Setting the Current Locale in Catalog Manager

When you use Catalog Manager, you can specify the locale to use for its user interface elements and for objects in the catalog.

Catalog Manager locales can be the same or different. The user interface elements are available in 10 locales, and the catalog content for certain applications is available in 28 locales.

You can see the user interface elements of Catalog Manager (dialogs, menus, and so on) in any of the 10 locales in which it is available. Certain areas of Catalog Manager, such as data handling, are not yet translated or localized. Catalog Manager uses the following process to decide which locale to display:

  1. Check for the setting of the "-nl <locale>" parameter when Catalog Manager is started. You set this parameter as part of the CATMAN_VMARGS variable in the runcat.cmd or file, as shown in the following examples:

    set CATMAN_VMARGS=-nl fr -vmargs -Xmx1024M -Dosgi.clean=true

    set CATMAN_VMARGS=-nl fr_CA -vmargs -Xmx1024M -Dosgi.clean=true

  2. Check for the default locale for Java, as specified on your computer.
  3. Using the default locale of English (specifically, en_US).

When you start Catalog Manager and open a catalog in online mode, you can select the locale for viewing the contents of the catalog. The locales that are available for selection depend on the following criteria. Catalog Manager uses this selection for subsequent online connections.

  • Whether that locale was selected for Presentation Services during the installation process.

  • Whether the contents of the catalog have been translated for a specified locale.

If translated files are not available for that locale, then the contents are displayed in the default locale of English (specifically, en_US).

Note that:

  • Session errors (such as login failed or session timed out) are displayed in the default locale, not necessarily the locale of the user trying to login or whose session timed out.

  • Some strings in the Catalog Manager user interface (such as the string Maximize) are not translated.

For more information on Catalog Manager, see About Catalog Manager.