About Catalog Manager

Catalog Manager is a tool that lets you perform online and offline management of Oracle BI Presentation Catalogs. Install Catalog Manager on a secure computer that is accessible only to Oracle BI Administrators.

Uses for Catalog Manager

You can use Catalog Manager to:

  • Manage folders, shortcuts, global variables, and objects (analyses, filters, prompts, dashboards, and so on). For example, you can rename and delete objects, and you can move and copy objects within and between catalogs.

  • View and edit catalog objects in Extensible Markup Language (XML).

  • Preview objects, such as analyses and prompts.

  • Search for and replace catalog text.

  • Search for catalog objects.

  • Create analyses to display catalog data.

  • Localize captions. See Localizing Oracle BI Presentation Catalog Captions.

Many of the operations that you can perform in Catalog Manager can also be performed through the Catalog page in Oracle BI Presentation Services. For information, see Managing Objects in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog in User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

Guidelines for Working with Catalog Manager

Follow these guidelines when working with Catalog Manager:

  • Always make backup copies of the Oracle BI Presentation Catalogs that you are working with.

  • Be sure of changes that you plan to make. Catalog Manager commits changes immediately. There is no undo function nor are there any error messages to tell you that a particular change does not display well to users. However, if you do make any unwanted changes, then you can revert to your latest saved backup.

  • Do not copy and paste catalog contents into email, as this is not supported.

Tips for Working with Catalog Manager

As you work with Catalog Manager, keep the following tips in mind:

  • While working in online mode, you can paste catalog contents into or out of a read-only folder by turning off the read-only property of the folder tree before copying, then re-apply the read-only attribute after pasting.

  • You cannot copy, archive, or drag files from the /system/security directory in the Catalog Manager.

  • Some keyboard shortcuts might not work properly.

  • Even if a resize indicator is not shown, Catalog Manager panes might still be resizable.

  • You can use Catalog Manager in languages other than English. For information, see Setting the Current Locale in Catalog Manager.