Managing Capacity in Oracle Business Intelligence (Vertically Scaling)

You can change the number of Oracle Business Intelligence system components and managed servers to suit capacity requirements.

You should first configure shared files and directories for clustered components to use (for information, see Setting Up Shared Files and Directories).

You can change the number of BI System components to suit capacity requirements.

The commands described in this section should only be used by advanced users.

Adding System Components

You can add BI System Components to a computer when the system is stopped (offline).


If SSL is configured, see Configuring SSL in Oracle Business Intelligence in Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition


  • You must have appropriate file system permissions.

  • Ports are allocated from the Oracle Business Intelligence port range, unless otherwise specified.

  • Supported system component types are OBIPS (BI Presentation Server), OBICCS (Cluster Controller), OBIJH (BI JavaHost), and OBISCH (BI Scheduler).

    OBIS is not scaled out because OBIS instances are managed as part of service instances.

    For more information, see About System Components.

  • You can only create two instances each of the component types OBICCS, OBISCH (one active, one passive). Therefore, if it is required to add another instance on another host, then an existing instance must first be removed.

To add system components:

  1. Create a system component using an appropriate WLST command from:


    Use the following syntax to create an Oracle BI Presentation Server component:

    createOBIPSComponent(domainHome, machine)

    Where machine is the WebLogic logical computer name (for example 'm1'). Use WLST or the WebLogic Admin Console (if running) to discover the logical machine name.

    For example to create a new Presentation Services system component on UNIX, enter:

    createOBIPSComponent("/oraclehome/user_projects/domains/bi", "m1")

    All commands take a DOMAIN_HOME a machine name and an optional port specification

    Command Description

    createOBICCSComponent(domainHome, machine, port=None, portMonitor=None)

    This command creates a new cluster component.

    createOBISCHComponent(domainHome, machine, port=None, portMonitor=None,portScript=None)

    This command creates a new scheduler component.

    createOBIPSComponent(domainHome, machine, port=None)

    This command creates a new BI Presentation Server component.

    createOBIJHComponent(domainHome, machine, port=None)

    This command creates a new JavaHost component


    This command lists all of the system components in the domain.

    getBISystemComponents(domainHome, instanceId)

    This command displays details of system component with specified instanceID.

    The newly created system component instance name (or component details) is displayed.

  2. Start the new component in:


    For example, enter:


    For information, see Starting Oracle Business Intelligence Component Processes in a Domain.

Post Conditions

  • The new component is created.

  • New port(s) are allocated.

  • The new component is started.

For more information, Using the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST).

Removing System Components

You can remove an unwanted or inactive Presentation Services system component instances from a computer.


  • Run commands when system is stopped (offline), as long as you have appropriate file system (offline) privileges.

  • Supported system component types are OBIPS (BI Presentation Server), OBICCS (BI Cluster Controller), OBIJH (BI JavaHost), and OBISCH (BI Scheduler). For information, see About System Components.

To remove a system component:

  1. Stop the system using the stop script located in:


    For example on UNIX enter:


    For more information, see Stopping Oracle Business Intelligence Component Processes in a Domain.

  2. Delete a system component by running the deleteBISystemComponent WLST command from ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/

    deleteBISystemComponent(domainHome, instanceId)

    Where domainHome is the DOMAIN_HOME for the domain, and instanceID is the BI component ID (for example, obips1, obis4)

    For example:

    deleteBISystemComponent("/oraclehome/user_projects/domains/bi", "obips1")

    This removes system component(s) and un-allocates ports.

    For more information, Using the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST).

    The deleted system component name is displayed.

  3. Start the system by running the following command located in:


    For example on UNIX enter:


    For more information, see Starting Oracle Business Intelligence Component Processes in a Domain.