Setting General Properties

The general properties region includes the following settings:

System Temporary Directory

This section includes the topics about setting a system temporary directory.

Topics include:

About Temporary Files

BI Publisher creates both temporary and cache files.

Temporary files:

  • Temporary files created by the formatting engines (FO processor, PDF Form Processor, PDF generators and so on)

  • Data Files

These files are removed after the reports generate successfully.

Dynamic image files for HTML output:

  • Dynamic charts

  • Embedded images in RTF templates

Cache files:

  • Data cache

  • LOV (List of Values) cache

  • Document Cache

  • XSL Cache from RTF templates

Setting the System Temporary Directory

If you do not specify a temporary directory here, temporary files and dynamic image files are generated under {bip_deployment_directory}/xdo/tmp. Cache files are generated under {bip_deployment_directory}/xdo/cache.

When you configure a System Temporary Directory using this field, for example: "/disk1/BIP_Temp", the BI Publisher server automatically creates the following directories:

  • /disk1/BIP_Temp/xdo

  • /disk1/BIP_Temp/xdo/tmp

  • /disk1/BIP_Temp/xdo/cache

Temporary files are generated under /disk1/BIP_Temp/xdo/tmp.

Cache files are generated under /disk1/BIP_Temp/xdo/cache.

Dynamic image files are still created in the {bip_deployment_directory}/xdo/tmp directory and are not affected by this configuration.

Whenever the BI Publisher server is restarted, any files under /disk1/BIP_Temp/xdo are removed.


When using the BI Publisher web services uploadReportDataChunk() or downloadReportDataChunk() in a clustered environment, you must set the System Temporary Directory to be a shared directory accessible to all servers within the cluster.

You must enter the absolute path to the directory. For example, the directory can exist under ${xdo.server.config.dir}/temp but you must enter the absolute path, such as /net/subfoldera/scratch/subfolderb/12ccat/temp

Repeat this procedure for all servers in the cluster, entering the same value for System Temporary Directory.

Sizing the System Temporary Directory

Sizing requirements depend on how large the generated data files and reports are, how many reports enabled cache, and the number of concurrent users.

If you must process 1 GB of data and then to generate a report that is 1 GB, then the temp disk should have more than 2 GB of disk space for a single report run. If you require ten concurrent report runs of similarly sized reports, then more than 20 GB of disk space is required. In addition, if you must cache the data and reports for these ten users, you need additional 20 GB of disk space. Note that cache is per user.

Report Scalable Threshold

This property specifies the threshold at which data is cached on the disk.

When the data volume is large, caching the data saves memory, but results in slower processing. Enter a value in bytes. The default and general recommendation for this property is 1000000 (1 megabyte).