4.67 Smart Export Report

Use to view the report of your Smart Export operation.

Displays the objects that have been exported from the Master Repository.

Note: A smart export exports an object with all its related parent and child objects that are required to support.

Level of detail: Change detail of report. Only the default level of reporting is available.

Use the search bar to search for text in the Smart Export Report.

User Added Objects

Properties Description
Object Type Type of object that you have added to the export.
Object Name Name of object that you have added to the export.
Object ID ID of the object that you have added to the export.

Dependent Objects

Properties Description
Object Type Type of the exported object.
Object Name Name of the exported object.
Object ID ID of the exported object.
Used by Object Type Type of dependent object which is used by this object.
Used By Dependent object is used bu this object.
Uses Object Type Type of dependent object which uses this object type.
Uses Dependent object uses this object.

Displays the objects that have been exported from the work repository.

Note: A smart export exports an object with all its related parent and child objects that are required to support.

User added Objects

Properties Description
Object Type Type of object that you have added to the export.
Object Name Name of object that you have added to the export.
Object ID ID of the object that you have added to the export.

Dependent Objects

Properties Description
Object Type Type of the exported object.
Object Name Name of the exported object.
Object ID ID of the exported object.
Used by Object Type Type of dependent object which is used by this object.
Used By Dependent object is used by this object.
Uses Object Type Type of dependent object which uses this object type.
Uses Dependent object uses this object.

"Exporting an Object with its Child Components" in the "Exporting and Importing Objects" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator