Working with Essbase Data in Oracle Business Intelligence

These topics provide orientation for using Essbase in Oracle Business Intelligence.

This section introduces working with Essbase cubes in Oracle Business Intelligence:

Enabling Single Sign-On for Essbase Data Sources

To enable SSO for Essbase data sources installed using the Oracle Business Intelligence installer, you select SSO in the General tab of the connection pool object that corresponds to the Essbase data source in the Oracle BI repository.

Also select the Virtual Private Database option in the corresponding database object to protect cache entries.

For more information, see Multidimensional Connection Pool Properties in the General Tab in Metadata Repository Builder's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

Also see note 1993210.1 at:

Creating, Scheduling, and Running Analyses and Reports Where Essbase Is the Data Source

A user with the BI Author application role can create, schedule, and run analyses and reports where Essbase is the data source, where filters are applied using the identity of the end user, and where SSO is configured.

For more information about:

  • Creating, scheduling, and running Oracle Business Intelligence analyses, see:

    User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition

  • Creating and running BI Publisher reports, see:

    Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher

Enabling Oracle BI EE to Connect to Essbase Over SSL

This section addresses how Oracle BI Server handles Essbase connectivity when both the Oracle BI Server and Essbase are installed and configured as part of the Oracle Business Intelligence.

If Essbase is configured for SSL, the BI Server (which uses the Essbase RTC client), must perform all the client side SSL configuration as an Essbase client.

If the BI Server and Essbase run on the same machine, and the Essbase server is configured for SSL, then the BI Server can simply point to the Essbase configuration file (essbase.cfg). To do this you add the ESSBASE_CONFIG_PATH property to to specify the location of essbase.cfg.

If you need the Oracle BI Server to have a custom client side essbase.cfg (for example, to control specific Essbase client settings), but you do not want to use the Essbase server configuration file, then refer to the sections "Setting up an Essbase Client Wallet" and "Copying and Configuring the Wallet Path" in the 12c version of Essbase Database Administrator Guide. In this case, the file must point to the directory location which contains essbase.cfg defined for the Oracle BI Server.

To make the BI Server to point to the essbase.cfg location:

  1. Open the file located here:


    Add the ESSBASE_CONFIG_PATH property with a value that either represents the path to location of essbase.cfg defined for Oracle BI EE, or the location that is already being used by Essbase Server.

    For example, to point to the Essbase server's configuration file, then:

  2. Save the file.


End-to-End SSL configuration in release is not supported. That is, if the Oracle BI Server is also configured for SSL, then connectivity between Oracle BI Server and the Essbase server will not work. However, this will be supported in a future release of 12c.