Managing Oracle Business Intelligence System Components Using Fusion Middleware Control

You can use Fusion Middleware Control to manage, monitor, and configure Oracle Business Intelligence system components (for example, the Oracle BI Server, Oracle BI Presentation Services, and Oracle BI Scheduler). You can also use Fusion Middleware Control to manage the Administration Server and Managed Servers.

This section contains the following topics:

Logging into Fusion Middleware Control

To log in to Fusion Middleware Control, open a web browser and enter the Fusion Middleware Control URL.

Enter the URL in the following format:


The port number is the number of the Administration Server, and the default port number is 9500.

Fusion Middleware Control is available only if the Administration Server is running, as described in Conditions for Starting the Oracle Business Intelligence System.

To log in to Fusion Middleware Control:

  1. Enter the URL in a web browser. For example:
  2. Enter the system administrator user name and password and click Sign in.

    This systemwide administration user name and password was specified during the installation process, and you can use it to log in to WebLogic Server Administration Console, Fusion Middleware Control, and Oracle Business Intelligence.

    Alternatively, enter any other user name and password that has been granted the Oracle BI Administrator application role. Fusion Middleware Control is displayed.


If you have the browser configured to send HTTP requests to a proxy server, then you might have to configure the browser to not send Administration Server HTTP requests to the proxy server. If the Administration Server is on the same computer as the browser, then ensure that requests that are sent to localhost or are not sent to the proxy server.

Displaying Oracle Business Intelligence Pages in Fusion Middleware Control

Use this topic to display Oracle Business Intelligence pages that enable you to manage Oracle Business Intelligence system components.

To display Oracle Business Intelligence pages in Fusion Middleware Control:

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control.

    For more information, see Logging into Fusion Middleware Control.

  2. Expand the Business Intelligence folder and select the biinstance node.

    Fusion Middleware Control displays the Overview page, as shown below.


    If the Business Intelligence folder is not visible or there is no biinstance node under it, then Oracle Business Intelligence system components have not been installed. For information, see Installing and Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence.

    The Overview page displays the current system status, by providing information about availability, and issues identified within the BI domain (for more information, see What Is the System Logical Architecture?). The Overview page also enables you to start and stop Oracle Business Intelligence.

  3. From the Overview page, select an appropriate tab to perform Oracle Business Intelligence management tasks.

Using the Navigation Tree in Fusion Middleware Control

The navigation tree enables you to navigate and select nodes within the BI domain that can be managed by Fusion Middleware Control.

Depending on the choices made during installation, the following domain components can be displayed as nodes in the navigation tree:

  • Application Deployments

    The Application Deployments node shows all the applications that are deployed into the BI domain (for example, analytics, Oracle Business Intelligence for Microsoft Office, Oracle BI Publisher).

  • WebLogic Domain

    These nodes display summary information for the WebLogic server. Select a node and click the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console menu option to display the WebLogic Server Administration Console, where you can administer Oracle WebLogic Server.

    • bidomain

      This node represents the WebLogic server domain for Oracle Business Intelligence with an AdminServer node that contains the Administration Server and a bi_cluster node that contains Managed Servers (a single node cluster by default, for example, bi_server1). For information, see About the Administration Server, Managed Servers, and System Components.

      • AdminServer

      • bi_cluster

  • Business Intelligence

    • biinstance

      This node represents the Oracle Business Intelligence system components that can be managed using Fusion Middleware Control.

      Select this node to display the Overview page and manage the system components.

  • Metadata Repositories

    This node represents the Metadata Services (MDS) schema repositories that can be managed using Fusion Middleware Control.

Tips for Using Fusion Middleware Control with Oracle Business Intelligence

There are several considerations to keep in mind when using Fusion Middleware Control with Oracle Business Intelligence.

Keep the following tips in mind as you use Fusion Middleware Control to manage Oracle Business Intelligence:

  • For complete information about Fusion Middleware Control and how to use it, see Getting Started Managing Oracle Fusion Middleware in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

  • You might want to have a user who can view information about Oracle Business Intelligence within Fusion Middleware Control but not make any changes. You can configure such a user by making him a member of the Monitors group. See Securing Resources Using Roles and Policies for Oracle WebLogic Server for information on the Monitors group.

  • You might encounter display problems when using Internet Explorer 8 with Fusion Middleware Control. For example, scroll bars might be missing on the Log Messages tab of the Diagnostics page, even when the bars are required to see all the text.

    To work around this issue, ensure that Compatibility View mode is turned off for the browser.

    To turn off compatibility view mode in Internet Explorer 8:

    1. From the Tools menu, select Internet Options. On the Advanced tab in the Browsing section, ensure that Automatically recover from page layout errors with Compatibility View is not checked.

    2. From the Tools menu, select Compatibility View Settings. Ensure that Display intranet sites in Compatibility View and Display all websites in Compatibility View are not checked.