3.4 Configuration Commands

Use the WLST commands listed in Table 3-4 to view and configure the OWSM domain.


The setConfiguration command has been deprecated. It is recommended that you use the setWSMConfiguration command described in "setWSMConfiguration".

Table 3-4 OWSM Environment WLST Commands

Use this command... To... Use with WLST...


Set the keystore configuration properties.



Display the full configuration properties and their values and groups for the specified product.



Set the configuration properties of the specified product.



Set the value for the fields of a resource or its structural components.


3.4.1 configureWSMKeystore

Command Category: Configuration

Use with WLST: Online


Sets the configuration properties for the OWSM keystore.

For more information, see "Configuring the OWSM Keystore Using WLST" in Securing Web Services and Managing Policies with Oracle Web Services Manager.


Changes to the keystore configuration at the domain level require that you restart the server.


configureWSMKeystore(context, keystoreType, location, keystorePassword, signAlias, signAliasPassword, cryptAlias, cryptAliasPassword)

Arguments Description


Optional. The context of the configuration document in which the modifications will be done.


Optional. The keystore type category of the property. Valid keystore types are JKS, KSS, PKCS11, and LUNA.


Optional. For JKS, it is the absolute location of the keystore or location relative to the fmwconfig directory. For KSS, the format of location should be kss://stripeName/keystoreName The default is kss://owsm/keystore.


Optional. The keystore password of the keystore configured. It is required for JKS and PKCS11.


Optional. The Alias of the sign key. It is required for JKS and PKCS11.


Optional. Password of the Alias of the sign key. It is required for JKS and PKCS11.


Optional. The Alias of the Encryption key. It is required for JKS and PKCS11.


Optional. Password of the Alias of the Encryption key. It is required for JKS and PKCS11.


The following example configures the JKS keystore default-keystore.jks in the domain myDomain. It provides the keystore password oratest123, the sign alias oraAlias, the sign alias password ora234, the encryption alias oraCryptAlias, the encryption alias password ora123.

wls:/jrfServer_domain/serverConfig> configureWSMKeystore ('/WLS/myDomain','JKS', './default-keystore.jks','oratest123', 'oraAlias','ora234','oraCryptAlias', 'ora123')

The following example configures the KSS keystore at kss://owsm/keystore in the domain myDomain. It provides the sign alias oraAlias, and the encryption alias oraCryptAlias.

 wls:/jrfServer_domain/serverConfig> configureWSMKeystore ('/WLS/myDomain',keystoreType='KSS', location='kss://owsm/keystore', signAlias='oraAlias', cryptAlias='encAlias')

3.4.2 displayWSMConfiguration

Command Category: Configuration

Use with WLST: Online


Displays the full set of configuration properties, and their values and groups, for the product specified in the context. If a property is not defined in the configuration document associated with the context, then the default value defined for the product is displayed. If a context is not specified, then the set of properties matching the current context is displayed.

For more information, see "Managing OWSM Domain Configuration Using WLST" in Securing Web Services and Managing Policies with Oracle Web Services Manager.



Arguments Description


Optional. The context of the configuration document from which property values are displayed. If a context is not specified, then the set of properties matching the current context is displayed.

To display the default set of properties along with their values, use "/" as the context value."


The following example displays the configuration contained in the configuration document in the repository.

wls:/jrfServer_domain/serverConfig> displayWSMConfiguration()

The following example displays the configuration for the base_domain domain.

wls:/jrfServer_domain/serverConfig> displayWSMConfiguration('/WLS/base_domain')

3.4.3 setWSMConfiguration

Command Category: Configuration

Use with WLST: Online


Sets the configuration properties of a domain. The properties are stored in a configuration document for the domain. If a configuration document does not exist, a new one is created.

A new property with values and/or groups of values can be added inside the configuration document. The set of acceptable properties is determined from the default set of properties supported by the product. Specific property values or groups of values can be removed from the configuration document. The configuration document itself is removed if no properties exist in it.

For more information, see "Managing OWSM Domain Configuration Using WLST" in Securing Web Services and Managing Policies with Oracle Web Services Manager.


setWSMConfiguration(context, category, name, [group=None], [values=None])

Arguments Description


Optional. The context of the configuration document to be modified. If a context is not provided or is set to None, then the configuration document associated with the currently connected domain is used. For example /WLS/base_domain.


The category of the property. This is verified against the default set of properties to ensure it is acceptable for the context.

Use the displayWSMConfiguration command to see the category name associated with each property.


The name of the property. This is verified against the default set of properties to ensure it is acceptable for the context.


Optional. A group containing the set of values to add in a configuration document. If the group exists, and this value is set to None, the group is removed.


Optional. The array of values to set for a property or group inside the configuration document.


The following example resets the entire configuration for the domain myDomain to its default values.

wls:/jrfServer_domain/serverConfig> setWSMConfiguration('/WLS/myDomain')

The following command resets the value of the clock.skew property in myDomain to 500.

wls:/jrfServer_domain/serverConfig> setWSMConfiguration('/WLS/myDomain','Agent','clock.skew',None, ['500'])

The following command resets the value of the clock.skew property in myDomain to its default value.

wls:/jrfServer_domain/serverConfig> setWSMConfiguration('/WLS/myDomain','Agent','clock.skew',None,None)

3.4.4 setWSMResourceField

Command Category: Resource

Use with WLST: Online


Specifies the value for the fields of a resource or its structural components. This command can be used to either set the requested field on the resource or remove the value of the existing field. Issuing this command outside of a session containing a resource that is being created or modified will result in an error.


setWSMResourceField(fieldName, [fieldValue=None])

Argument Definition


The name of the field to set. You can set the value for these fields for modification:

  • server—Server name or names. This field can only be set on an application resource.

  • wsdl—WSDL location. This field can only be set on a client port resource.


Optional. The value(s) to set for the field, or omit the value to remove the field.


The following example sets the wsdl field location on a client port to StockService?wsdl.

wls:/wls-domain/serverConfig> setWSMResourceField('wsdl',['http://localhost/StockService?wsdl'])

The following example sets the server field on an application resource to server1 and server2.

wls:/wls-domain/serverConfig> setWSMResourceField('server',['server1','server2'])