in addition to the container bounds.

      • You can now specify groups of series to be stacked together in any stacked chart via the new stackCategory attribute.

      • You can now customize or remove slice labels from funnel charts.

      • Charts with time axes can now be configured to be continuous despite having irregular data using the new skipGaps attribute.

      • Chart tooltips and labels can now be customized using the new tooltipLabel and tooltipDisplay attributes.

      • Chart axes now support logarithmic scale.

      • Bubble and Scatter charts now support line connectors between data points.

      • Chart data items, series and group items now support drilling. Chart groups can also be arranged in a hierarchical axis with custom styling.

    • The ADF DVT Status Meter Gauge has several improvements. You can now customize the size and color of the gauge plot area and gauge border. Circular status meter gauges now support custom inner ring size, and start and end angles for partial shape rendering. Gauge titles can now be customized and positioned. The indicator can now be made larger than the plot area. For more information, see Configuring Gauges.

    • Other ADF DVT gauge changes include the following improvements. For more information, see Gauge Component Use Cases and Examples.

      • The ADF DVT Rating Gauge and LED Gauge now support human shape. Rating gauges can now be rendered vertically.

      • ADF DVT gauges now support custom labels.

  • Other ADF Faces Changes
    • The panelSpringboard component supports swipe gestures that allow the user to navigate back and forth between child pages. For more information, see Displaying or Hiding Contents in Panels.

    • ADF Faces supports pass-through attributes to enable applications to add non-standard attributes in addition to those defined in the component library and have those attributes appear in the component’s generated DOM. For more information, see What You May Need to Know About Pass-Through Attributes.

Other Significant Changes in this Document for Release 12c (

For Release 12c (, this document has been updated in several ways. Following are the sections that have been added or changed.

Part I Getting Started with ADF Faces

Part IV Using Common ADF Faces Components

Part V Using ADF Data Visualization Components

Part VI Completing Your View

Part VII Appendices