2.2 Generating the BI Migration Tool (bi-migration-tool.jar)

The BI Migration Tool (bi-migration-tool.jar) is self-executing and self-contained. You must generate the BI Migration Tool jar file by using the BI Migration Script (migration-tool.sh|cmd). The BI Migration Script is made available after you configure the 12c domain. This step packages the components of the BI Migration Tool into a single, self-executing jar file, so that it can be easily transported on to an 11g system. To do this, you must have access to a 12c system with a configured domain. You must set up the 12c domain to provide sufficient infrastructure to run the BI Migration Tool and allow it to repackage itself. The 12c domain can be empty at this stage.

To generate the BI Migration Tool jar:
  1. Locate the BI Migration Script available at the following location:
    On UNIX operating system:
    On Windows operating system:
    Replace the DOMAIN_HOME with the actual path to the 12c Domain home you created when you configured the 12c BI instance.
  2. Run the following command to generate the BI Migration Tool:
    On UNIX operating system:
    $DOMAIN_HOME/bitools/bin/migration-tool.sh package bi-migration-tool.jar
    On Windows operating system:
    %DOMAIN_HOME%\bitools\bin\migration-tool.cmd package bi-migration-tool.jar

    Table 2-1 Command Description

    Option Description
    $DOMAIN_HOME/bitools/bin Specifies the location of the BI Migration Script.
    package Specifies the BI Migration Script to perform the packaging operation.
    bi-migration-tool.jar Specifies the file name of the migration tool jar file where the output is written. In this documentation, the bi-migration-tool.jar file is referred as the "BI Migration Tool" and the migration-tool.sh script is referred as the "BI Migration Script".
  3. Copy the BI Migration Tool to the host system from where you want to export data.