3.6 Web Service and Client Management Commands

Use the WLST commands listed in Table 3-5 to view and manage web services for deployed, active, and running web service applications.


The commands listed in Table 3-5 have an application argument.

In an multi-tenant environment, if you intend to target a specific application instance within a tenant's partition, then you must include the partition name as part of the application as follows:


However, if you are targeting a domain-scoped application, then you do not have to include the partition name. You can use the application argument as follows:


Table 3-5 Web Service and Client Management WLST Commands

Use this command... To... Use with WLST...


List web service client ports information for an application or SOA composite.



List web service client information for an application, SOA composite, or domain.



List web service client port stub properties for an application or SOA composite.



List the web service ports for a web service application or SOA composite.



List the web service information for an application, composite, or domain.



Configure the set of stub properties of a web service client port for an application or SOA composite.



Set, change, or delete a single stub property of a web service client port for an application or SOA composite.


3.6.1 listWebServiceClientPorts

Command Category: Web Service and Client Management

Use with WLST: Online


Lists the web service port names and the endpoint URLs for web service clients in an application or SOA composite.

The output will display the name of the web service client/reference port. For example:




Argument Definition


Name and path of the application for which you want to list the web services port information. For example, /domain/server/application#version_number

To list the client port information for an application, this argument is required.


Name of the Web module or SOA composite (for example, HelloWorld[1.0]) for which you want to list the web service client port information.

To list the client port information for a SOA composite, the composite name is required (for example, default/HelloWorld[1.0]), and the moduleType argument must be set to soa.


Module type. Valid options are:

  • soa—SOA composite.

  • web—Oracle Infrastructure web services packaged as a Web module (including an EJB).

  • wls—Java EE web services.

  • wsconn—Use with a connection-based web service client such as an ADF DC web service client, ADF JAX-WS Indirection Proxy, or WebCenter client.


Service reference name of the application or SOA composite for which you want to list the web service client port information.

When the client is an asynchronous web service callback client, the serviceRefName argument must be set to callback.


The following example lists the client ports for the WssUsernameClient Web module in the /base_domain/server1/jwsclient_1#1.1.0 application. Note that the moduleType is set to wsconn, and the serviceRefName is set to WssUsernameClient.

wls:/base_domain/serverConfig> listWebServiceClientPorts

The following example lists the client ports in the default/HelloWorld[1.0] SOA composite. Note that the moduleType is set to soa, and the serviceRefName is set to client.

wls:/base_domain/serverConfig> listWebServiceClientPorts(None, 'default/HelloWorld[1.0]','soa','client')

3.6.2 listWebServiceClients

Command Category: Web Service and Client Management

Use with WLST: Online


Lists web service clients information for an application, SOA composite, or domain. If neither an application nor a composite is specified, the command lists information about all Web service clients in all applications and composites for every server instance in the domain. If an application is not specified, the command lists information about all web service clients in all applications for every server instance in the domain.

You can specify the amount of information to be displayed in the output using the detail argument. When specified, the output provides endpoint (port) and policy details for clients in the domain, the secure status of the endpoints, any configuration overrides and constraints, and if the endpoints have a valid configuration. A subject is considered secure if the policies attached to it (either directly or globally) enforce authentication, authorization, or message protection behaviors. Because you can specify the priority of a global or directly attached policy (using the reference.priority configuration override), the effective field indicates if the directly attached policies are in effect for the endpoint.

The local.policy.reference.source configuration property is provided for each directly attached policy identifying the source of the attachment. For more information about the local.policy.reference.source configuration property and a list of valid values, see "Determining the Source of Policy Attachments" in Securing Web Services and Managing Policies with Oracle Web Services Manager.

Note that to simplify endpoint management, all directly attached policies are shown in the output regardless of whether they are in effect. In contrast, only globally attached policies that are in effect for the endpoint are displayed. For more information, see "How the Effective Set of Policies is Calculated" in Securing Web Services and Managing Policies with Oracle Web Services Manager.

The output is listed by each application deployed as shown in the following examples:

This example shows the output of an unsecured endpoint:

wls:/jrfServer_domain/serverConfig> listWebServiceClients(detail=true)

/jrfServer_domain/jrfServer_admin/ADFDCDecoupling_Project1_ADFDCDecoupling :
        moduleName=testadfbc, moduleType=wsconn, serviceRefName=AppModuleService

                The policy subject is not secure in this context.
/soa_domain/soa_server1/soa-infra :        compositeName=default/Basic_SOA_Client[1.0], moduleType=soa, serviceRefName=Service1
                Basic_soa_service_pt    serviceWSDLURI=http://host.example.com:1234/soa-infra/services/default/Basic_SOA_service/Basic_soa_service.wsdl
                No attached policies found; endpoint is not secure.

This example shows the output for a secured endpoint. Note that the local.policy.reference.source configuration property is provided for the directly attached policy identifying its source as LOCAL_ATTACHMENT, indicating that it was attached using either Fusion Middleware Control or WLST. For more information about the local.policy.reference.source configuration property and a list of valid values, see "Determining the Source of Policy Attachments" in Securing Web Services and Managing Policies with Oracle Web Services Manager.

wls:/jrfServer_domain/serverConfig> listWebServiceClients(detail=true)
/jrfServer_domain/jrfServer_admin/ADFDCDecoupling_Project1_ADFDCDecoupling :
        moduleName=testadfbc, moduleType=wsconn, serviceRefName=AppModuleService
                AppModuleServiceSoapHttpPort serviceWSDLURI=http://host.example.com:1234/ADFBCDecoupling-ADFBCDecoupling-context-root/AppModuleService?wsdl
                URI="oracle/wss10_saml_token_with_message_protection_client_policy", category=security, policy-status=enabled; source=local policy set; reference-status=enabled; effective=true
                        Property name="local.policy.reference.source", value="LOCAL_ATTACHMENT"
        The policy subject is secure in this context.



Argument Definition


Name and path of the application for which you want to list the web service clients. For example, /domain/server/application#version_number

If specified, all web services clients in the application are listed.


Name of the SOA composite for which you want to list the Web service clients. For example, default/HelloWorld[1.0]

If specified, all Web service clients in the composite are listed.


Optional. Specifies whether to list port and policy details for the web service clients.

For each directly attached policy, the local.policy.reference.source configuration property is provided identifying the source of the attachment. For more information, see "Determining the Source of Policy Attachments" in Securing Web Services and Managing Policies with Oracle Web Services Manager.

Valid values are:

  • true—Output includes details about the clients, ports, policies, and whether the endpoint is secure or not.

  • false—Output lists only the clients. The default is false.


The following example lists information for all web service clients in the domain.


The following example lists the web service clients for the application jwsclient_1#1.10 for the server server1 in the domain base_domain.


The following example lists the Web service clients for the SOA composite default/HelloWorld[1.0].


The following example lists details for all of the web service clients in the domain.


3.6.3 listWebServiceClientStubProperties


This command applies to Oracle Infrastructure web service clients only.

Command Category: Web Service and Client Management

Use with WLST: Online


Lists web service client port stub properties for an application or SOA composite.


listWebServiceClientStubProperties(application, moduleOrCompName, moduleType, 
serviceRefName, portInfoName)

Argument Definition


Name and path of the application for which you want to list the web services client port stub properties. For example, /domain/server/application#version_number

To list the client port stub properties information for an application, this argument is required.


Name of the Web module or SOA composite (for example, HelloWorld[1.0]) for which you want to list the web services client port stub properties.

To list the client port stub properties information for a SOA composite, the composite name is required (for example, default/HelloWorld[1.0]), and the moduleType argument must be set to soa.


Module type. Valid options are:

  • soa—SOA composite.

  • web—Oracle Infrastructure web services packaged as a Web module (including an EJB).

  • wsconn—Use with a connection-based web service client such as an ADF DC web service client, ADF JAX-WS Indirection Proxy, or WebCenter client.


Service reference name of the application or SOA composite for which you want to list the web service client port stub properties.


The name of the client port for which you want to list the stub properties.


The following example lists the client port stub properties for the JRFWssUsernamePort port of the WssUsernameClient Web module in the /base_domain/server1/jwsclient_1#1.1.0 application. Note that the moduleType is set to wsconn, and the serviceRefName is set to WssUsernameClient.


3.6.4 listWebServicePorts

Command Category: Web Service and Client Management

Use with WLST: Online


Lists the web service port names and the endpoint URLs for a web service application or SOA composite.

The output will display the port name and endpoint URL of the web service port. For example:

JRFWssUsernamePort         http://localhost:7001/j2wbasicPolicy/WssUsername



Argument Definition


Name and path of the application for which you want to list the web services port information. For example, /domain/server/application#version_number

To list the port information for an application, this argument is required.


Name of the Web module or SOA composite (for example, HelloWorld[1.0]) for which you want to list the web services port information.

To list the port information for a SOA composite, the composite name is required (for example, default/HelloWorld[1.0]), and the moduleType argument must be set to soa.


Module type. Valid options are:

  • soa—SOA composite.

  • web—Oracle Infrastructure web services packaged as a Web module (including an EJB).

  • wls—Java EE web services.


Name of the web service in the application or SOA composite for which you want to list the port information. For example, {http://namespace/}serviceName. Note that the namespace ({http://namespace/}) should not be included for a SOA composite.


The following example lists the web service ports and endpoint URLs for the Oracle Infrastructure web service j2wbasicPolicy service in the base_domain/AdminServer/HelloWorld#1_0 application. Note that the WssUsernameService module name is specified, and the moduleType is set to web.

wls:/base_domain/serverConfig> listWebServicePorts
( '/base_domain/AdminServer/HelloWorld#1_0',

JRFWssUsernamePort      http://localhost:7001/j2wbasicPolicy/WssUsername

The following example lists the web service ports and endpoint URLs for the Java EE web service helloWorldJaxws in the wls-domain/AdminServer/helloWorldJaxws application. Note that the moduleType is set to wls.

wls:/wls-domain/serverConfig> listWebServicePorts ('/wls-domain/AdminServer/helloWorldJaxws','helloWorldJaxws#1!helloWorldJaxws', 'wls','helloWorldJaxws')


3.6.5 listWebServices

Command Category: Web Service and Client Management

Use with WLST: Online


Lists the web service information for an application, SOA composite, or domain. If you do not specify a web service application or a SOA composite, the command lists all services in all applications and composites for every server instance in the domain.

You can specify the amount of information to be displayed in the output using the detail argument. When enabled, the output provides endpoint (port) and policy details for all applications and composites in the domain, the secure status of the endpoints, any configuration overrides and constraints, and if the endpoints have a valid configuration. In addition, the local.policy.reference.source configuration property is provided for each directly attached policy identifying the source of the attachment, as described in "Determining the Source of Policy Attachments" in Securing Web Services and Managing Policies with Oracle Web Services Manager.

A subject is considered secure if the policies attached to it (either directly or globally) enforce authentication, authorization, or message protection behaviors. Because you can specify the priority of a global or directly attached policy (using the reference.priority configuration override), the effective field indicates if the directly attached policies are in effect for the endpoint.

Note that to simplify endpoint management, all directly attached policies are shown in the output regardless of whether they are in effect. In contrast, only globally attached policies that are in effect for the endpoint are displayed. For more information, see "How the Effective Set of Policies is Calculated" in Securing Web Services and Managing Policies with Oracle Web Services Manager.

The output is listed by each application deployed as shown in the following example:

     moduleName=helloModule, moduleType=web, serviceName={http://namespace/}service 
     compositeName=default/HelloWorld[1.0],  moduleType=soa, serviceName=service 


The listWebServices command output does not include details on SOA components, including policy attachments.

For applications assembled prior to 11g Release 1, (, the namespace is not displayed with the serviceName in the output.


listWebServices (application,composite,[detail])

Argument Definition


Name and path of the application for which you want to list the web services. For example, /domain/server/application#version_number

If specified, all web services in the application are listed.


Name of the SOA composite for which you want to list the Web services. For example, default/HelloWorld[1.0]

If specified, all Web services in the composite are listed.


Optional. Specifies whether to list port and policy details for the web service.

For each directly attached policy, the local.policy.reference.source configuration property is provided identifying the source of the attachment. For more information, see "Determining the Source of Policy Attachments" in Securing Web Services and Managing Policies with Oracle Web Services Manager.

Valid values are:

  • true—Output includes details about the service, the port, and the policies.

  • false—Output lists only the services. The default is false.


The following example for an Oracle Infrastructure web service lists all the web services in all applications and composites in the domain. Sample output is shown in this example.

wls:/base_domain/serverConfig> listWebServices()
/base_domain/AdminServer/soa-infra :
     compositeName=default/HelloWorld[1.0], moduleType=soa, serviceName=service
     compositeName=default/Project1[1.0], moduleType=soa, serviceName=bpelprocess1_client_ep 
/base_domain/AdminServer/jaxwsejb30ws :
        moduleName=jaxwsejb, moduleType=web, serviceName=JaxwsWithHandlerChainBeanService
        moduleName=jaxwsejb, moduleType=web, serviceName=WsdlConcreteService
        moduleName=jaxwsejb, moduleType=web, serviceName=EchoEJBService
        moduleName=jaxwsejb, moduleType=web, serviceName=CalculatorService
        moduleName=jaxwsejb, moduleType=web, serviceName=DoclitWrapperWTJService

The following example for an Oracle Infrastructure web service sets the detail argument to true. Sample output is shown in this example. Security policies are shown in bold text.

Note that the reference priority of the globally attached policy is set to 10 and the directly attached policy is not in effect for the endpoint CalculatorPort in the application jaxwsejb30ws.

Also, note that the local.policy.reference.source configuration property is provided for each directly attached policy identifying the source of the attachment. For more information about the local.policy.reference.source configuration property and a list of valid values, see "Determining the Source of Policy Attachments" in Securing Web Services and Managing Policies with Oracle Web Services Manager.

wls:/base_domain/serverConfig> listWebServices(detail='true')
/base_domain/AdminServer/jaxwsejb30ws :
moduleName=jaxwsejb, moduleType=web, serviceName=CalculatorService
            CalculatorPort  http://host.example.com:1234/jaxwsejb/Calculator
category=security, policy-status=enabled; source=global policy set "
MyPolicySet1", scope="DOMAIN('*')"; reference-status=enabled; effective=true
                        Property name="reference.priority", value="10"
 category=wsconfig, policy-status=enabled; source=local policy set;
 reference-status=enabled; effective=true
                        Property name="local.policy.reference.source", value="IMPLIED_FEATURE"
             URI="oracle/mtom_encode_fault_service_policy", category=wsconfig,
 policy-status=enabled; source=local policy set; reference-status=enabled; effective=true
                        Property name="local.policy.reference.source", value="IMPLIED_FEATURE"
             URI="oracle/max_request_size_policy", category=wsconfig,
 policy-status=enabled; source=local policy set; reference-status=enabled; effective=true
                        Property name="local.policy.reference.source", value="IMPLIED_FEATURE"
                        Property name="max.request.size", value="-1"
             URI="oracle/request_processing_service_policy", category=wsconfig,
 policy-status=enabled; source=local policy set; reference-status=enabled; effective=true
                        Property name="local.policy.reference.source", value="IMPLIED_FEATURE"
             URI="oracle/soap_request_processing_service_policy", category=wsconfig,
 policy-status=enabled; source=local policy set; reference-status=enabled; effective=true
                        Property name="local.policy.reference.source", value="IMPLIED_FEATURE"
             URI="oracle/ws_logging_level_policy", category=wsconfig,
 policy-status=enabled; source=local policy set; reference-status=enabled; effective=true
                        Property name="logging.level", value=""
                        Property name="local.policy.reference.source", value="IMPLIED_FEATURE"
             URI="oracle/test_page_processing_service_policy", category=wsconfig,
 policy-status=enabled; source=local policy set; reference-status=enabled; effective=true
                        Property name="local.policy.reference.source", value="IMPLIED_FEATURE"
             URI="oracle/wsdl_request_processing_service_policy", category=wsconfig,
 policy-status=enabled; source=local policy set; reference-status=enabled; effective=true
                        Property name="local.policy.reference.source", value="IMPLIED_FEATURE"
             URI="oracle/http_saml20_token_bearer_service_policy", category=security,
 policy-status=enabled; source=local policy set; reference-status=enabled;  reference-status=enabled; effective=false
                        Property name="local.policy.reference.source", value="ANNOTATION"
        The policy subject is secure in this context.

The following example for a Java EE web service sets the detail argument to true. Sample output is shown in this example. The output lists all the web services in all applications and composites in the domain.

/base_domain/AdminServer/SimpleJAXWS :
   moduleName=SimpleJAXWS#1!SimpleEjbService, moduleType=wls, serviceName=SimpleEjbService
      URI="oracle/http_basic_auth_over_ssl_service_policy", category=security, policy-status=enabled; source=local policy set; reference-status=enabled; effective=true
            Property name="local.policy.reference.source", value="LOCAL_ATTACHMENT"
        The policy subject is secure in this context.
        moduleName=SimpleJAXWS#1!SimpleImplService, moduleType=wls, serviceName=SimpleImplService
                  has Operation level ws-policy
            Attached policy or policies are valid; endpoint is not secure.

3.6.6 setWebServiceClientStubProperties


This command applies to Oracle Infrastructure web service clients only.

Command Category: Web Service and Client Management

Use with WLST: Online


Configures the set of stub properties of a web service client port for an application or SOA composite.

This command configures or resets all of the stub properties for the OWSM client security policy attached to the client. Each property that you list in the command is set to the value you specify. If a property that was previously set is not explicitly specified in this command, it is reset to the default for the property. If no default exists, the property is removed.


setWebServiceClientStubProperties(application, moduleOrCompName, moduleType, 
serviceRefName, portInfoName, properties)

Argument Definition


Name and path of the application for which you want to reset the web services client port stub properties. For example, /domain/server/application#version_number

To configure or reset the client port stub properties for an application, this argument is required.


Name of the Web module or SOA composite (for example, HelloWorld[1.0]) for which you want to reset the web services client port stub properties.

To configure or reset client port stub properties for a SOA composite, the composite name is required (for example, default/HelloWorld[1.0]), and the moduleType argument must be set to soa.


Module type. Valid options are:

  • soa—SOA composite.

  • web—Oracle Infrastructure web services packaged as a Web module (including an EJB).

  • wsconn—Use with a connection-based web service client such as an ADF DC web service client, ADF JAX-WS Indirection Proxy, or WebCenter client.


Service reference name of the application or SOA composite for which you want to reset the web service client port stub properties.


The name of the client port for which you want to reset the stub properties.


The list of properties to be set or changed. Properties must be specified using the following format:


For example:

[("keystore.recipient.alias","oracle"), ("csf-key","oracle")]

To remove a property or clear the value assigned to it, specify a blank "" value. For example:


To remove all the properties of the client port, set this argument to None.

Sample client port stub properties are as follows:

  • oracle.webservices.auth.username

  • oracle.webservices.auth.password

  • keystore.recipient.alias

  • csf-key

  • saml.issuer.name

  • javax.xml.ws.session.maintain

  • wsat.Version —SOA references only

  • wsat.flowOption—SOA references only


The following example resets the client port stub properties ROLE and keystore.recipient.alias to ADMIN and orakey, respectively. Any other properties that were previously set for this client port are either reset to the default or removed. The client port is JRFWssUsernamePort of the WssUsernameClient Web module in the /base_domain/server1/jwsclient_1#1.1.0 application. Note that the moduleType is set to wsconn, and the serviceRefName is set to WssUsernameClient.

[("ROLE","ADMIN"),("keystore.recipient.alias","orakey")] )

3.6.7 setWebServiceClientStubProperty

Command Category: Web Service and Client Management

Use with WLST: Online


Sets, changes, or deletes a single stub property of a web service client port for an application or SOA composite.


setWebServiceClientStubProperty(application, moduleOrCompName, moduleType, 

Argument Definition


Name and path of the application for which you want to set the web services client port stub property. For example, /domain/server/application#version_number

To set a client port stub property for an application, this argument is required.


Name of the Web module or SOA composite (for example, HelloWorld[1.0]) for which you want to set the web services client port stub property.

To set a client port stub property for a SOA composite, the composite name is required (for example, default/HelloWorld[1.0]), and the moduleType argument must be set to soa.


Module type. Valid options are:

  • soa—SOA composite.

  • web—Oracle Infrastructure web services packaged as a Web module (including an EJB).

  • wls—Java EE web services.

  • wsconn—Use with a connection-based web service client such as an ADF DC web service client, ADF JAX-WS Indirection Proxy, or WebCenter client.


Service reference name of the application or SOA composite for which you want to set the web service client port stub property.


The name of the client port for which you want to set the stub property.


Stub property name that you want to set, change, or delete. For example, 'keystore.recipient.alias'.


Optional. The stub property value, for example, 'orakey'.

To remove the property, specify a blank "" value.


The following example sets the client port stub property keystore.recipient.alias to the value orakey for the client port JRFWssUsernamePort. The port is a client port of the WssUsernameClient Web module in the /base_domain/server1/jwsclient_1#1.1.0 application. Note that the moduleType is set to wsconn, and the serviceRefName is set to WssUsernameClient.
