6.9 Datastore Editor

Use to create and configure your datastores in Oracle Data Integrator.

A datastore describes data as a table structure. Datastores are composed of attributes.

The Datastore Editor toolbar has the following tabs:

  • Datastore Static Control: Executes Static Control on the current datastore.

The Datastore Editor has the following tabs:

The data of a datastore can be viewed or edited by using two specific editors. Right-click the datastore and selecting the appropriate editor:

6.9.1 Definition

Properties Description
Name The name of the datastore. This is the name that appears in the navigation trees and refers to the datastore from a Project (Mapping, and so forth). Do not use ODI reserved names, for example, JRN_FLAG, JRN_SUBSCRIBER, and JRN_DATE for the datastore name. These names cause Duplicate Attribute name SQL errors in ODI intermediate tables such as error tables. This name should be different from the resource name, if the latter is unknown or not very clear.

For example, if the model contains tables named C3556F or C5677D, you can give them more explicit names, such as CUSTOMER or ORDER, leaving C3556F and C5677D as resource names.

Datastore Type The type of object the datastore represents.
Alias The short name used in check and filter expressions. This name must be used as a prefix for each attribute name to allow cross-references to be compiled.

For example, for the table CUSTOMER, the alias CUS can be given. In this case, the expression of the condition CLIENT_TYPE could be CUS.CLIENT_TYPE in ('A', 'S', 'D').

The alias name is not necessarily unique for all tables in a certain model. Its only purpose is to make writing expressions easier and to make managing cross-references possible.

OLAP Type The table type in a multidimensional model for online analytic processing (OLAP):
  • Fact table

  • Dimension

  • Slowly Changing Dimension

Resource Name The name of the object in the form recognized by the data server that stores it. This may be a table name or a file name.
Buckets This field is only displayed for Hive datastores.

Number of buckets to be used for clustering.

Number of Rows The number of datastore rows obtained by clicking Refresh.
Description The detailed description of the datastore.

6.9.2 Attributes

Use to provide an overall view of the datastore attributes to be displayed, added, or deleted.

The Reverse Engineer and Reverse COBOL Copybook buttons allow you to reverse-engineer the attributes of a file in the following conditions:

Reverse Engineer

This button launches a standard reverse-engineering process for the current datastore. This reverse-engineering process is also possible for a delimited file. The attribute names are retrieved on the header line of the file, or are automatically generated. The length of the attributes are set with default values, and must be redefined manually.

Attribute Setup Wizard

If the file is a fixed file, the reverse button opens a wizard for defining the attributes.

Properties Description
Fields Shows the attributes and their values. Select a column to edit the attribute metadata.


Properties Description
Attribute Name Name of the selected attribute.
Datatype Name of the datatype.
Heading Name of the heading.

Physical Format

Properties Description
Length The physical length in number of bytes. An attribute with start position '1' and length '4' occupies bytes 1,2,3,4 in each row.

Note: For delimited files, the maximum length taken by the attribute should be shown. If the maximum length of the delimited file is not known, try to ensure that the length is greater than the maximum length. This length is used to reserve sufficient memory space for reading the information.

Record Codes The list of record codes that allows files with several record patterns to be processed.

For example, for a file INVOICE containing different header and invoices rows marked by a record code CODE_REC with the value 'HEAD' or 'LINE', you must create a datastore for each of these conceptual entities. Specify HEAD in the list of record codes for the attribute CODE_REC of the datastore INVOICE, and LINE in the corresponding attribute for the datastore INVOICE_LINE.

You can specify several values separated by the semicolon (;) character.

Exclude Record Codes If this box is selected, the rows respecting the record codes are excluded (instead of included) when loading the file.

Logical Format

Properties Description
Scale The number of digits that occur after the decimal.
Format The format used for dates. This format is a Java date format that matches your computer's local parameters.
Decimal Separator The decimal separator (by default, a period (.)).


Properties Description
Default Value Default value of the attribute.
SCD Behavior Specifies the changing dimension behavior of the attribute.
Description Detailed description of the attribute.


Properties Description
Mandatory If selected, the attribute must be completed.


Properties Description
Created Date and time when the object was created.
Created By User who created the object.
Updated Date and time when the object was updated.
Updated By User who updated the object.

Reverse COBOL Copybook

This button launches a reverse-engineering process for a Fixed file when you have its description file as a COBOL Copybook format.

