Enabling Users to Act for Others

This section contains the following topics on enabling users to act for others:

Why Enable Users to Act for Others?

You can enable one user to act for another user in Oracle BI Presentation Services.

When a user (called the proxy user) acts as another (called the target user), the proxy user can access the objects in the catalog for which the target user has permission.

Enabling a user to act for another is useful, for example, when a manager wants to delegate some of his work to one of his direct reports or when IT support staff wants to troubleshoot problems with another user's objects.

See User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition for information on how users enable others to act for them.

What Are the Proxy Levels?

When you enable a user to be a proxy user, you also assign an authority level (called the proxy level). The proxy level determines the privileges and permissions granted to the proxy user when accessing the catalog objects of the target user. The following list describes the proxy levels:

  • Restricted — Permissions are read-only to the objects to which the target user has access. Privileges are determined by the proxy user's account (not the target user's account).

    For example, suppose a proxy user has not been assigned the Access to Answers privilege, and the target user has. When the proxy user is acting as the target user, the target user cannot access Answers.

  • Full — Permissions and privileges are inherited from the target user's account.

    For example, suppose a proxy user has not been assigned the Access to Answers privilege, and the target user has. When the proxy user is acting as the target user, the target user can access Answers.

When you have enabled a user to act as a proxy user, that user can display the Act As option in the global header of Presentation Services to select the target user to act as, provided the Act As Proxy privilege has been set.


Before a proxy user can act as a target user, the target user must have signed into Presentation Services at least once and accessed a dashboard.


If you are a user who can be impersonated by a proxy user, you can see the users with the permission to proxy (Act As) you. To see these users, log in to Oracle Business Intelligence go to the My Account dialog box and display the extra tab called Delegate Users. This tab displays the users who can connect as you, and the permission they have when they connect as you (Restricted or Full).

Process of Enabling Users to Act for Others

To enable users to act for others, perform the following tasks:

Defining the Association Between Proxy Users and Target Users

You define the association between proxy users and target users in the database by identifying, for each proxy user/target user association, the following:

  • ID of the proxy user

  • ID of the target user

  • Proxy level (either full or restricted)

For example, you might create a table called Proxies in the database that looks like this:

proxyId targetId proxyLevel
















After you define the association between proxy users and target users, you must import the schema to the physical layer of the BI Server. For information on importing a schema, see Metadata Repository Builder's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

Creating Session Variables for Proxy Functionality

To authenticate proxy users, you must create the following two session variables along with their associated initialization blocks. For both variables, you must modify the sample SQL statement according to the schema of the database.

  • PROXY — Use this variable to store the name of the proxy user.

    Use the initialization block named ProxyBlock and include code such as the following:

    select targetId from Proxies where UPPER(targetid) = UPPER('VALUEOF(NQ_SESSION.RUNAS)') and UPPER(proxyid) = UPPER('VALUEOF(NQ_SESSION.RUNASORIGUSER)')
  • PROXYLEVEL — Use this optional variable to store the proxy level, either Restricted or Full. If you do not create the PROXYLEVEL variable, then the Restricted level is assumed.

    Use the initialization block named ProxyLevel and include code such as the following:

    select proxyLevel from Proxies where UPPER(targetid) = UPPER('VALUEOF(NQ_SESSION.RUNAS)') and UPPER(proxyid) = UPPER('VALUEOF(NQ_SESSION.RUNASORIGUSER)')

For more information on creating session variables, see Metadata Repository Builder's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

Modifying the Configuration File Settings for Proxy Functionality

Use various elements in the instanceconfig.xml file to configure the proxy functionality.

To manually configure for proxy functionality:

  1. Open the instanceconfig.xml file for editing, as described in Where are Configuration Files Located in System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
  2. Locate the section in which you must add the elements that are described in the following list:
    • LogonParam: Serves as the parent element for the TemplateMessageName and MaxValues elements.

    • TemplateMessageName: Specifies the name of the custom message template in the Custom Messages folder that contains the SQL statement to perform tasks related to displaying proxy and target users. The default name is LogonParamSQLTemplate.

      The name that you specify in the TemplateMessageName element must match the name that you specify in the WebMessage element in the custom message file. For more information, see Creating a Custom Message Template for Proxy Functionality.

    • MaxValues: Specifies the maximum number of target users to be listed in theUser box in the Act As dialog box. If the number of target users for a proxy user exceeds this value, then an edit box, where the proxy user can enter the ID of a target user, is shown rather than a list of target users. The default is 200.

  3. Include the elements and their ancestor elements as appropriate, as shown in the following example:
  4. Save your changes and close the file.
  5. Restart Oracle Business Intelligence.

Creating a Custom Message Template for Proxy Functionality

You must create a custom message template for the proxy functionality that contains the SQL statement to perform the following tasks:

  • Obtain the list of target users that a proxy user can act as. This list is displayed in the User field in the Act As dialog box.

  • Verify whether the proxy user can act as the target user.

  • Obtain the list of proxy users that can act as the target user. This list is displayed on the target user's My Account screen.

In the custom message template, you place the SQL statement to retrieve this information in the following XML elements:

Element Description


Specifies the SQL statement to return the list of target users and corresponding proxy levels.

The SQL statement must return either one or two columns, where the:

  • First column returns the IDs of the target users

  • (Optional) Second column returns the names of the target users


Specifies the SQL statement to verify if the current user can act as the specified target user.

The SQL statement must return at least one row if the target user is valid or an empty table if the target user is invalid.


Specifies the SQL statement to obtain the list of proxy users that can act as the current user and their corresponding proxy levels.

The SQL statement must return either one or two columns, where the:

  • First column returns the names of the proxy users

  • (Optional) Second column returns the corresponding proxy levels

You can create the custom message template in one of the following files:

  • The original custom message file in the directory

  • A separate XML file in the directory

To create the custom message template:

  1. To create the custom message template in the original custom message file:

    1. Make a backup of the original custom message file in a separate directory.

    2. Make a development copy in a different directory and open it in a text or XML editor.

  2. To create the custom message template in a separate XML file, create and open the file in the BI_DOMAIN/bidata/components/OBIPS/custommessages directory.

    You must also configure a folder (custommessages) as an application in WebLogic Server, to make Oracle BI Presentation Services aware of it. For more information, see, "Install applications and modules" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help in:


  3. Start the custom message template by adding the WebMessage element's begin and end tags. For example:

    <WebMessage name="LogonParamSQLTemplate">


    The name that you specify in the WebMessage element must match the name that you specify in the TemplateMessageName element in the instanceconfig.xml file. For information, see Modifying the Configuration File Settings for Proxy Functionality.

  4. After the </WebMessage> tag:

    1. Add the <XML> and </XML> tags

    2. Between the <XML> and </XML> tags, add the <logonParam name="RUNAS"> and </logonParam> tags.

    3. Between the <logonParam name="RUNAS"> and </logonParam> tags, add each of the following tags along with its corresponding SQL statements:

      • <getValues> and </getValues>

      • <verifyValue> and </verifyValue>

      • <getDelegateUsers> and </getDelegateUsers>

    The following entry is an example:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <WebMessageTables xmlns:sawm="com.example.analytics.web.messageSystem">
     <WebMessageTable system="SecurityTemplates" table="Messages">
      <WebMessage name="LogonParamSQLTemplate">
        <logonParam name="RUNAS">
         <getValues>EXECUTE PHYSICAL CONNECTION POOL "01 - Sample App Data  (ORCL)"."Sample Relational Connection" select targetId from SAMP_USERS_PROXIES where proxyId='@{USERID}'</getValues>
         <verifyValue>EXECUTE PHYSICAL CONNECTION POOL "01 - Sample App Data (ORCL)"."Sample Relational Connection" select targetId from SAMP_USERS_PROXIES where proxyId='@{USERID}' and targetId='@{VALUE}'</verifyValue>
         <getDelegateUsers>EXECUTE PHYSICAL CONNECTION POOL "01 - Sample App Data (ORCL)"."Sample Relational Connection" select proxyId, proxyLevel from SAMP_USERS_PROXIES where targetId='@{USERID}'</getDelegateUsers>

    Note that you must modify the example SQL statement according to the schema of the database. In the example, the database and connection pool are both named Proxy, the proxyId is PROXYER, and the targetId is TARGET.

  5. If you created the custom message template in the development copy of the original file, then replace the original file in the custommessages directory with the newly edited file.

  6. Test the new file.

  7. (Optional) If you created the custom message template in the development copy of the original file, then delete the backup and development copies.

  8. Load the custom message template by either restarting the server or by clicking the Reload Files and Metadata link on the BI Server Administration screen. For information on the Administration page, see Understanding the Administration Pages.

Assigning the Proxy Privilege

Granting the Act As Proxy privilege.

For each user whom you want to enable as a proxy user or for each application role whose members you want to enable as proxy users, you must grant the Act As Proxy privilege. For information on how to assign privileges, see Setting Presentation Services Privileges for Application Roles.