New Features for Oracle Business Intelligence System Administrators

This section describes changes to system administration features for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 12c (12.2.1).

This section contains the following topics:

New Features and Changes for Oracle BI EE 12c (

New system administration features and changes are included in Oracle BI EE 12c (

There are no new features in this release.

New Features and Changes for Oracle BI EE 12c (

New system administration features and changes are included in Oracle BI EE 12c (

If you are upgrading to Oracle BI EE 12c ( from Oracle BI EE 11g (, then read the following information carefully, because there are significant differences in features, tools, and procedures. For more information about upgrading to Oracle BI EE 12c, see Oracle Business Intelligence Migration Guide.

These features and changes include:

Invoking WLST From a Single Location

In previous releases, you invoked WLST from different locations, depending on whether you were using the commands for Oracle WebLogic Server, system components, or Java components such as Oracle SOA Suite. In this release, you invoke WLST from:

(UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/
(Windows) ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\common\bin\wlst.cmd

For information, see Using the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST).

Oracle Home Location Redefined and No Middleware Home

Redefining of the Oracle home and elimination of the Middleware home. See “New and Deprecated Terminology for 12c” in Understanding Oracle Fusion Middleware.

OPMN is No Longer Used in Fusion Middleware

OPMN is no longer used in Oracle Fusion Middleware. Instead, system components are managed by the WebLogic Management Framework, which includes WLST, Node Manager and pack and unpack. See What is the WebLogic Management Framework in Understanding Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Oracle Web Cache Not Part of Fusion Middleware

Oracle Web Cache is no longer part of Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Moving From Test To Production is Carried Out in a Different Way

The test to production operation is still possible however, the process is different from what was available in Oracle Business Intelligence Release 1 (11.1.1) as it applies solely to metadata (content, data model and authorization). For information, see Moving Oracle Business Intelligence Between Environments.

New Commands For Process Control

New process control commands replace the old start stop commands. For information, see Process Control Commands.

Managing Metadata In Business Intelligence Archive Files

All Oracle Business Intelligence metadata, including repository, Presentation Services catalog, and user authentication is stored in BAR archive files. The BAR file is a mechanism for managing or moving a self contained set of Oracle BI metadata between environments. For information, see Managing Metadata and Working with Service Instances.

Single Enterprise Install

In this release the Oracle Universal installer offers a single install type for your Enterprise which provides an Administration server, and a Managed server. For information, see What Is the System Logical Architecture? and Installing and Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence.

Changes to Scaling Out

In this release the scale out procedures for Oracle Business Intelligence have changed. For information, see Scaling Your Deployment.

Simplified Configuration

Configuration files are no longer duplicated. Separate configuration files still exist for example, for Oracle BI Presentation Services and BI Server, but they are not duplicated in the case of a cluster. For information, see Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence System Settings.

Managing System Component Instances Using Commands

OBIS (BI Server) system component instances are separately managed in BI 12.2.1 using service instance commands. For information, see Managing Service Instances.

Collecting Diagnostic Bundles

A new script enables you to collect the diagnostic bundles needed by Oracle Support or Development to help resolve issues. For information, see Collecting Diagnostic Bundles.

Synchronizing Mid-Tier Database Connection Details Command

A new command enables you to synchronize mid-tier database connection details when they have changed. For information, see BI-Specific WLST Command Reference.