8 Limitations and Known Issues

This chapter describes the limitations and known issues for migrating BPM 10gR3 projects to BPM 12c projects.

This chapter includes the following sections:

8.1 Limitations

The following are not migrated:

  • Project preferences

    Only languages and current language preferences are migrated.

  • Boundary Events attached to Events

    BPMN supports only Boundary Events for Activities. It does not support Boundary Events for Events.

  • BPM Activities Runtime Settings

  • BPM Activities Advanced Settings

  • BPM Activities Custom Images

  • Measurement Marks

  • Optional Tasks

  • PUnit Tasks

  • Process Interfaces

  • Compensate Transitions

  • Business Rules

  • Predefined Variables

  • Correlations

  • Unused Roles

  • Groups

  • Participants

  • Custom JSPs

  • Fuego Tag Library

  • Layouts

  • Views

  • Simulations

  • WorkSpace Customization


  • The usage of some of the component groups from the predefined catalog

    See Predefined Catalog Migration.

  • Some introspected components

    See Introspected Components Migration

8.2 Known Issues

Issues that may occur when migrating a project from BPM 10gR3 to BPM 12c include:

  • Project Dependency

    The project dependency property and the base project properties are not migrated. However, BPM 12c supports dependencies for catalogs and roles. To use dependencies you must store the base project and the dependent project in the same directory. For example, if the path of the base project is /home/user/baseproject, then the path of the dependent project must be /home/user/dependentproject .

  • Parametric Roles

    Parametric roles are migrated as regular roles.

  • Business Parameters

    Values specific to an Organization Unit are not migrated, only default values are migrated.

  • Connectors

    The 12c version does not support connectors. Connectors are replaced with default sequence flows.

  • Documentation

    Images, font type, font style (bold, italic, underline, etc) and font color are not migrated.

  • Presentations

    Migrated as empty human tasks. You must implement these human tasks manually to complete the migration.

  • Custom JSPs

    Custom JSPs are not migrated. You can move custom JSPs to an ADF project, but additional work is required to re-use them properly with ADF Task Flows. Note the Fuego Tag Library cannot be used in BPM 12c. You must map data using using Human Tasks.

  • Business Object Inheritance

    The complex attributes of Business Objects are not migrated. Business Objects that extend from catalogued complex objects are not migrated. Inheritance between Business Objects and business exceptions are not migrated.

  • java.net.InetAddress method calls

    There is no migration for the component java.net.InetAddress. If the methods you are migrating contain calls to methods from this component, the migration fails with a compilation error. The suggested workaround is to comment the lines of code in the BPM 10gR3 project that use this component. After you complete the migration, uncomment the code and manually migrate the calls.

  • Scripts that use the Plumtree component

    If the BPM 10gr3 project contains a script that uses the Plumtree component, then you must invoke the migration utility ant task using the -lib parameter and specify the location of the distributed edk jar (fuego.edk-10.3.3.jar).

    For example: ant -lib route/to/fuego.edk-10.3.3.jar migrate10-12 -DprojectLocation=/home/myUser/OracleBPMWorkspace/Sample103Project -Ddestination=/home/myUser/migTests/FirstTest

  • Project using enumerations introspected from JAR files

    In BPM 10.3 you can add a jar file (external resource) and then catalog its inner types as Java. One of the possible types is the Enum type.

    If the BPM 10gR3 project contains an enumeration that was added to the business catalog using a jar file, then you must provide the jar file or the directory that contains the jar files, to the migration utility using the -lib parameter with the corresponding path.

    For Example:

    ant -lib myenum.jar migrate10-12 -DprojectLocation=/home/myUser/OracleBPMWorkspace/Sample103Project -Ddestination=/home/myUser/migTests/FirstTest

  • Missing Class in Migration Report

    If the migration report indicates that a custom class is missing, you must provide the path to the custom class to the migration utility using the -lib parameter with the corresponding class.

  • Project dependency

    To migrate a project that depends on another project you must ensure that both projects are stored in the same directory. Otherwise, the components from the base project are not migrated.

8.2.1 BPM Activities Migration Known Issues

The following known issues apply when migrating these BPM 10gR3 activities to BPM 12c.

Timer Events

Runtime settings are not migrated.


Migrated as abstract activities with no implementation. You must either remove them or decide how to manually implement them.

Automatic Activities

  • Activities implemented with Components are migrated as BPMN service tasks with no implementation. You must implement the service tasks manually to complete the migration.

  • Loop Conditions are not migrated.

  • Evaluation Orders are not migrated.

  • Conditions are not migrated.

Interactive Activities

  • Screenflow Calls are migrated as BPMN service tasks with a process call implementation. Service tasks do not support a role definition, so the role assignment is in the called process itself. The original role could change.

  • PUnit Tasks are not migrated.

  • Optional Tasks are not migrated.

The following implementations of an interactive activity are migrated as BPMN user tasks with empty human tasks. You must decide how to implement them manually to complete the migration process:

  • With No Implementation

  • Component

  • Method

  • External

  • Input

  • Display

  • Decision

Decision Activity

Decision activities are migrated as BPMN user tasks with empty human tasks. You must decide how to implement them manually to complete the migration process.

Interactive Component Call

Interactive Component Calls are migrated as BPMN user tasks with empty human tasks. You must decide how to implement them manually to complete the migration process:

  • Components

  • Inputs

  • Displays

  • BPM Object Interactive Calls


Dynamic process invocation is not supported.


Migrated as an abstract activity with no implementation. The activity label has the suffix "was subscreenflow". You must decide how to implement this.

Process Creation

Dynamic process invocation is not supported.

Runtime settings are not migrated.

Termination Wait

Runtime settings are not migrated.

Global Creation

Auto-complete and other runtime settings are not migrated.

Global Automatic

Runtime settings are not migrated.