Setting Time Zones

You can override the user’s time zone selection with one that is consistent for all users.

Use the following procedure to set time zones for users.

To set preferred time zones for users:

  1. Determine the time zone that is set for the server on which Presentation Services is running.

  2. Use elements in the Presentation Services configuration file (instanceconfig.xml) or use session variables. The instanceconfig.xml file is located in:


    Consult the following for more information:

  3. Encourage end users to specify their preferred time zones using the My Account dialog.

  4. Encourage users who create analyses to do the following to set the time stamps for their analyses:

    1. Use the Data Format tab of the Column Properties dialog to specify the time zone that is displayed in the columns of their analyses.

    2. Use the Time Zone dialog to set the time zone that is displayed in dashboard prompts.