37 Developing Accessible ADF Faces Pages

This chapter describes how to add accessibility support to ADF Faces components by configuring trinidad-config.xml with the <accessibility-mode> and <accessibility-profile> elements. This chapter also describes accessibility guidelines for ADF pages that use partial page rendering, scripting, styles, and certain page and navigation structures.

This chapter includes the following sections:

37.1 About Accessibility Support In ADF Faces

ADF Faces components support creating user interfaces that comply with established accessibility guidelines for visually and physically impaired end users.

Accessibility involves making your application usable for persons with disabilities such as low vision or blindness, deafness, or other physical limitations. This means creating applications that can be used without a mouse (keyboard only), used with a screen reader for blind or low-vision users, and used without reliance on sound, color, or animation and timing.

ADF Faces user interface components have built-in accessibility support for visually and physically impaired users. User agents such as a web browser rendering to nonvisual media such as a screen reader can read component text descriptions to provide useful information to impaired users.

While the ADF Faces accessibility guidelines for components, page, and navigation structures is useful, it is not a substitute for familiarity with accessibility standards and performing accessibility testing with assistive technology.

Access key support provides an alternative method to access components and links using only the keyboard. ADF Faces accessibility audit rules provide direction to create accessible images, tables, frames, forms, error messages, and popup windows using accessible HTML markup. Additional framework and platform issues presented by client-side scripting, in particular using asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX), have been addressed in Oracle's accessibility strategy.

Oracle software implements the U.S. Section 508 and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). The interpretation of these standards is available at http://www.oracle.com/accessibility/standards.html.

While the ADF Faces accessibility guidelines for components, page, and navigation structures is useful, it is not a substitute for familiarity with accessibility standards and performing accessibility testing with assistive technology. While creating your application, make sure that the following criterion are met:

37.1.1 ADF Faces Accessibility Support Use Cases and Examples

ADF Faces provides two types of application accessibility support: screen reader and high-contrast mode. Figure 37-1 shows an example of accessibility options in a dropdown menu. The user can choose any or all of the options as required.

Figure 37-1 Dropdown Menu Listing Accessibility Support Options

This image is described in the surrounding text

37.1.2 Additional Information for Accessibility Support in ADF Pages

You may also find it helpful to understand other ADF Faces features before you make your application accessible. Following are links to other features that work with accessibility.

  • Internationalization and localization: The ADF skin that you create to apply to your application can be customized as part of a process to internationalize and localize ADF Faces pages. For more information about this process, see Internationalizing and Localizing Pages.

  • Keyboard shortcuts: Keyboard shortcuts provide an alternative to pointing devices for navigating the page. For more information about how to use keyboard shortcuts with accessibility, see Keyboard Shortcuts.

37.2 Configuring Accessibility Support In ADF Faces

Support for optimizing the ADF application user interface for visually impaired end users who use screen readers can be configured at the application level.

ADF Faces provides two levels of application accessibility support, configured in the trinidad-config.xml file using the <accessibility-mode> element. The acceptable values for <accessibility-mode> are:

  • default: By default, ADF Faces generates components that have rich user interface interaction, and are also accessible through the keyboard. Note that in the default mode, screen readers cannot access all ADF Faces components. If a visually impaired user is using a screen reader, the screenReader mode should be used.

  • screenReader: ADF Faces generates components that are optimized for use with screen readers. The screenReader mode facilitates the display for visually impaired users, but will degrade the display for sighted users (without visual impairment).

Figure 37-2 shows the table component in the default mode and the screen reader mode.

Figure 37-2 Table Component in Screen Reader Mode

This image is described in the surrounding text

You should provide the ability to switch between the above accessibility support levels in the application, so that users can choose their desired type of accessibility support, if required.

You can also use the @accessibility-profile element to define a finer-grain high-contrast accessibility preference in the style sheet or you can specify the accessibility profile option in the trinidad-config.xml file. For more information, see Customizing the Appearance Using Styles and Skins.

ADF Faces can generate high-contrast–friendly visual content. High-contrast mode is intended to make ADF Faces applications compatible with operating systems or browsers that have high-contrast features enabled. For example, ADF Faces changes its use of background images and background colors in high-contrast mode to prevent the loss of visual information. Note that the ADF Faces high-contrast mode is more beneficial if used in conjunction with your browser's or operating system's high-contrast mode.

Figure 37-3 shows the showDetailHeader component in high-contrast mode.

Figure 37-3 showDetailHeader Component in High-Contrast Mode

This image is described in the surrounding text


The <accessibility-mode> and <accessibility-profile> elements should be EL-bound to a session scope managed bean that contains the user-specific preferences.

37.2.1 Accessibility Support Guidelines at Sign-In

When developing an application, it is a good practice to provide accessibility selection options for users after application sign-in. The sign-in accessibility flow should consist of three pages for first-time users and two pages for subsequent users, as described here:

  1. Sign-in page

  2. Accessibility Mode Selection page (mandatory for first-time users)

  3. Application home page

The accessibility options should appear for first time users and any user who opts not to circumvent it on subsequent authentications. For example, you can provide a page with the following options:

  • Hint text: Provide brief information about the accessibility options.

  • Checkboxes

    • Screen reader: Generate ADF Faces components that are optimized for use with screen readers.

    • High Contrast: Generate visual content compatible with high-contrast settings.

    • Do not show these options again: Do not show the accessibility options after sign-in.

  • A Continue button: Navigate to the home page of the application.

If the user opts not to see the accessibility options at sign-in by choosing Do not show these options again, then you should also provide a page or a dialog to navigate the user to the accessibility options.

Note that the application may have additional authentication security set up after the Accessibility Mode Selection page and the product-specific home page.

37.2.2 How to Configure Accessibility Support in trinidad-config.xml

In JDeveloper, when you insert an ADF Faces component into a JSF page for the first time, a starter trinidad-config.xml file is automatically created for you in the /WEB-INF/ directory. The file has a simple XML structure that enables you to define element properties using the JSF expression language (EL) or static values. The order of elements in the file does not matter. You can configure accessibility support by editing the XML file directly or by using the Structure window.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of accessibility support in ADF Faces. For more information, see Configuring Accessibility Support In ADF Faces. You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Additional Information for Accessibility Support in ADF Pages.

To configure accessibility support in trinidad-config.xml:

  1. In the Applications window, double-click trinidad-config.xml.
  2. In the XML editor, enter the element name <accessibility-mode> and accessibility support value (default, screenReader, or inaccessible). For example:

    This code sets the application's accessibility support to screen reader mode.

  3. Enter the element name <accessibility-profile> and accessibility profile value (high-contrast).

    For example:

    <!-- Enable high-contrast content -->

    This code sets the application's profile support to use high-contrast . Figure 37-4 illustrates a trinidad-config.xml file in JDeveloper.

    Figure 37-4 trinidad-config.xml in JDeveloper

    This image is described in the surrounding text

Once you have configured the trinidad-config.xml file, you can retrieve the property values programmatically or by using JSF EL expressions.

For example, the following code returns nothing if the accessibility mode is not explicitly set:

String mode=ADFFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getAccessibilityMode;

In this EL expression example, a null value is returned if the accessibility mode is not explicitly set:

<af:outputText value="*#{requestContext.accessibilityMode}"/>

You can set accessibility selection options at the time of application sign-in, or in the user preferences page of the application. For more information, see Accessibility Support Guidelines at Sign-In.

37.3 Specifying Component-Level Accessibility Properties

ADF Faces components define a variety of properties that must be specified to make ADF applications accessible by visually or physically impaired end users.

Guidelines for component-specific accessibility are provided in ADF Faces Component Accessibility Guidelines. The guidelines include a description of the relevant property with examples and tips. For information about auditing compliance with ADF Faces accessibility rules, see Running Accessibility Audit Rules.

Access key support for ADF Faces input or command and go components such as af:inputText, af:button, and af:link involves defining labels and specifying keyboard shortcuts. While it is possible to use the tab key to move from one control to the next in a web application, keyboard shortcuts are more convenient and efficient.

To specify an access key for a component, set the component's accessKey attribute to a keyboard character (or mnemonic) that is used to gain quick access to the component. You can set the attribute in the Properties window or in the page source using &amp encoding.

The same access key can be bound to several components. If the same access key appears in multiple locations in the same page, the rendering agent will cycle among the components accessed by the same key. That is, each time the access key is pressed, the focus will move from component to component. When the last component is reached, the focus will return to the first component.

Using access keys on af:button and af:link components may immediately activate them in some browsers. Depending on the browser, if the same access key is assigned to two or more go components on a page, the browser may activate the first component instead of cycling through the components that are accessed by the same key.

To develop accessible page and navigation structures, follow the additional accessibility guidelines described in Creating Accessible Pages.

37.3.1 ADF Faces Component Accessibility Guidelines

To develop accessible ADF Faces components, follow the guidelines described in the component's tag documentation, and in Table 37-1. Components not listed in Table 37-1 do not have accessibility guidelines.


In cases where the label property is referenced in the accessibility guidelines, the labelAndAccessKey property may be used where available, and is the preferred option.

Unless noted otherwise, you can also label ADF Faces input and select controls by:

  • Specifying the for property in an af:outputLabel component

  • Specifying the for property in an af:panelLabelAndMessage component

Table 37-1 ADF Faces Components Accessibility Guidelines

Component Guidelines


Specify the shortDesc property.

If the image is only present for decorative purposes and communicates no information, set shortDesc to the empty string.


For every af:chooseColor component, there must be at least one af:inputColor component with a chooseId property, which points to the af:chooseColor component.


For every af:chooseDate component, there must be at least one af:inputDate component with a chooseId property, which points to the af:chooseDate component.


Specify the headerText property, or provide a header facet.

In a table, you must identify at least one column component as a row header by setting rowHeader to true or unstyled. Ensure that the rowHeader column provides a unique textual value, and columns that contain an input component are not assigned as the row header.

For every child input component, set the Simple attribute to true, and ensure that the input component has a label assigned. In rich mode, the label is not displayed, but it is read by the screen reader software in screen reader mode.

If you wish to provide help information for the column, use helpTopicId.

If you use a filter facet to set a filter on a column, ensure that the filter component has a label assigned.



One of the following properties must be specified: text, textAndAccessKey, or shortDesc (used in conjunction with icon). The text should specify the action or destination activated by the component and make sense when read out of context. For example use "go to index" instead of "click here".If present, the text or textAndAccessKey property is used as the label for the component. For an icon only button or link, the shortDesc labels the component. Unique buttons or links must have unique text.



One of the following properties must be specified: text, textAndAccessKey, or shortDesc.

Usually, the text or textAndAccessKey property is used as the label for the component. Unique buttons and links must have unique text.



Specify the title property.

If you wish to provide help information, use helpTopicId.


Specify the text property. The text should specify where the link will take the user and make sense when read out of context. For example use "go to index" instead of "click here." Multiple links that go to the same location must use the same text and unique links must have unique text.

Usually, the text or textAndAccessKey property is used as the label for the component. Unique buttons and links must have unique text.


Specify the shortDesc property. If the icon is only present only for decorative purposes and communicates no information, set shortDesc to the empty string.


Specify the shortDesc property. If the image is only present for decorative purposes and communicates no information, set shortDesc to the empty string.

Use the longDescURL property for images where a complex explanation is necessary. For example, charts and graphs require a description file that includes all the details that make up the chart.


Specify the shortDesc property.










Specify the label property.

For af:inputComboboxListOfValues and af:inputListOfValues components, the searchDesc must also be specified.

If you wish to provide help information, use helpTopicId.


The value property must specify valid HTML.


Specify the value or valueAndAccessKey property.


When including multimedia content in your application, make sure that all accessibility requirements for that media are met.

Here are some examples:

  • If including audio only content, provide an alternate way of conveying the same information, such as a textual transcript of the audio.

  • Any audio that plays automatically for more than 3 seconds must have a pause, stop, or mute control.

  • If including video only content, provide an alternate way of conveying the same information, such as a textual or audio transcript.

  • When including video content with audio, captions (and audio descriptions) should also be available.



Specify the text property.

If you wish to provide help information, use helpTopicId.


Specify the label or labelAndAccessKey property. When using this component to label an ADF Faces input or select control, the for property must be specified.

If you wish to provide help information, use helpTopicId.



Refer to How to Use Page Structures and Navigation.


Specify the title property.

If you wish to provide help information, use helpTopicId.


When using polling to update content, allow end users to control the interval, or to explicitly initiate updates instead of polling.


Specify the following properties:

  • headerText

  • addFieldsButtonAccessKey

  • addFieldsButtonText

  • resetButtonAccessKey

  • resetButtonText

  • saveButtonAccessKey

  • saveButtonText

  • searchButtonAccessKey

  • searchButtonText

If you wish to provide help information, use helpTopicId.


Specify the label and searchDesc properties.

If you wish to provide help information, use helpTopicId.


If you wish to provide help information, use helpTopicId.


Specify the label property.

If you wish to provide help information, use helpTopicId.



One of the following properties must be specified: text, textAndAccessKey, or label.

If you wish to provide help information, use helpTopicId.


Specify the label property. Note that using the for attribute of af:outputLabel and af:panelMessageAndLabel components is not an acceptable alternative.









Specify the label property.

For the af:selectManyShuttle and af:selectOrderShuttle components, the leadingHeader and trailingHeader properties must be specified.

If you wish to provide help information, use helpTopicId.


Specify the text property.

If you wish to provide help information, use helpTopicId.


One of the following properties must be specified: text, textAndAccessKey, or shortDesc.


Specify the triggerType property.

Note that trigger types of mouseHover, mouseMove, mouseOver, and mouseOut are suppressed in the screen reader mode. Hence, you must provide alternate access to the content for these trigger types in the screen reader mode.

For all popups that are accessible with the mouse, make sure they are also through the keyboard. For example, if you want to display a note window on mouseOver, set up two showPopupBehavior tags: one triggering on mouseOver and one triggering on action, so that a keyboard only can also access the popup.

Do not show a popup on focus or blur event types. It makes application difficult to use by a keyboard-only user. While these are available event types, they should not be used in any real application with showPopupBehavior.



Specify the summary property. The summary should describe the purpose of the table.

All table columns must have column headers.

In screen reader mode, if a label is specified for an input component inside af:column, ADF Faces automatically inserts row information into the application-specified label of the input component. Typically, the application-specified label matches the column header text, and along with the inserted row information it provides a unique identity for each input component.

37.3.2 Using ADF Faces Table Components in Screen Reader Mode

If you are using ADF Faces table components in your web application, you must designate a column as the row header for screen reader mode. The row header is used by the screen reader software to announce the row when the end user selects it. Typically, a single column is used as a row header that allows multiple selections, but you can mark multiple columns as row headers. When you mark multiple columns as row headers, they appear as the initial columns of the table, and they are frozen.

Sometimes, for display purposes, you may not want to have a row header. In such a case, you must define one column in the table to have the rowHeader attribute set to unstyled. In screen reader mode, the table or the tree table component with the unstyled row header column is moved to the starting position with displayIndex set to 0, and it is frozen. In default mode, the table or tree table component with the unstyled row header column is not moved to the starting position, it is not frozen, and it is rendered without any row header CSS style.

37.3.3 ADF Data Visualization Components Accessibility Guidelines

To develop accessible ADF Data Visualization Components, follow the accessibility guidelines described in Table 37-2. Components not listed do not have accessibility guidelines.

Table 37-2 ADF Data Visualization Components Accessibility Guidelines

Component Guideline




Specify the summary property. The summary should describe the purpose of the Gantt chart component.










Charts automatically assign a value to the shortDesc property for the following chart child components when you add them to a page. The property describes the series, group, and value information for the component.

  • dvt:chartDataItem

  • dvt:funnelDataItem

  • dvt:pieDataItem

Specify the shortDesc property for the following chart reference objects when used. The property should describe the purpose and data information of the component.

  • dvt:referenceArea

  • dvt:referenceLine


Specify the summary property. The summary should describe the purpose of the component.

Also specify the shortDesc property for the dvt:diagramNode and dvt:diagramLinkchild components. The property should contain information identifying the label and node data for the node.





Specify the shortDesc property. The property should describe the purpose and data information of the gauge.


Specify the summary property. The summary should describe the purpose of the component.

Note that in screen reader mode, an instance of the tree table component substitutes for the component, and the end user can then use the standard cursor keys to navigate through the data.


Specify the summary property. The summary should describe the purpose of the geographic map.

Note that in screen reader mode, an instance of the table component substitutes for the geographic map component, and the end user can then use the standard cursor keys to navigate through the data.


Specify the shortdesc property. The property should describe the purpose and data of the node.


Specify the summary property. The summary should describe the purpose of the timeline component.


Specify the shortDesc property. The property should describe the purpose and data of the spark chart component.


Specify the shortDesc property. The shortDesc property should describe the purpose of the graph.

Note that in screen reader mode, an instance of pivot table substitutes for the graph component, and the end user can then use the standard cursor keys to navigate through the data.

In screen reader mode, the following visualization features of the graph component are not supported:

  • Data change animation during partial page rendering.

  • Zoom and scroll. Scrolling is supported in pivot table.

  • The seriesRolloverBehavior and hideAndShowBehavior properties on simple graph tags.

  • Precise control of data marker shapes and colors, including the following:

    • Declarative properties on the Series child tag

    • Callback APIs

    • Conditional formatting rules from a backing bean

In screen reader mode, the following interactive features of the graph component are not supported:

  • Context menu facets

  • Popups

  • The drillingEnabled property of simple graph tags

  • ShapeAttributes support, and access to fine-grained mouse and key events from all graph components

  • Programmatic TickLabelCallback support


Specify the summary property. The summary should describe the purpose of the component.

Also specify the shortDesc property for the dvt:sunburstNode child component. The property should contain information identifying the label and node data for the node.

Note that in screen reader mode, an instance of the tree table component substitutes for the component, and the end user can then use the standard cursor keys to navigate through the data.


Specify the summary property. The summary should describe the purpose of the thematic map.

Note that in screen reader mode, an instance of the table component substitutes for each DataLayer component, and the end user can then use the standard cursor keys to navigate through the data.

If the thematic map instance has multiple DataLayers associated with it, then a dropdown list is also rendered in screen reader mode to enable end users to switch between the corresponding table instances.


Specify the summary property. The summary should describe the purpose of the pivot table component.


Specify the summary property. The summary should describe the purpose of the component.

Also specify the shortDesc property for the dvt:treemapNode child components. The property should contain information identifying the label and node data for the node.

Note that in screen reader mode, an instance of the tree table component substitutes for the component, and the end user can then use the standard cursor keys to navigate through the data.


DVT chart, sunburst, and treemap components conform to the Accessible Rich Internet Applications Suite (WAI-ARIA) technical specification. The WAI-ARIA framework defines roles, states, and properties to make widgets, navigation, and behaviors accessible. For more information about WAI-ARIA, see http://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/aria.

37.3.4 How to Define Access Keys for an ADF Faces Component

In the Properties window of the component for which you are defining an access key, enter the mnemonic character in the accessKey attribute field. When simultaneously setting the text, label, or value and mnemonic character, use the ampersand (&) character in front of the mnemonic character in the relevant attribute field.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of component-level accessibility guidelines. For more information, see Specifying Component-Level Accessibility Properties. You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Additional Information for Accessibility Support in ADF Pages.

Defining Access Keys

Use one of four attributes to specify a keyboard character for an ADF Faces input or command and go component:

  • accessKey: Use to set the mnemonic character used to gain quick access to the component. For command and go components, the character specified by this attribute must exist in the text attribute of the instance component; otherwise, ADF Faces does not display the visual indication that the component has an access key.

    The following example shows the code that sets the access key to the letter h for the af:link component. In Internet Explorer, when the user presses the keys ALT+H, the text value of the component will be brought into focus. Note that the ALT key might not act as the access key in every web browser. Refer to the browser's documentation to know the shortcut keys of the browser.

    <af:link text="Home" accessKey="h">
  • textAndAccessKey: Use to simultaneously set the text and the mnemonic character for a component using the ampersand (&) character. In JSPX files, the conventional ampersand notation is &amp;. In JSP files, the ampersand notation is simply &. In the Properties window, you need only the & character.

    The following example shows the code that specifies the button text as Home and sets the access key to H, the letter immediately after the ampersand character, for the af:button component.

    <af:button textAndAccessKey="&amp;Home"/>
  • labelAndAccessKey: Use to simultaneously set the label attribute and the access key on an input component, using conventional ampersand notation.

    The following example shows the code that specifies the label as Date and sets the access key to a, the letter immediately after the ampersand character, for the af:selectInputDate component.

    <af:inputSelectDate value="Choose date" labelAndAccessKey="D&amp;ate"/>
  • valueAndAccessKey: Use to simultaneously set the value attribute and the access key, using conventional ampersand notation.

    The following example shows the code that specifies the label as Select Date and sets the access key to e, the letter immediately after the ampersand character, for the af:outputLabel component.

    <af:outputLabel for="someid" valueAndAccessKey="Select Dat&amp;e"/>
    <af:inputText simple="true" id="someid"/>

Access key modifiers are browser and platform-specific. If you assign an access key that is already defined as a menu shortcut in the browser, the ADF Faces component access key will take precedence. Refer to your specific browser's documentation for details.

In some browsers, if you use a space as the access key, you must provide the user with the information that Alt+Space or Alt+Spacebar is the access key because there is no way to present a blank space visually in the component's label or textual label. For that browser you could provide text in a component tooltip using the shortDesc attribute.

37.3.5 How to Define Localized Labels and Access Keys

Labels and access keys that must be displayed in different languages can be stored in resource bundles where different language versions can be displayed as needed. Using the <resource-bundle> element in the JSF configuration file available in JSF 1.2, you can make resource bundles available to all the pages in your application without using a f:loadBundle tag in every page.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of component-level accessibility guidelines. For more information, see Specifying Component-Level Accessibility Properties. You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Additional Information for Accessibility Support in ADF Pages.

To define localized labels and access keys:

  1. Create the resource bundles as simple.properties files to hold each language version of the labels and access keys. For details, see How to Create a Resource Bundle as a Property File or an XLIFF File.
  2. Add a <locale-config> element to the faces-config.xml file to define the default and supported locales for your application. For details, see How to Register a Locale for Your Application.
  3. Create a key and value for each string of static text for each resource bundle. The key is a unique identifier for the string. The value is the string of text in the language for the bundle. In each value, place an ampersand (& or amp) in front of the letter you wish to define as an access key.

    For example, the following code defines a label and access key for an edit button field in the UIStrings.properties base resource bundle as Edit:


    In the Italian language resource bundle, UIStrings_it.properties, the following code provides the translated label and access key as Aggiorna:

  4. Add a <resource-bundle> element to the faces-config.xml file for your application. The following example shows an entry in a JSF configuration file for a resource bundle.

Once you set up your application to use resource bundles, the resource bundle keys show up in the Expression Language (EL) editor so that you can assign them declaratively.

In the following example, the UI component accesses the resource bundle:

<af:outputText value="#{res['login.date']}"/

For more information, see Internationalizing and Localizing Pages.

37.4 Creating Accessible Pages

Certain features of ADF Faces pages, such as partial page rendering or page navigation, must be considered to make ADF applications accessible by visually or physically impaired end users.

In addition to component-level accessibility guidelines, you should also follow page-level accessibility guidelines when you design your application. While component-level guidelines may determine how you use a component, page-level accessibility guidelines are more involved with the overall design and function of the application as a whole.

The page-level accessibility guidelines are for:

  • Using partial page rendering

  • Using scripting

  • Using styles

  • Using page structures and navigation

  • Using WAI-ARIA landmark regions

When designing the application pages, you must follow these general accessibility guidelines described in Table 37-3.

Table 37-3 General Accessibility Guidelines

Guideline Action

Avoid using raw HTML content

If possible, avoid using raw HTML content. If raw HTML content is required, use af:outputFormatted and ensure that the content is valid.

Use the clearest and simplest language appropriate for a site's content

Ensure language clarity and simplicity across the application.

Provide keyboard alternatives to drag and drop

Any functionality that uses drag and drop operations must also be exposed through a keyboard-accessible interface, such as Cut, Copy, and Paste menu items.

Provide access to the accessibility mode

ADF Faces exposes the following accessibility modes:

  • Default

  • Screen reader - optimized for screen reader users

You must design your web application to enable end users to choose a screen reader mode, if required. For more information about configuring screen reader mode in ADF Faces, see Configuring Accessibility Support In ADF Faces.

When designing your web application, note that you may be required to add additional accessibility modes, such as a high-contrast accessibility mode.

Review accessibility standards

You must be aware of relevant accessibility standards, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. Although the ADF Faces framework and components hide many of the implementation details, you should be familiar with these guidelines.

Write text that describes the link's purpose

Ensure that the purpose of each link can be determined from the link text alone, or from the link text together with its programmatically determined link context, except where the purpose of the link would be ambiguous to users in general.

Provide information about the general layout of the site, such as a site map or table of contents

Ensure that site layout requirements are met.

Provide multiple ways to locate a page

Ensure that page access requirements are met across the application. Pages that are the result of a process, or a step in a process, can be excluded.

Provide visual separation between adjacent links

Ensure that adjacent links are visually separated, and that a single link containing white space does not appear as multiple links.

Provide accessibility support for non-ADF content

Ensure that non-ADF Faces content in the page is accessible. The content can come from other Oracle products, or any third-party products.

Provide accessibility support for external documents

Ensure that external documents, such as Word documents and PDF files, are accessible. The documents could be generated by the product, or be shipped with the product, and must have least one accessible version.

The guidelines described in this section, and its subsections, follow Oracle Global HTML Accessibility Guidelines, which combines the guidelines of Section 508 and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. ADF Faces components ease your responsibility, as they implicitly meet several accessibility guidelines. For example, ADF Faces renders the lang attribute on every page, and all headers rendered by ADF Faces components use the appropriate HTML header elements.

37.4.1 How to Use Partial Page Rendering

Screen readers do not reread the full page in a partial page request. When using Partial Page Rendering (PPR), you must follow the guidelines described in Table 37-4.

Table 37-4 Partial Page Rendering Guidelines for Accessibility

Guideline Action

Prefer downstream partial page changes

Partial page rendering causes the screen reader software to read the page starting from the component that triggered the partial action. Therefore, place the target component after the component that triggers the partial request; otherwise, the screen reader software will not read the updated target.

For example, the most common PPR use case is the master-detail user interface, where selecting a value in the master component results in partial page replacement of the detail component. In such scenarios, the master component must always appear before the detail component in the document order.

Provide guidance for partial page changes

Screen reader or screen magnifier users may have difficulty determining exactly what content has changed as a result of partial page rendering activity. It may be helpful to provide guidance in the form of inline text descriptions that identify relationships between key components in the page. For example, in a master-detail scenario, inline text might explain that when a row on master component is updated, the detail component is also updated. Alternatively, a help topic might explain the structure in the page and the relationships between components.

37.4.2 How to Use Scripting

Client-side scripting should not be used for any application problem for which there is a declarative solution and so should be kept to a minimum.

When using scripting, you must follow these guidelines as described in Table 37-5.

Table 37-5 Scripting Guidelines for Accessibility

Guideline Action

Keep scripting to a minimum

Avoid client-side scripting.

Do not interact with the component Document Object Model (DOM) directly

ADF Faces components automatically synchronize with the screen reader when DOM changes are made. Direct interaction with the DOM is not allowed.

Do not use JavaScript timeouts

Screen readers do not reliably track modifications made in response to timeouts implemented using the JavaScript setTimeout() or setInterval() APIs. Do not call these methods.

Provide keyboard equivalents

Some users may not have access to the mouse input device. For example, some users may be limited to keyboard use only, or may use alternate input devices or technology such as voice recognition software. When adding functions using client-side listeners, ensure that the function is accessible independent in device. Practically speaking this means that:

  • All functions must be accessible using the keyboard events.

  • Click events should be preferred over mouse-over or mouse-out.

  • Mouse-over or mouse-out events should additionally be available through the click event.

Avoid focus changes

Focus changes can be confusing to screen reader users as they involve a change of context. Design your application to avoid changing the focus programmatically, especially in response to focus events. Additionally, do not set popup windows to be displayed in response to focus changes because standard tabbing is disrupted.

Provide explicit popup triggers

Screen readers do not automatically respond to inline popup startups. To force the screen reader software to read the popup contents when in screen reader mode, the ADF Faces framework explicitly moves the keyboard focus to any popup window just after it is opened. An explicit popup trigger such as a link or button must be provided, or the same information must be available in some other keyboard or screen reader accessible way.

Provide text description for embedded objects

Ensure that each embedded object has a proper text description associated with it. The OBJECT element must specify the title attribute; the APPLET element must specify the alt attribute.

Run the audit report to verify the audit rule for af:media.

Provide links to download required plug-ins

ADF Faces does not make use of any plug-ins such as Java, Flash, or PDF. You must ensure that the appropriate links are provided for plug-ins required by the application.

Provide accessible content for plug-ins

Ensure that all content conveyed by applets and plug-ins is accessible, or provide an alternate means of accessing equivalent content.

Avoid input-device dependency for event handlers

Ensure that event handlers are input device-independent, except for events not essential to content comprehension or application operation, such as mouse rollover image swaps.

In addition to scripting guidelines, you must also provide some programming guidelines. Many of these guidelines are implicitly adopted by ADF Faces and no action is required to implement them. The programming guidelines are listed in Table 37-6.

Table 37-6 Application Programming Guidelines for Accessibility

Guideline Action

Avoid using markup to redirect pages

No action required. ADF Faces does not use markup to redirect pages.

Specify the DOCTYPE of each page

No action required. ADF Faces specifies the DOCTYPE for every page.

Avoid using ASCII characters to render drawings or figures

Ensure that no ASCII art is included in the application.

Avoid disrupting the features of the platform that are defined, in the documentation intended for application developers, as having an accessibility usage

No action required. ADF Faces ensures that content generated by the ADF Faces components does not disrupt platform accessibility features.

Describe components that control the appearance of other components

Ensure that ADF Faces components that control other components have proper descriptions. The control over other components may include enabling or disabling, hiding or showing, or changing the default values of other controls.

Always use well-formed HTML code

No action required. ADF Faces is responsible for ensuring that its components generate well-formed HTML code.

Do not use depreciated HTML elements

No action required. ADF Faces is responsible for ensuring that its components do not use deprecated HTML elements.

Ensure that section headings are self-explanatory, and use header elements H1 through H6

No action required. All headers rendered by ADF Faces components use the appropriate HTML header elements.

Ensure that the list content uses appropriate HTML list elements

No action required. All lists rendered by ADF Faces components use the appropriate HTML list elements, such as OL, UL, LI, DL, DT, and DD.

Mark quotations with proper elements

Ensure that quotations are appropriately marked up using Q or BLOCKQUOTE elements. Do not use quotation markup for formatting effects such as indentation.

Identify the primary natural language of each page with the lang attribute on the HTML element

No action required. ADF Faces renders the lang attribute on every page.

Ensure that all form elements have a label associated with them using markup

Run the audit report. The Verify that the component is labeled audit rule warns about missing labels.

Provide unique titles to each FRAME or IFRAME elements

Run the audit report. The Verify that the component has a short description audit rule warns when af:inlineFrame is missing the shortDesc title.

Note that ADF Faces af:inlineFrame does not provide access to longDesc.

Provide a title to each page of the frame

Run the audit report. The Verify that the component has a title audit rule warns when af:document is missing the title attribute.

Ensure that popup windows have focus when they open, and focus must return to a logical place when the popup window is closed

Popup windows provided by ADF Faces components always appear in response to explicit user action. ADF Faces also ensures that focus is properly moved to the popup window on launch and restored on dismiss. However, for popup windows which are launched manually through af:clientListener or af:showPopupBehavior, you must ensure that the pop-up window is launched in response to explicit user action.

37.4.3 How to Use Styles

ADF Faces components are already styled and you may not need to make any changes. When using cascading style sheets (CSS) to directly modify the default appearance of ADF Faces components, you must follow the guidelines as described in Table 37-7.

Table 37-7 Style Guidelines for Accessibility

Guideline Action

Keep CSS use to a minimum

You are not required to specify CSS directly to the ADF components, as they are already styled.

Do not override default component appearance

Be aware of accessibility implications when you override default component appearance. Using CSS to change the appearance of components can have accessibility implications. For example, changing colors may result in color contrast issues.

Use scalable size units

When specifying sizes using CSS, use size units that scale relative to the font size rather than absolute units. For example, use em, ex or % units rather than px. This is particularly important when specifying heights using CSS, because low-vision users may scale up the font size, causing contents restricted to fixed or absolute heights to be clipped.

Do not use CSS positioning

Use CSS positioning only in the case of positioning the stretched layout component. Do not use CSS positioning elsewhere.

Use style sheets to change the layout and presentation of the screen

No action required. ADF Faces uses structural elements with style sheets to implement layout.

Create a style of presentation that is consistent across pages

No action required. ADF Faces provides a consistent style of presentation via its skinning architecture.

Do not use colors or font styles to convey information or indicate an action

Ensure that colors, or font styles, are not used as the only visual means of conveying information, indicating an action, prompting a response, or distinguishing a visual element.

37.4.4 How to Use Page Structures and Navigation

When using page structures and navigation tools, you must follow the guidelines as described in Table 37-8.

Table 37-8 Style Guidelines for Page Structures and Navigation

Guideline Action

Use af:panelSplitter for layouts

When implementing geometry-managed layouts, using af:panelSplitter allows users to:

  • Redistribute space to meet their needs

  • Hide or collapse content that is not of immediate interest.

    If you are planning to use af:panelStretchLayout, you should consider using af:panelStretchLayout instead when appropriate.

    These page structure qualities are useful to all users, and are particularly helpful for low-vision users and screen-reader users

    As an example, a chrome navigation bar at the top of the page should be placed within the first facet of a vertical af:panelSplitter component, rather than within the top facet of af:panelStretchLayout component. This allows the user to decrease the amount of space used by the bar, or to hide it altogether. Similarly, in layouts that contain left, center, or right panes, use horizontal splitters to lay out the panes.

Enable scrolling of flow layout contents

When nesting flow layout contents (for example layout controls inside of geometry-managed parent components such as af:panelSplitter or af:panelStretchLayout), wrap af:panelGroupLayout with layout="scroll" around the flow layout contents. This provides scrollbars in the event that the font size is scaled up such that the content no longer fits. Failure to do this can result in content being clipped or truncated.

Use header based components to identify page structure

HTML header elements play an important role in screen readability. Screen readers typically allow users to gain an understanding of the overall structure of the page by examining or navigating across HTML headers. Identify major portions of the page through components that render HTML header contents including:

  • af:panelHeader

  • af:showDetailHeader

  • af:showDetailItem in af:panelAccordion (each accordion in a pane renders an HTML header for the title area)

Use af:breadCrumbs to identify page location

Accessibility standards require that users be able to determine their location within a web site or application. The use of af:breadCrumbs achieves this purpose.

Use af:skipLinkTarget to provide a skip link target

The af:skipLinkTarget tag provides a way to automatically generate a skip link at the beginning of the page. This is helpful for both screen reader and keyboard users, who benefit from the ability to skip over page-level chrome that is repeated on all pages.The af:skipLinkTarget tag should be specified once per page template.

Maintain consistency for navigational mechanisms that are repeated on multiple pages

Ensure navigation consistency by using the ADF Faces navigation components.

Provide a method for skipping repetitive content

If repetitive content (including navigation links) is provided at the top of a page, ensure that the af:skipLinkTarget is used to skip over the repetitive content.

37.4.5 How to Use Images and Tables

When using images, you must follow the guidelines as described in Table 37-9.

Table 37-9 Style Guidelines for Images

Guideline Action

Specify description in alt attribute of non-decorative images

Run the audit report. The Verify that the component has a short description audit rule warns about missing shortDesc attributes. Ensure that shortDesc value is meaningful.

Ensure that decorative images, such as spacer images, specify an alt="" attribute

Run the audit report. The Verify that the component has a short description audit rule warns about missing shortDesc attributes. Ensure that shortDesc value is meaningful.

Specify description in alt attribute of complex images, such as charts

Ensure that the longDesc attribute is specified for complex af:image components.

You may consider replacing charts with an accessible component, such as a table, in screen reader mode.

Provide audio or text alternative for prerecorded synchronized media, such as videos

Ensure that the appropriate audio or text alternatives are provided.

Provide captions for prerecorded synchronized media

Ensure that the appropriate captions are provided. Captions are not required if the synchronized media is an alternative to text and is clearly labeled.

When using tables, you must follow the guidelines as described in Table 37-10.

Table 37-10 Style Guidelines for Tables

Guideline Action

Always provide row or column headers in tables

The ADF Faces table based components provide proper HTML markup for row or column header data.

Run the audit report. The Verify that table columns have headers audit rule warns when column header data is missing. Applications which use trh:tableLayout to construct data or layout tables are responsible for ensuring that such tables adhere to all Oracle accessibility guidelines.

Provide a description for each table component using the summary attribute or CAPTION element.

Run the audit report. The Verify that tables has summaries audit rule warns when data tables are missing the summary attribute.

Ensure that layout tables do not use the TH element.

No action required. ADF Faces ensures that layout components do not use TH for layout tables.

Ensure that layout tables specify summary="" and do not have the CAPTION element

No action required. ADF Faces ensures that the layout components generate an empty summary for layout tables.

Provide correct reading sequence in a layout table

No action required. ADF Faces ensures that the reading sequence is correct for any layout tables that it generates.

37.4.6 How to Use WAI-ARIA Landmark Regions

The WAI-ARIA standard defines different sections of the page as different landmark regions. Together with WAI-ARIA roles, they convey information about the high-level structure of the page and facilitate navigation across landmark areas. This is particularly useful to users of assistive technologies such as screen readers.

ADF Faces includes landmark attributes for several layout components, as listed in Table 37-11.

Table 37-11 ADF Faces Components with Landmark Attributes

Component Attribute















These attributes can be set to one of the WAI-ARIA landmark roles, including:

  • banner

  • complimentary

  • contentinfo

  • main

  • navigation

  • search

When any of the landmark-related attributes is set, ADF Faces renders a role attribute with the value you specified.

37.5 Creating Accessible Active Data Components

The ADF Faces accessibility implementation generates standard W3C-defined aria attributes in the page’s DOM (Document Object Model) of ADS (active data service) components. These attributes ensure updates to ADS components comply with accessibility guidelines so that a screen reader may announce meaningful output. You may customize what the screen reader may announce using pass-through attributes in the page.


All ADS components generate aria attributes in the page’s DOM by default and therefore support the screen reader without requiring a special reader mode.

ADF has the following implementation of these standard aria attributes for interpreting change events on dynamically changing ADS components:

  • aria-live indicates whether the screen reader should announce scalar value changes to ADS components. By default, ADF will generate an aria-live attribute with the value of polite for any ADS component that displays scalar values.

  • aria-atomic is an optional attribute of both scalar and collection-based components (such as tables) that enables the screen reader to get additional context around the updated data, such as the label of the ADS component, when announcing new value changes.

  • aria-relevant is an optional attribute of collection-based components (such as tables) that controls which type of updates to a collection are announced. By default, additions and updates are announced. With pass-though attributes this attribute can be changed to announce any combination of additions, updates and deletions.


For more details about these ADF-supported aria attributes and their allowed values, see https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/states_and_properties.

ADF also supports the JSF specification to add custom attributes to the DOM, when you want to customize the response of the screen reader to ADS component updates. This capability is called passthrough, and is utilized to pass the aria attributes to the generated page markup. The ADF implementation of pass-through attributes supports passing the attributes with the addition of the following namespaces as defined by jcp.org in the JSF or JSP page definition:

xmlns:f="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/core" and xmlns:p="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/passthrough"

For more information about ADF support for pass-though attributes, see What You May Need to Know About Pass-Through Attributes.

Use Case Description

Two types of ADS components exist with regards to accessibility and screen reader responses to change events: scalar components and collection-based components. The accessibility implementation for scalar components, such as activeOutputText, relies on the screen reader default behavior and is controlled by standard aria pass-through attributes. Whereas, in the case of collection-based components including af:table, af:tree, and af:treeTable, ADF relies on the AdfPage.PAGE.announceToAssistiveTechnology API to craft a string for announcement and places the string in a separate section of the rendered page. The collection-based components do not use aria pass-through attributes to achieve the default response.

Default Screen Reader Responses

ADF supports the following default behavior when responding to change events in ADS components. Configuration by the user is not necessary to achieve the default screen reader response.

  • For scalar components, such as activeOutputText, announce a new value when it is convenient so that interruptions of the screen reader are avoided. Only the changed value is announced (the component label is not included in the announcement) and the change will only be announced at the end of the current sentence, or after the user pauses typing. At runtime, ADF adds aria-live="polite" on the generated DOM of the component.

  • For collection-based components, such as tables, announce row update with row details, announce row insert with row header only, and ignore row deletes. At runtime, the AdfPage.PAGE.announceToAssistiveTechnology API crafts a string for the announcement and places it in separate section of the generated page.

Modified Screen Reader Responses

In addition to the default screen reader response to active-data change events, the user may modify certain responses by configuring pass-through attributes in the page markup.

The following table describes the response modifications supported on scalar ADS components.

Table 37-12 Supported Modifications to Default Screen Reader Response for Scalar Components With Active Data

Custom Value Change Event Response User Configuration
announce label and value change User adds aria-atomic="true" on the containing af:panelGroupLayout of the component. At runtime, ADF passes through aria-atomic="true" and adds aria-live="polite" on the generated DOM of the containing the component.
allow interruptions to announce value change User adds aria-live="assertive" on the containing af:panelGroupLayout of the component. At runtime, ADF passes through aria-live="assertive" on the generated DOM of the component.
allow interruptions to announce label and value change User adds aria-atomic="true" and aria-live="assertive" on the containing af:panelGroupLayout of the component. At runtime, ADF passes through aria-atomic="true" and aria-live="assertive" on the generated DOM of the component
turn off announcements User adds aria-live="off" on the containing af:panelGroupLayout of the component. ADF passes through aria-atomic="off" on the DOM of the container.

The following table describes the response modifications supported on collection-based active-data components.

Table 37-13 Supported Modifications to Default Screen Reader Response for Collection-Based Components with Active Data

Row-Level Change Event Response User Configuration
announce row insertions with row details (not only the row header) User adds data-aria-read-whole-row="true" on the component. At runtime, ADF passes through data-aria-read-whole-row="true" on the DOM of the component.
announce row deletions with row header only User adds aria-relevant="all" on the component. At runtime, ADF passes through aria-relevant="all" on the DOM of the component.
announce row deletions with row details (not only the row header) User adds aria-relevant="all" and data-aria-read-whole-row="true" on the component. At runtime, ADF passes through aria-relevant="all" and data-aria-read-whole-row="true" on the DOM of the component.
revert to default behavior of screen reader software User adds aria-live="polite" | "assertive" on the component. At runtime, ADF passes through aria-live="xx" on the DOM of the component.
read the entire table on any updates User adds aria-live="polite" and aria-atomic="true" on the component. At runtime, ADF passes through aria-live="polite" and aria-atomic="true" on the DOM of the component.
turn off announcements User adds aria-live="off" on the component. At runtime, ADF passes through aria-live="off" on the DOM of the component.

37.5.1 How to Customize the Screen Reader Response for Scalar Active Data Components

By default, screen readers will announce a new value upon active data components updates. You can customize the default screen reader response for active data updates to achieve a more meaningful announcement of the component label and the new value.

To alter the default screen reader response for a scalar active data component:
  1. In the source view of the page, locate the scalar active data component whose response you want to customize.
  2. In the active data component or it’s containing panel, add the desired aria-prefixed markup attribute and value.
    Tip: When more than one active data scalar component is contained in a panel, you can add the aria attribute to the containing panel. This will modify the screen reader response for all active data components based on the same aria attribute.

    In the following example, the p:aria-atomic attribute placed on the containing af:panelGroupLayout modifies the default screen reader response for the af:outputText component.


    Any aria attribute that you use with scalar active data components must be designated by the “p:” namespace. For example, the p:aria-atomic="true" attribute identifies the namespace by the prepended p:. Additionally, the page must include these namespaces that enable the use of pass-through attributes: xmlns:f="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/core" and xmlns:p="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/passthrough". For more information, see What You May Need to Know About Pass-Through Attributes.

    <f:view xmlns:f="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/core" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" xmlns:af="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/faces/rich"
        <af:document title="simple active text 2">
            <af:outputText value="Aria atomic set on the info to read label and value"
                           inlineStyle="font:normal bolder 14pt Arial"/>
            <af:spacer height="20"/>  
            <af:panelGroupLayout id="plm1"  p:aria-atomic="true">
              <af:outputText value="Active Output Text: "/>
              <af:activeOutputText id="text" value="#{bindings.beanData.collectionModel.firstRow.name}"/>
            <af:spacer height="20"/>  
When you use p:aria-atomic="true", the screen reader will announce the label together with the new value on the active data component without interrupting the user’s current task. Other customizations that you can specify allow the announcements to interrupt the current task so the user will be immediately notified of a change:
  • p:aria-live="assertive" to allow interruptions to announce only value changes.

  • p:aria-atomic="true" and p:aria-live="assertive" to allow interruptions to announce label and value change together

When you want to turn off announcements for specific active data components, add p:aria-live="off" to the component or components’ containing panel.

37.5.2 How to Customize the Screen Reader Response for Collection-Based Active Data Components

Collection-based active data components including af:table, af:tree, and af:treeTable provide default accessibility behavior to ensure that a screen reader will announce a row/node update, row/node insertion, and row/node deletion. You can customize the default screen reader response for collection-based active data updates to achieve a more meaningful announcement of the update in the context of the collection.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of the accessibility use cases for collection-based components. For more information, see Creating Accessible Active Data Components.

It may be helpful to have an understanding of the default screen response to active data updates for collection-based components. For more information, see Creating Accessible Active Data Components.

You must ensure that your collection-based component adheres to the guidelines described in ADF Faces Component Accessibility Guidelines. For example, a table, tree, or treeTable component must have a short description defined by the summary property and a table component must have a row header that resolves to readable text.

To alter the default screen reader response for a collection-based active data component:
  1. In the source view of the page, locate the collection-based active data component whose response you want to customize.
  2. In the active data component, add the desired aria-prefixed markup attribute and value.

    Collection-based components rely on a variety of aria attributes placed on the component itself to modify the default screen reader response to active data updates.


    Any aria attribute that you use with collection-based active data components must be designated by the “p:” namespace. For example, the p:aria-relevant="all" attribute identifies the namespace by the prepended p:. Additionally, the page must include these namespaces that enable the use of pass-through attributes: xmlns:f="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/core" and xmlns:p="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/passthrough". For more information, see What You May Need to Know About Pass-Through Attributes.

    The following table shows the attributes that you add to the af:table component to achieve the desired customization. In this example, the table identifies updates to employee address records, where the table is named address and the allowed customization are described for a row identifying employee Mark.

    Table 37-14 Allowed Accessibility Customizations for Table Components with Active Data

    Customize Response User Configuration Announcement Format Announcement Example
    announce row insertions with row details (not only the row header) p:data-aria-read-whole-row="true" Row inserted in {table's name} {textual row content} Row inserted in address table Mark Birch Lane 95050 Redwood Shores
    announce row deletions with row header only p:aria-relevant="all" Row deleted from {table's name} {rowheader} Row deleted from address table Mark
    announce row deletions with row details (not only the row header) p:aria-relevant="all" and p:data-aria-read-whole-row="true" Row deleted from {table's name} {textual row content} Row deleted from address table Mark Birch Lane 95050 Mountain View
    read the entire table upon any updates p:aria-live="polite" and p:aria-atomic="true" Reads the entire table Not provided

    The following table shows the attributes that you add to the af:treeTable component to achieve the desired customization. In this example, the table refers to employee address records, where the tree table is named address and the allowed customization are described for a non-root node identifying employee Mark, which is a child in the tree table of parent node Twain.

    Table 37-15 Allowed Accessibility Customizations for Tree Table Components with Active Data

    Customize Response User Configuration Announcement Format Announcement Example
    announce row insertions made on the tree table root node with row details (not only the row header) p:data-aria-read-whole-row="true" Row inserted in {tree table’s name} {textual row content} Row inserted in address tree table Mark Birch Lane 95050 Redwood Shores
    announce row deletions made on the tree table non-root node with rows node stamp p:aria-relevant="all" Row deleted from {tree table's name} parent node {immediate parent row's node text} {row's node stamp text} Row deleted from address tree table, parent node Twain, Mark
    announce row deletions made on tree table non-root node with row context p:aria-relevant="all" and data-aria-read-whole-row="true" Row deleted from {tree table's name} parent node {immediate parent row's node text} {textual row content} Row deleted from address tree table, parent node Twain, Mark Birch Lane 95050 Mountain View
    read the entire tree table upon any updates p:aria-live="polite" and p:aria-atomic="true" Reads the entire tree table Not provided

    The following table shows the attributes that you add to the af:tree component to achieve the desired customization. In this example, the table refers to employee address records, where the tree is named address and the allowed customizations are described for a node identifying employee Mark, which is a child in the tree of parent node Twain.

    Table 37-16 Allowed Accessibility Customizations for Tree Components with Active Data

    Customize Response User Configuration Announcement Format Announcement Example
    announce row deletions made on the tree root node p:aria-relevant="all" Node deleted from {tree's name} {node text} Node deleted from address tree, Mark
    announce row deletions made on tree non-root node p:aria-relevant="all" Node deleted from {tree's name} parent node {immediate parent's node text} {node text} Node deleted from address tree, parent node Twain, Mark
    read the entire tree upon any updates p:aria-live="polite" and p:aria-atomic="true" Reads the entire tree table Not provided

Alternatively, when you can prefer to disable the announcements supported by the ADF AdfPage.PAGE.announceToAssistiveTechnology API for collection-based active data components, you have two options:
  • Turn off ADF-supported announcements, but allow announcements supported by the default behavior of the screen reader and browser, then set aria-live="polite" | "assertive" on the collection-based component.

  • Turn off announcements entirely, then set aria-live="off" on the collection-based component.

37.5.3 What You May Need to Know About Pass-Through Attributes

The ADF implementation of pass-through attributes supports passing the attributes through to both JSF and JSP markup. JSF web pages that you create with ADF components also support all JSF specification formats for implementing pass-through attributes. However, in the case of JSP pages, your page must use the ADF tag af:passThroughAttribute to add the custom attributes on the runtime generated DOM (Document Object Model) for the page.

As a prerequisite, JSF and JSP page definitions must specify the following namespaces as defined by jcp.org:

  • xmlns:f="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/core"

  • xmlns:p="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/passthrough"

For example:

<f:view xmlns:f="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/core" 


Please note that the xmlns:f="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/core" namespace is the replacement for xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core". Pass through only works with the new version.

You may work with pass-through attributes in various ways:

  • Using the p:name="value" tag

  • Using the f:passThroughAttribute name="xx" value="yy" tag

  • Using the f:passThroughAttributes value="#{binding.mapofpassthoughattributes}" with an EL-bound pass-through value, where the value must evaluate to a Map<String, Object> having all the pass-through name- value combinations you want to add to the runtime generated markup.

The following JSF snippet shows examples of all three ways to use pass-through attributes in a page.

<f:view xmlns:f="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/core" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" xmlns:af="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/faces/rich"
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
              <af:inputText columns="150" id="t1" value="this is a simple one with a passthrough" 
              <af:inputText columns="150" id="t2" value="this one uses f:passThroughAttribute">
                 <f:passThroughAttribute name="type" value="email"/>
              <af:inputText columns="150" id="t5" value="uses an f:passThroughAttributes map">
                 <f:passThroughAttributes value="#{SampleBean.passthroughs}"/>

The following runtime generate DOM shows the pass-through result for each of the above usages, where the type attribute of the input field is email, as specified by the p:type of the pass-through attribute.

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" role="presentation" summary="" id="j_idt5:t1" class="af_inputText" 
          <td class="af_inputText_label"></td>
          <td valign="top" nowrap="" class="AFContentCell">
             <input type="email" value="this is a simple one with a passthrough" size="150" class="af_inputText_content" 
                    style="width:auto" name="j_idt5:t1" id="j_idt5:t1::content">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" role="presentation" summary="" id="j_idt5:t2" class="af_inputText" 
         <td class="af_inputText_label"></td>
         <td valign="top" nowrap="" class="AFContentCell">
            <input type="email" value="this one uses f:passThroughAttribute" size="150" class="af_inputText_content" 
                   style="width:auto" name="j_idt5:t2" id="j_idt5:t2::content">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" role="presentation" summary="" id="j_idt5:t5" class="af_inputText" 
       type="email" genre="personal">
         <td class="af_inputText_label"></td>
         <td valign="top" nowrap="" class="AFContentCell">
            <input type="email" value="uses an f:passThroughAttributes map" size="150" class="af_inputText_content" 
                   style="width:auto" name="j_idt5:t5" id="j_idt5:t5::content">

When you use the ADF tag in either the JSF or JSP page, observe the following conditions and limitations:

  1. af:passThroughAttribute value can be expression language (EL) bound where the name property is a string.

  2. af:passThroughAttribute can be used to overwrite any rendered default value.

  3. af:passThroughAttribute is stamped only on the root element of the component. None of the nested inner elements should have them.

  4. af:passThroughAttribute with name property defined as elementName is treated specially. If an af:passThroughAttribute is set with elementName, then the element's name itself changes to its value. For example:

    <af:passThroughAttribute name="elementName" value="test" ...> 

    will render the root element of the component in the generated page markup as:


37.6 Running Accessibility Audit Rules

JDeveloper supports generating accessibility compliance reports for ADF applications by allowing you to run accessibility-specific audit rules on the application.

JDeveloper provides ADF Faces accessibility audit rules to investigate and report compliance with many of the common requirements described in ADF Faces Component Accessibility Guidelines.

37.6.1 How to Create an Audit Profile

You can create an audit profile from the Preferences dialog.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of accessibility audit rules. For more information, see Running Accessibility Audit Rules. You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Additional Information for Accessibility Support in ADF Pages.

To create an audit profile:

  1. From the main menu, choose Tools > Preferences.
  2. In the Preferences dialog, choose Audit > Profiles.
  3. In the Audit: Profiles dialog, clear all checkboxes, and then select the Application Development Framework > ADF Faces > Accessibility checkbox.
  4. Click Save As and save the profile with a unique name.

    Figure 37-5 illustrates the settings of the Audit: Profiles dialog to create an accessibility audit profile.

    Figure 37-5 Audit Profile Settings for ADF Faces Accessibility

    This image is described in the surrounding text
  5. Click OK.

37.6.2 How to Run Audit Report

Running an audit report requires creating and running an audit profile.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of accessibility audit rules. For more information, see Running Accessibility Audit Rules. You may also find it helpful to understand functionality that can be added using other ADF Faces features. For more information, see Additional Information for Accessibility Support in ADF Pages.

To run the audit report:

  1. From the main menu, choose Build > Audit target.
  2. In the Audit dialog, from the Profile dropdown menu, choose the ADF Faces accessibility audit profile you created.

    Figure 37-6 Audit Dialog To Run an Audit Report

    This image is described in the surrounding text
  3. Click Run to generate the report.

The audit report results are displayed in the Log window. After the report generation is complete, you can export the report to an HTML file by clicking the Export icon in the Log window toolbar.