6.47 Package Editor

Use to create and configure your packages in Oracle Data Integrator.

A Package is made up of a sequence of steps organized into an execution diagram. More

The Package Editor has the following tabs:

6.47.1 Definition

Properties Description
Name Name of the package, as it appears in the Oracle Data Integrator user interface.
Description Detailed description of the package.

6.47.2 Execution

Use to view the execution results of the Package.

A Package can be executed directly without generating a scenario. By executing a Package, the sequence of steps that make it up can be tested. Click Execute in the menu bar to start the execution.

The Execution tab is organized into the Direct Executions and the Scenario Executions and the Scenario Execution tabs and shows the results of previous executions.

The Direct Executions tab contains the following elements:

Properties Description
Agent Name of the agent that executed the package. Internal indicates the use of Oracle Data Integrator Studio built-in agent.
Context Execution context of the package.
Status State of the Package execution (Done, Error, Running, Waiting, Warning).
Start Start date and time of execution of the package.
End End date and time of execution of the package.
Duration Time taken for execution of the package.
Return Code Return code of the package.
Message Package execution error message.

The Scenario Execution tab contains the following elements:

Properties Description
Agent Name of the agent that executed the scenario. Internal indicates the use of Oracle Data Integrator Studio built-in agent.
Context Execution context of the scenario.
Status State of the scenario execution (Done, Error, Running, Waiting, Warning).
Start Start date and time of execution of the scenario.
End End date and time of execution of the scenario.
Duration Time taken for execution of the scenario.
Return Code Return code of the scenario.
Message Scenario execution error message.
Rows Total number of rows processed by the scenario.
Inserts Number of rows inserted during the scenario.
Updates Number of rows updated during the scenario.
Deletes Number of rows deleted during the scenario.
Errors Number of rows in error in the scenario.

6.47.3 Scenarios

Use to display in a table the scenarios generated for this component, and their schedules.

Double-click a scenario or a schedule to display its properties.

Click Generate Scenario and Delete to create and delete scenarios.

The context menus for scenarios and schedules are also available from this tab.

6.47.4 Diagram

Use to define the sequence of Steps within a package in a graphical way.

The Diagram tab has three main components:

  • The Package toolbar

  • The Package diagram that contains a graphical view of the steps and the sequence of steps

  • The Properties panel that displays information about the selected step

In a Package, a step is always, upon success or failure, followed either by another step (linked by an ok (green) or a ko (red) arrow), or by the end of the Package (not represented). More

Package Toolbar

The tools in the Package toolbar can do the following:

  • Select a link or a step.

  • View/Hide links between Steps after successful Step.

  • View/Hide links between Steps after failed Step.

  • View/Hide the OK links between Steps.

  • View/Hide KO links between Steps.

  • Define the next step upon step success.

  • Define the next step upon step failure.

  • Duplicate the selected step.

  • Delete the selected steps or links.

  • Reorganize the diagram.

  • Edit the linked object to a selected step.

  • Debug Step

  • Execute the selected step.

  • Execute the whole package.

  • Printing options.

  • Page configuration.

The Errors button changes color when there is an error in the package organization (for instance, an unlinked step). Click Errors to view a detail of the errors. If there are no errors in the package, the Errors button is disabled.

The Package Diagram

You can add steps to the Package by dragging and dropping an object (a mapping, variable, datastore, and so forth) from the Designer Navigator or a tool from the toolbox into the Package diagram.

In the Package diagram, each step is displayed as an icon specific to the step type. The sequence of steps appear as ok (green) arrows (for success), and ko (red) arrows (for failure). For Evaluate Variable steps, both arrows are green with a marker indicating if the next step that is executed in the condition is true or false.

It is also possible to rearrange the steps in a Package diagram by dragging and dropping steps and links, or clicking Reorganize to automatically rearrange the position of the steps.

You can open a step's Properties panel by clicking its icon in the Package diagram. You can also open the linked object (such as a mapping for a flow step, a variable for an evaluate variable step) by double-clicking the Step icon.

You can execute, duplicate, edit, or delete a step by right-clicking it and selecting the appropriate option from the context menu.

The Properties Panel

The Properties panel describes the information about the selected step.

Use the Properties panel to configure the steps of your Oracle Data Integrator Packages. The properties on this tab depend on the step type. More

The Properties panel has the following tabs: General

Use to display the properties of the selected step.

The following properties appear for most step types. The properties on this tab depend on the selected step type.

Properties Description
Step Name Name of the step, as it appears in the Oracle Data Integrator user interface.
Type Type of step. This field does not appear for Oracle Data Integrator tools.
Linked object Name of the Mapping, Procedure, Model, Sub-model, Datastore, or Variable inserted into the Package to create this step. This field does not appear for Oracle Data Integrator tools.
Path Path to the linked object. For example, the Project and Folder containing the mapping for a flow step. This field does not appear for Oracle Data Integrator tools.
Physical Mapping Design Executes the mapping using the selected Physical Mapping Design.

The following tables detail the properties specific to each type of step. The steps that do not have specific properties are omitted from these tables.

For Check type steps, one additional element is displayed:

Properties Description
Delete Errors from the Checked Table Deletes the erroneous data from the checked datastore, model, or sub-model.
Recurse Sub-Models Performs the check operation on sub models data stores too.

For Oracle Data Integrator tool steps, the tool's parameters are displayed for editing purposes.

For a Journalizing step, the following properties appear in addition to the common properties. The fields that are described vary depending on the object being processed (datastore or model) and on the type of journalizing mode (Consistent Set or Simple).

Properties Description
Start Starts journalizing for the datastore, model, or sub-model.
Stop Stops journalizing for the datastore, model, or sub-model.
Add Subscribers Creates the subscriptions for the list of subscribers. You can add or remove subscribers from the list using the Add or Delete buttons.
Remove Subscribers Deletes the subscriptions indicated in the list of subscribers.
Extend Window Extends the consistency window for the Changed Data Capture set or the datastore.
Purge Journal Purges the journals by deleting useless entries.
Lock Subscribers Locks entries in the consistency windows for the given subscribers.
Unlock Subscribers Unlocks the entries in the consistency windows for the given subscribers. Validates consumption of the changes.
Subscribers Click Add Subscribers to add a subscriber to the list.

Click Remove Subscribers to delete the selected subscriber(s) from the list.

For a Set variable step, the following properties appear in addition to the common properties:

Properties Description
Assign When this option is selected, the variable takes the value specified in the Value field. If there are no errors in the package, the Errors button is disabled Variable tab.
Increment This option appears only for numerical-type variables. It increments the variable value with the value defined in the Increment field.
Value Value assigned to the variable (in the case of an assignation), or the increment added to the variable (in the case of increment of the numerical variable).

For an Evaluate variable step, the following properties appear:

Properties Description
Operator Relational operator between the value of the variable and the value defined in the Value field on the Variable tab.
Value Value compared to the value of the variable.

Note: You can compare two variables by entering in the Value field the name of the variable to which a comparison is to be made. The variable name must be prefixed with GLOBAL or the code of the project containing this variable.


When using the IN operator, the variable value is searched for in a semicolon-separated list, such as AB;AC;AA;AE or 66;33;88;11;22;92.

For Execute OS command type steps, one additional property is displayed:

Properties Description
Text of your command Command is started on the operating system.


OS Commands are started by an agent in a given environment (OS, machine, and so forth), and therefore, the environment-specific restrictions and features should be considered (file access path, shell command syntax, and so forth) in the command text. Additional Variables

This tab appears when using the OdiStartScen and OdiStartLoadPlan tools. You can specify in this tab the list of variable values for this scenario. Command

This tab appears when using an Oracle Data Integrator tool. It contains the command corresponding to the tool call. You can use the General tab in the Package properties pane to define this command. More Advanced

This tab allows you to determine the behavior of the package according to whether the step succeeds or fails. More

Default Behavior

The default behavior of steps in a package is as follows:

  • If the step is successful, it moves on to the following step within the Package.

  • If the step ends abnormally, execution of the Package is stopped.

Behavior following success or failure

You can define the behavior following success or failure by specifying the following parameters:

Properties Description
Processing after Success Describes the behavior to implement if the step has been successful.
End Execution of the package is stopped, and all transactions are subject to a Rollback.
Execute Step This field allows a package step to be selected. The special step <<Next Step>> allows the step following the current step in the package to be executed.
Processing after failure Describes the behavior to implement if the step has failed.
Number of Attempts Defines the number of times the step will be re-run if it has failed.
Interval between Attempts second(s) The time interval in seconds between two re-launches of the step.
End Execution of the Package is stopped, and all transactions are subject to a Rollback. This behavior is implemented after the retries.
Execute Step This field allows a Package step to be selected. The special step <<Next Step>> allows the step following the current step in the Package to be executed. This behavior is implemented after the retries.
Log Steps in the Journal Describes how the step information is logged in the journal when its execution is finished.
Log Steps in the Journal Before its execution and while being executed, a step appears in the execution log. This drop box defines wether the step should be kept in the journal after its execution is finished:
  • Never: The step is deleted from the journal.

  • Always: The step is always kept in the journal.

  • Errors: The step is kept in the journal only if it failed. Otherwise, it is deleted. Options

This tab allows you to set the values of the options of a procedure or Knowledge Module (for journalizing, checking or reverse-engineering steps).

Properties Description
Option Name of the procedure option the value is assigned to.
Value Value assigned to the option for the execution.

"Creating a New Package" in the "Creating and Using Packages" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator