8 Upgrading a Managed Oracle HTTP Server from a Previous 12c Release

This chapter describes the procedure for upgrading a managed Oracle HTTP Server from to a latest 12c release from a previous 12c release. The valid starting point for this upgrade are 12c releases 12.1.2 and above.

This procedure assumes that you have the 12.1.2 Fusion Middleware Infrastructure (JRF plus the WebLogic Server) installed and configured on your system.

Before installing the 12c software, shut down all the 12.1.2 server instances except the RDBMS.

8.1 Installing the Managed 12c ( Oracle HTTP Server

Before you upgrade your existing Managed Oracle HTTP Server 12c (12.1.2 or 12.1.3 or 12.2.1) components, you must first install the Oracle HTTP Server Release

To install the Oracle HTTP Server:
  1. Log in to the host where you want to install the Oracle HTTP Server.
  2. Download the Oracle HTTP Server product distribution (fmw_12.|.exe) from Oracle Technology Network or Oracle Software Delivery Cloud on your host system.
  3. Check that your machines meet the following requirements:
    • Ensure that the system, patch, kernel, and other requirements are met as specified in Installing and Configuring Oracle HTTP Server.
    • Because Oracle HTTP Server is installed by default on port 7777, you must ensure that port 7777 is not used by any service on the nodes. To check if this port is in use, run the following command before installing Oracle HTTP Server. You must free the port if it is in use.

      netstat -an | grep 7777

  4. On UNIX platforms, if the /etc/oraInst.loc file exists, check that its contents are correct. Specifically, check that the inventory directory is correct and that you have write permissions for that directory.
    If the /etc/oraInst.loc file does not exist, you can skip this step.
  5. The Oracle HTTP Server distribution is a .bin file. Run the installer by entering the following command:
  6. On the Installation Inventory Setup screen, specify the location where you want to create your central inventory in the Inventory Directory field.
    Make sure that the Operating System Group name that you selecte on this screen has write permissions to the central inventory location. Click OK.


    This screen does not appear on Windows operating systems. For more information about the central inventory, see Understanding the Oracle Central Inventory in Installing Software with the Oracle Universal Installer.
  7. On the Welcome screen, review the information and click Next.
  8. On the Auto Updates screen, select one of the following and click Next:
    • Skip Auto Updates: If you do not want your system to check for software updates at this time.
    • Select patches from directory: To navigate to a local directory if you downloaded patch files.
    • Search My Oracle Support for Updates: To automatically download software updates if you have a My Oracle Support account. You must enter Oracle Support credentials then click Search. To configure a proxy server for the installer to access My Oracle Support, click Proxy Settings. Click Test Connection to test the connection.
  9. On the Installation Location screen, specify the location for the Oracle home directory and click Next.
    Since you are installing the standard installation topology for a collocated Oracle HTTP Server in a WebLogic Server domain, enter the path to an existing Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure Oracle home.
    For more information about Oracle Fusion Middleware directory structure, see Selecting Directories for Installation and Configuration in Planning an Installation of Oracle Fusion Middleware.
  10. On the Installation Type screen, select Collocated HTTP Server (Managed through WebLogic Server) and click Next.
    For more information about the installation types, see Introducing the Oracle HTTP Server Standard Installation Topologies in Installing and Configuring Oracle HTTP Server.
  11. On the Prerequisite Check screen, verify that your system meets the minimum necessary requirements and click Next. If you see a warning or error message, see Oracle Fusion Middleware System Requirements and Specifications.
    For more information about other options on this screen, click Help.
  12. On the Installation Summary screen, verify the installation options you selected.
    To save these options to a response file, click Save Response File and enter the location and the name of the response file. You can use response files for silent installation. Click Install.
  13. On the Installation Progress screen, click Next when the progress bar displays 100%.
    If the installation is successful, the Installation Complete screen displays the message Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) installation completed successfully. Click Finish to dismiss the installer.
You have installed the Oracle HTTP Server in a collocated mode.

8.2 Upgrading the Existing 12c Schema with the Upgrade Assistant

You need to upgrade the existing 12c OPSS (Oracle Platform Security Services) and IAU (Audit Services) schema using the 12c Upgrade Assistant.

To upgrade the OPSS and IAU schemas:
  1. Run the Upgrade Assistant from the Oracle home by entering the following command:
    On UNIX operating system:
    On Windows operating system:
  2. The Welcome screen provides an overview of the Upgrade Assistant and some information about important pre-upgrade tasks. Click Next.
    For more information about using the Upgrade Assistant, click Help on the Upgrade Assistant screen.
  3. On the Selected Schemas screen, select Individually Selected Schemas and click Next.
    The Upgrade Assistant identifies the components that are available for a schema upgrade thus allowing you to select the schemas you want to include in the upgrade.


    Upgrade only those schemas that are used to support your components. Do not upgrade schemas that are currently being used to support 11g or 12c components that are not included in the Oracle Fusion Middleware release.
  4. The Available Components screen provides a list of installed Oracle Fusion Middleware components that have schemas that can be upgraded. When you select a component, the schemas and any dependencies are automatically selected.
    Select Oracle Platform Security Services. Selecting this automatically selects Oracle Audit Services. Click Next.
  5. On the Domain Directory screen, enter the 12c (12.1.2, 12.1.3, or WebLogic domain directory. Click Browse and use the navigation tree to select the 12c WebLogic domain directory.
    The Upgrade Assistant requires the 12c domain location to access the jps-config.xml file.
  6. On the Prerequisites screen, acknowledge that the prerequisites have been met by checking all the check boxes. Click Next.


    The Upgrade Assistant does not verify whether the prerequisites have been met.
  7. The Examine screen displays the status of the Upgrade Assistant as it examines each component, verifying that the component is ready for upgrade. If the status is “Examine finished.”, click Upgrade.
    If the examine phase fails, Oracle recommends that you cancel the upgrade by clicking No on the Examination Failure dialog box. Click View Log to see what caused the error and refer to Troubleshooting Your Upgrade for information on resolving common upgrade errors.


    • If you resolve any issues detected during the examine phase without proceeding with the upgrade, you can start the Upgrade Assistant again without restoring from backup. However, if you proceed by clicking Yes on the Examination Failure dialog box, you need to restore your pre-upgrade environment from backup before starting the Upgrade Assistant again.

    • Canceling the examination process has no effect on the schemas or configuration data; the only consequence is that the information the Upgrade Assistant has collected must be collected again in a future upgrade session.

  8. On the Upgrade Summary screen, review the summary of the options you have selected by expanding the tree.
    Review the Source Version and the Target Version to make sure that both the versions are correct before proceeding with the upgrade.
    The response file collects and stores all the information that you have entered through the Upgrade Assistant's graphical user interface , and enables you to perform a silent upgrade at a later time. The silent upgrade performs exactly the same function that the Upgrade Assistant wizard performs, but you do not have to manually enter the data again. If you want to save these options to a response file, click Save and provide the location and name of the response file.
    Click Upgrade to start the upgrade process.
  9. The Upgrade Progress screen shows the status of the upgrade process and the projected Target Version of the component after a successful upgrade. Click Next.


    Allow the Upgrade Assistant enough time to perform the upgrade. Do not cancel the upgrade operation unless absolutely necessary. Doing so may result in an unstable environment.
    If any components are not upgraded successfully, refer to the Upgrade Assistant log files for more information.
  10. If the upgrade is successful, you see the Upgrade Success screen. Click Close to complete the upgrade and close the wizard.
    The Post-Upgrade Actions window describes the manual tasks you must perform to make the component functional in the new installation. This is an optional window that only appears if a component has post-upgrade steps.
  11. If the upgrade has failed, you see the Upgrade Failure screen. This indicates that the upgrade of one or more components has failed. The components cannot be upgraded this time.
    Click View Log to view and troubleshoot the errors.
    Fix the issues in the pre-upgrade environment before starting the Upgrade Assistant again. Restore your pre-upgrade environment from backup (making sure to keep the original backup files in a separate location), fix the issues, and restart the Upgrade Assistant.

8.3 Reconfiguring the Existing Domain with the Reconfiguration Wizard

The Reconfiguration Wizard reconfigures the domain while retaining the location of the domain. Use the Reconfiguration Wizard to upgrade your domain to the latest version.

To reconfigure the domain:
  1. Sign in to the system on which the domain resides.
  2. Edition Based Database Users Only: If you have configured your schemas with Edition-Based Reassociation, you must manually supply a default edition name before running the Reconfiguration Wizard.
    To set the default edition, enter the following SQL command:

    Where, edition_name  is the name of the default database edition.

  3. Run the Reconfiguration Wizard by entering the following command:
    On UNIX operating system:
    On Windows operating system:


    When you run the reconfig.cmd or reconfig.sh command, you can get the following error message to indicate that the default cache directory is not valid:

    *sys-package-mgr*: can't create package cache dir

    You can change the cache directory by including the -Dpython.cachedir=valid_directory parameter in the command.

    Oracle recommends that you specify the "log" option while starting the Reconfiguration Wizard as shown in the following example:
    ./reconfig.sh -log=/$ORACLE_HOME/logs/reconfig.log -log_priority=ALL
    You can set the log_priority as per your requirements.
  4. On the Select Domain screen, specify the location of the domain you want to upgrade or click Browse to navigate and select the domain directory. Click Next.
  5. The Reconfiguration Setup Progress screen shows the progress of the setup process. When complete, click Next.
    During this process:
    • The reconfiguration templates for your installed products, including Fusion Middleware products, are automatically applied. This updates various domain configuration files such as config.xml, config-groups.xml, and security.xml (among others).

    • Schemas, scripts, and other such files that support your Fusion Middleware products are updated.

    • The domain upgrade is validated.

  6. On the Domain Mode and JDK screen, select the JDK to use in the domain or click Browse to navigate to the JDK you want to use. Click Next.


    You cannot change the Domain Mode at this stage.
    For a list of JDKs that are supported for a specific platform, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations.
  7. A JDBC data source contains a pool of database connections that are created when the data source instance is created, deployed or targeted, or at server startup. 
    Applications look up a data source on the JNDI tree, and then request a connection. When the applications no longer need the connections, they return the connections to the connection pool in the data source.
    You can configure the JDBC data sources defined in your domain source on the JDBC Data Sources screen. The JDBC data sources associated with the products for which you are creating the domain are listed in the lower half of the screen.
    Select the data source(s) from the Data Source Name drop-down list for which you want to specify the settings. The values that you specify are displayed in the appropriate columns in the data source list, for the selected data source.
    For Oracle RAC Configuration for data sources, you can select one of the three options:
    • Convert to GridLink
    • Convert to RAC multi data source
    • Don’t convert

    For more information about each option, click Help.

    After specifying the details, click Next.
    If you do not select any data sources on the JDBC Data Sources screen, you get a pop-up with the following warning:
    Missing Driver
    Click Ok to proceed without verification, click Cancel to return to the JDBC Data Sources page.
    In this case, if you click Ok, the data sources are not verified.
  8. On the JDBC Data Sources Test screen, select the check box for the data source connection you configured on the JDBC Data Sources screen and click Test Selected Connections to test the data source connection.


    In order to test the database connections, the database to which you are connecting must be running. If you do not want to test the connections at this time, do not select any data sources. Click Next to continue.
  9. On the Database Configuration Type screen, select RCU Data .
    Enter the database connection details using the RCU service table (STB) schema credentials and click Get RCU Configuration.
    The Reconfiguration Wizard uses this connection to automatically configure the data sources required for components in your domain.
    If the check is successful, click Next. If the check fails, reenter the connection details correctly and try again.
  10. On the JDBC Component Schema Test screen, select all the component schemas and click Test Selected Connections to test the connection for each schema.
    When the check is complete, click Next.
  11. The Node Manager screen is only displayed if the domain you are reconfiguring is currently using a per host Node Manager.
    On the Node Manager screen, select the Node Manager configuration to use for the reconfigured domain. The resulting configuration depends on the combination of options you select for Node Manager Type  and Node Manager Configuration.

    Table 8-1 Field Descriptions for Node Manager Screen

    Option Description
    Per Domain Default Location

    If you select this option, the Node Manager home is redefined to $domain_name/nodemanager and you cannot edit the Node Manager home.

    Per Domain Custom Location

    Select this option if you want the per domain Node Manager configuration files to be created in a specific location for this domain. Specify the directory in the Node Manager Home field, or click Browse to use the navigation tree to select the location. The specified directory must be empty. The nodemanager.properties and nodemanager.domains files are created in this directory.

    Node Manager Home

    If you selected the Per Domain Custom Location option, click Browse to navigate to the directory location that you want to use to store the per domain Node Manager configuration.

    Manual Node Manager Setup

    If you select this option, creation of the Node Manager configuration for the domain is skipped (all remaining fields cannot be modified), and if you want to use Node Manager in the domain, you must manually configure Node Manager as described in Completing the Node Manager Configuration. The reconfigured domain will still use a per host Node Manager configuration.

    You should also select this option if your existing domain is not configured to use Node Manager and you do not want to use Node Manager in the reconfigured domain.

    For more information about Node Manager configuration, see Administering Node Manager for Oracle WebLogic Server.

    Node Manager Configuration Select one of the following two options. These fields are not available if you selected Manual Node Manager Setup.
    Create New Configuration A per domain Node Manager configuration will be automatically created for the reconfigured domain using default settings in nodemanager.properties. If necessary, you can modify nodemanager.properties after the domain has been successfully reconfigured.
    Migrate Existing Configuration The existing per host Node Manager configuration will be migrated to a per domain configuration for the reconfigured domain. This does not include environment-specific settings for ListenAddress, ListenPort, StartScriptName, JavaHome, and LogFile.
    Node Manager Home If you selected the Migrate Existing Configuration option, enter or browse to the Node Manager home directory that you want to migrate to the reconfigured domain.
    Apply Oracle Recommended Defaults

    If you selected the Migrate Existing Configuration option, select this check box if you want to use Oracle-recommended defaults in the nodemanager.properties file. Deselect this check box if you want to continue using the settings in the nodemanager.properties file being migrated.

    Oracle-recommended properties with default values are as follows:

    Node Manager Credentials: Username, Password Specify the username and password that you want to use to start Node Manager in the reconfigured domain.
  12. On the Advanced Configuration screen, you can select all categories for which you want to perform advanced configuration. For each category you select, the appropriate configuration screen is displayed to allow you to perform advanced configuration.


    The categories that are listed on the Advanced Configuration screen depend on the resources defined in the templates you selected for the domain.
    For this upgrade, select none of the options and click Next.
  13. On the Configuration Summary screen, review the detailed configuration settings of the domain before continuing.
    You can limit the items that are displayed in the right-most panel by selecting a filter option from the View drop-down list.
    To change the configuration, click Back to return to the appropriate screen. To reconfigure the domain, click Reconfig.


    The location of the domain does not change when you reconfigure it.
  14. The Reconfiguration Progress screen displays the progress of the reconfiguration process.
    During this process:
    • Domain information is extracted, saved, and updated.

    • Schemas, scripts, and other such files that support your Fusion Middleware products are updated.

    When the progress bar shows 100%, click Next.
  15. The End of Configuration screen indicates whether the reconfiguration process completed successfully or failed. It also displays the location of the domain that was reconfigured as well as the Administration Server URL (including the listen port). If the reconfiguration is successful, it displays “Oracle WebLogic Server Reconfiguration Succeeded”.
    If the reconfiguration process did not complete successfully, an error message is displayed to indicate the reason. Take appropriate action to resolve the issue. If you cannot resolve the issue, contact My Oracle Support.
    Note the Domain Location and the Admin Server URL for further operations.

8.4 Upgrading the Component Configuration with the Upgrade Assistant

If you are running the Upgrade Assistant from an Oracle home that contains managed domain components, then the WebLogic Component Configuration upgrade option is available.

To upgrade the component configurations for Oracle HTTP Server:
  1. Run the Upgrade Assistant from the Oracle home by entering the following command:
    On UNIX operating system:
    On Windows operating system:
  2. The Welcome screen provides an overview of the Upgrade Assistant and some information about important pre-upgrade tasks. Click Next.
    For more information about using the Upgrade Assistant, click Help on the Upgrade Assistant screen.
  3. On the WebLogic Components screen, select the WebLogic Component Configurations option to upgrade component configurations for a managed WebLogic Server domain. Enter the connection details required to connect to the WebLogic Administration Server that is managing the domain and click Next.
  4. On the Component List screen, verify that all the components you want to upgrade within a domain are listed and click Next.
    If you do not see the components you want to upgrade, click Back to go to the previous screen and specify a different domain.
  5. On the Prerequisites screen, acknowledge that the prerequisites have been met by checking all the check boxes. Click Next.


    The Upgrade Assistant does not verify whether the prerequisites have been met.
  6. The Examine screen displays the status of the Upgrade Assistant as it examines each component, verifying that the component is ready for upgrade. If the status is “Examine finished.”, click Upgrade.
    If the examine phase fails, Oracle recommends that you cancel the upgrade by clicking No on the Examination Failure dialog box. Click View Log to see what caused the error and refer to Troubleshooting Your Upgrade for information on resolving common upgrade errors.


    • If you resolve any issues detected during the examine phase without proceeding with the upgrade, you can start the Upgrade Assistant again without restoring from backup. However, if you proceed by clicking Yes on the Examination Failure dialog box, you need to restore your pre-upgrade environment from backup before starting the Upgrade Assistant again.

    • Canceling the examination process has no effect on the schemas or configuration data; the only consequence is that the information the Upgrade Assistant has collected must be collected again in a future upgrade session.

  7. On the Upgrade Summary screen, review the summary of the options you have selected by expanding the tree.
    Review the Source Version and the Target Version to make sure that both the versions are correct before proceeding with the upgrade.
    The response file collects and stores all the information that you have entered through the Upgrade Assistant's graphical user interface , and enables you to perform a silent upgrade at a later time. The silent upgrade performs exactly the same function that the Upgrade Assistant wizard performs, but you do not have to manually enter the data again. If you want to save these options to a response file, click Save and provide the location and name of the response file.
    Click Upgrade to start the upgrade process.
  8. The Upgrade Progress screen shows the status of the upgrade process and the projected Target Version of the component after a successful upgrade. Click Next.


    Allow the Upgrade Assistant enough time to perform the upgrade. Do not cancel the upgrade operation unless absolutely necessary. Doing so may result in an unstable environment.
    If any components are not upgraded successfully, refer to the Upgrade Assistant log files for more information.
  9. If the upgrade is successful, you see the Upgrade Success screen. Click Close to complete the upgrade and close the wizard.
    The Post-Upgrade Actions window describes the manual tasks you must perform to make the component functional in the new installation. This is an optional window that only appears if a component has post-upgrade steps.
  10. If the upgrade has failed, you see the Upgrade Failure screen. This indicates that the upgrade of one or more components has failed. The components cannot be upgraded this time.
    Click View Log to view and troubleshoot the errors.
    Fix the issues in the pre-upgrade environment before starting the Upgrade Assistant again. Restore your pre-upgrade environment from backup (making sure to keep the original backup files in a separate location), fix the issues, and restart the Upgrade Assistant.

8.5 Post-Upgrade Tasks

The post-upgrade tasks include starting the Node Manager, starting the Administration Server, starting the Oracle HTTP Server, and verifying whether the upgrade from previous 12c release to this release is successful.

8.5.1 Starting the Node Manager

Server instances in a WebLogic Server production environment are often distributed across multiple domains, machines, and geographic locations. Node Manager is a WebLogic Server utility that enables you to start, shut down, and restart Administration Server and Managed Server instances from a remote location.

On Windows operating systems, it is recommended that you configure Node Manager to run as a startup service. This allows Node Manager to start up automatically each time the system is restarted. For more information, see Running Node Manager as a Startup Service in Administering Node Manager for Oracle WebLogic Server.


On UNIX platform, do not run Node Manager as the root user.
To start the Node Manager:
  1. Change directory to the following:
    On UNIX operating system:
    On Windows operating system:
  2. On the UNIX operating system, start the Node Manager by running the following command:
    nohup ./startNodeManager.sh > nm.out&
    Where, nohup and nm.out are sample output files.
    On the Windows operating system, start the Node Manager by running the following command:
    You can also use a shortcut on the Start menu to start the Node Manager. Click Tools and then click Node Manager.

8.5.2 Starting the Administration Server

One instance of WebLogic Server in each domain acts as an Administration Server. The Administration Server provides a central point for managing a WebLogic Server domain. All other WebLogic Server instances in a domain are called Managed Servers. In a domain with only a single WebLogic Server instance, that server functions both as Administration Server and Managed Server.

In a development environment, it is usually sufficient to start an Administration Server and deploy your applications directly onto the Administration Server. However, in a production environment, it is recommended that you create Managed Servers to run your applications.

To start an Administration Server:
  1. Change directory to the following:
    Where, DOMAIN_NAME is the name of the directory in which you located the domain.
  2. On the Windows operating system, start the Administration Server by running the following command:
    On the Windows operating system, the Configuration Wizard creates a shortcut on the Start menu to start the Administration Server that you created.
    On the UNIX operating system, start the Administration Server by running the following command:


    If the server prompts you to enter a username and password, enter the name of a WebLogic Server user who has permission to start servers.

8.5.3 Starting the Oracle HTTP Server

You can use Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control or the opmnctl command to start, stop, and restart Oracle HTTP Server. Starting the Oracle HTTP Server using the Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control

To start an Oracle HTTP Server using the Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control:
  1. Go to the Oracle HTTP Server home page.
  2. From the Oracle HTTP Server menu:
    1. Select Control.
    2. Select Start Up from the Control menu.
  3. From the Target Navigation tree:
    1. Right-click the Oracle HTTP Server instance you want to start.
    2. Select Control.
    3. Select Start Up from the Control menu. Starting the Oracle HTTP Server using opmnctl
To start Oracle HTTP Server components in an Oracle instance using opmnctl:
  1. Change directory to the following:
  2. Run the following command to start all Oracle HTTP Server components in an Oracle instance
    opmnctl startproc process-type=OHS Determining the Status of Oracle HTTP Server Components using opmnctl
To determine the status of the Oracle HTTP Server components:
  1. Change directory to the following:
  2. Enter the following command:
    opmnctl status
    Following is a sample output:
    Processes in Instance: instance1
    ias-component                    | process-type       |     pid | status  
    webcache1                        | WebCache-admin     |   19556 | Alive   
    webcache1                        | WebCache           |   19555 | Alive   
    ohs1                             | OHS                |    7249 | Alive 

8.5.4 Verifying that Oracle HTTP Server Installation is Successful

If you can log in to the Administration Console and the Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, you have installed Oracle HTTP Server successfully.

To verify whether the software patch is installed successfully:
  1. Log in to the following URL:
  2. To access Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control: