7.11 Export Master Repository Dialog

Use to export the master repository and its topology and security settings either as .xml files into a directory or as a zip file that contains the .xml files.

The objects that are exported when exporting the master repository are objects, methods, profiles, users, languages, versions (if option selected), solutions (if option selected), open tools, password policies, entities, links, fields, lookups, technologies, datatypes, datatypes conversions, logical agents, contexts, and the child objects.

In the Export Master Repository Dialog, set the export parameters as follows:

Properties Description
Export to directory Directory in which the export files are created.
Export to zip file Select if you want to generate a zip file.
Zip File Name Name of the zip file.


For more information about Encryption see, Export Key fields in Export Dialog

Advanced Options

Use these options to customize the XML output file format. It is recommended that you use the default values.

Properties Description
XML Character Set Encoding specified in the export file. The encoding parameter in the XML file header.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Java Character Set Java character set used to generate the file.
Export versions Select if you want to export all stored versions of objects that are stored in the repository. Unselect this option in order to reduce the size of the exported repository, and to avoid transferring irrelevant project work.
Export solutions Select if you want to export all stored solutions that are stored in the repository. Unselect this option in order to reduce the size of the exported repository, and to avoid transferring irrelevant project work.

"Exporting and Importing the Master Repository" in the "Exporting and Importing Objects" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator