Creating Aggregates on TimesTen Sources

These topics describe configuration steps and features related to aggregate creation on TimesTen sources.

This section contains the following topics:

See Oracle Exalytics Machine for specific instructions on setting up TimesTen sources.

Enabling PL/SQL for TimesTen

To create aggregates on TimesTen sources, you must ensure that PL/SQL is enabled for the instance, and that the PL/SQL first connection attribute PLSQL is set to 1.

You can enable PL/SQL at install time, or run the ttmodinstall utility to enable it post-install. See Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Installation Guide for more information.

Creating Aggregates with Compressed Tables

To create aggregates with compressed tables in TimesTen, enable the database feature, COMPRESSED_COLUMNS, in the Features tab of the Database dialog in the Oracle Administration Tool.

See Specifying SQL Features Supported by a Data Source for more information about using the Features tab.

Enabling Performance Enhancement Features for TimesTen

You can enable performance enhancing features.

If you are creating aggregates in TimesTen Release or later, then you can enable features to improve performance.

The features that you can enable to improve performance are:

  • Disable Redo Logging

  • Perform database checkpoints in the background

To enable these features:

  1. Edit the file located at BI_DOMAIN\config\fmwconfig\bienv\obis.

  2. Add the following TimesTen variables:


      The ORACLE_BI_TT_DISABLE_REDO_LOGGING=1 element disables redo-logging, enabling faster creation of aggregates.

      Set the ORACLE_BI_TT_DISABLE_REDO_LOGGING=1 element to 0 (zero), to disable the feature.


      The ORACLE_BI_TT_BACKGROUND_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL element changes how often TimesTen flushes its data to disk. If the element is missing, the default is every 10 seconds. If you explicitly set ORACLE_BI_TT_BACKGROUND_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL=N, for example, to 10, the flush to disk occurs every N seconds, 10 as in this example. If you set ORACLE_BI_TT_BACKGROUND_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL to 0 (zero) background flushing is disabled. Enabling background flushing speeds up creation of aggregates, by avoiding a large blocking flush at the end of the aggregate creation process.

  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Restart the Oracle BI Server.