What's New in This Guide

Review the new features and significant product changes for the Identity Governance Framework (IGF) and the related developer APIs.

New Features in Release 12c (

The new features and major changes introduced in release are as follows:

New IDS Tuning Configuration Parameters

New configuration parameter Protocols has been added for tuning your IDS deployment.

See Configuration Parameters for IDS.

New Features in Release 12c (12.2.1)

The new features and major changes introduced in release are as follows:

New IDS Configuration Parameters

New configuration parameters MaxPoolConnectionReuseTime and ConnectTimeout have been added for tuning your IDS deployment.

See Configuration Parameters for IDS.

Support to Reclaim Connection Back into the Connection Pool

You can now configure connection pool property, which allows you to reclaim borrowed connections into the connection pool after a connection has not been used for a specific time duration.

Use the PoolConnectionReclaimTime configuration parameter to set the property. This feature helps maximize connection reuse and conserves system resources that are otherwise lost on maintaining borrowed connections that are no longer in use.

See Configuration Parameters for IDS.

New Features in Release 12c (12.1.3)

The new features and major changes introduced in release 12.1.3 are as follows:

Logical NOT Operator in Search Filters

You can specify the logical NOT operator to negate a simple or complex filter condition.

The SearchFilter class has two new methods: negate() is a toggle method to set the NOT condition, and the isNegated() method can check if the NOT condition is already set.

See Using Logical NOT Operator in a Search Filter.

Pass-Through Support for Entity Attributes

The Identity Directory API supports entity attribute pass-through.

You do not need to include each and every attribute in attribute definitions and attribute references under the entity definition. You can include any attribute in an add, modify, requested attributes, or search filter operation, and if the attribute is not present in the in the identity store schema, the IDS API returns the error thrown by the identity store.

See Logical Entity Configuration for an Identity Directory Service.