Automatic Adjustment

For a fixed file only, toggle to adjust starting positions automatically, as a function of column widths, to avoid gaps, and overlaps. It is not possible to manually specify the starting position of a column when Automatic Adjustment is enabled.


Click Add Attributes to add an attribute to the end of the list.

Click Delete Attribute to delete a selected attribute from the list.

You can use the arrows to move the range forward or backward.

This properties might change depending on the Source Technology selection.

Properties Description
Order Order in which attributes to be sequenced.
Name Name of the attribute.
Type Data type of the attribute.
Physical Length Physical length of the attribute.
Logical Length Logical length of the attribute.
Scale Scale of the numeric attribute.
Decimal Separator Decimal separator for the numeric attribute.
Rec. Code Record flags to retrieve data from a file. Acts as a filter applied by the ODI File JDBC Driver.
Format Logical format of the column (ex: dd/MM/yyyy).
SCD Behavior Specifies the changing dimension behavior of the attribute
Not Null Specifies if the attribute can be null or not.

6.9.3 Files

Use to describe the datastores attached to a File technology.

This tab appears only for datastores attached to a File technology.

Properties Description
File Format Format of the file datastore:
  • Delimited: The fields of a record are separated by a field separator.

  • Fixed: The fields of a record are not separated, but their length is fixed.

Header (number of lines) Number of records at the beginning of the file that are not data. These lines are ignored.
Record Separator One or several characters separating records (or lines) in the file:
  • MS-DOS: DOS carriage return

  • Unix: UNIX carriage return

  • Other: Free text you can enter as characters or hexadecimal codes

Field Separator One ore several characters separating the fields in a record.
  • Tabulation

  • Space

  • Other: Free text you can enter as characters or hexadecimal codes

Text Delimiter Pair of characters delimiting a field. This delimiter escapes the field and record separators. If a separator is in a field - between the delimiters - it is not taken into account. The two left and right delimiter characters may be similar or different.
Decimal Separator Character separating the integer and decimal part of a numeric character.

6.9.4 Journalizing

Use to display the journalizing status of the datastore and the list of subscribers tracking changes on this datastore, along with their subscription creation dates.

See "Introduction to Changed Data Capture" in the "Using Journalizing" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator for more information.

6.9.5 Partitions

Properties Description
Partition by Partitioning method. This list displays the partitioning methods supported by the technology on which the model relies. If you want to define sub-partitions in addition to partitions, select the sub-partitioning method.
Sub-partition by Sub-partitioning method. This list displays the sub-partitioning methods supported by the technology on which the model relies.

Toolbar Items

  • Add Partition: Adds a partition at the end of the list

  • Add Sub-Partition: Adds a sub-partition at the end of the list

  • Delete Partition: Deletes the selected partition or sub-partition from the list

6.9.6 Services

Use to configure the generation and the deployment of data services for this datastore. More

Properties Description
Data Service Name Name of the web service generated for this datastore.
Published entity Name that is used to generate all operations names for the data service. For example, if you specify customer as the published entity, the generated operations are named addcustomer, getcustomer, and so forth.

6.9.7 View Data Editor

Use to view the data of a specific datastore.

The data is displayed in the form of a table.

If you want to narrow the displayed data, modify the SQL query by clicking New Query in the toolbar.

You can use the arrows in the toolbar to navigate through the records.

6.9.8 Data... Editor

Use to view and edit the data of a specific datastore.

The data is displayed in the form of a table.

If you want to narrow the displayed data, modify the SQL query by clicking New Query in the toolbar.

Using the toolbar, you can perform the following:

  • Use the arrows to navigate through the records.

  • Click Insert new row to insert a new row and Delete current row to delete the selected row.

  • Click Post changes to current row to apply changes made to the current row and Cancel the changes to current row to cancel them.

  • Click Copy current row to duplicate the selected row.

  • Click Save changes to apply the changes you made to the data server.

  • Click Refresh data to update the datastore's data from the data server.

"Reverse-engineering a File Model" in the "Creating and Reverse-Engineering a File Model" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Connectivity and Knowledge Modules Guide for Oracle Data Integrator

"Creating a Model" in the "Creating and Reverse-Engineering a Model" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator

Oracle Fusion Middleware Integrating Big Data with Oracle Data Integrator