What Is the Precedence Order for Time Zones?

Time zones are presented in a specific order.

The actual time zone in which various types of content are displayed follows a precedence order described in the table below. An item with a lower number overrides one with a higher number. For example, Item 1 takes precedence over Item 2.

Time Zone For Determined By


  1. The setting of the DATA_TZ session variable.

  2. The setting of the DefaultDataOffset element in the instanceconfig.xml file.

  3. The time zone of the original data as set by the administrator (because the time zone is unknown for Presentation Services).

Data display

  1. The setting that a content designer makes.

  2. The setting of the DATA_DISPLAY_TZ session variable.

  3. The setting of the DefaultDataDisplay element in the instanceconfig.xml file.

  4. User-Preferred Time Zone

General time stamps (not including column data and log files)

  1. User-Preferred Time Zone

  2. The time zone for Oracle BI Presentation Services.

Log file information

  1. The setting of the Logging element in the instanceconfig.xml file.

  2. The time zone for Presentation Services.

User-Preferred Time Zone

Users can select the time zone they want presented in the interface.

The user-preferred time zone is determined by the following:

  • The specification that a user makes in the My Account dialog. Users can select a time zone in which they prefer to view content.

    For information about setting the time zone preference on the My Account dialog: Preferences tab, see User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

  • The setting of the TIMEZONE session variable.

  • The setting of the DefaultUserPreferred element in the instanceconfig.xml file.