4.35 Export Selection Dialog

Use to select an export operation.

The following export operations can be launched from this dialog box:

Export Operation Description
Smart Export Exports a list of objects with their dependencies.

Note: This export option is only available if you are connected to a work repository.

Export Multiple Objects Exports a list of objects.
Export the Master Repository Exports the entire content of the master repository. This export is used to create a clone of the master repository or to transfer the content of one master repository to another.
Export the Work Repository Exports the entire content of the work repository. This export is used to transfer the content of one work repository to another.

Note: This export option is only available if you are connected to a Work repository.

Export the Topology Exports the data servers, physical/logical agents, and schemas as well as the contexts from the master repository.
Export the Logical Topology Exports the logical architecture (logical schema and agents) from the master repository.
Export the Execution Environment Exports the physical architecture (data servers, physical schemas, and physical agents) from the master repository.
Export the Log Archives the content of the Operator log. Perform this operation to archive the content of the log before purging its contents.
Export Security Settings Exports the users, profiles, and privileges from the master repository.
Export the Technical Environment Exports a description of your work environment. This export may be required for troubleshooting issues.

From the action list, select the export operation you want to perform and click OK.

"Exporting an Object with its Child Components" in the "Exporting and Importing Objects" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator