4.45 Merge Results Window

Use to view merge results and resolve merge conflicts.

The Merge Results window has the following tabs:

4.45.1 Merge Object Selection

Use to select the object to be used to resolve merge conflicts.

Merge Filters

Use to filter results by the name of the merge.

Properties Description
Merge Status Select the status of the merge.
Merge Name Select the name assigned to the merge.

Merge Object Filters

Use to filter results by merge object.

Properties Description
Merge Object Status Select the status of the merge object.
Merge Object Owner Select the user who has conflict objects to be fixed.
Object Type Select the object type.

Merge Objects

Use to view merge information that is displayed based on the selected filter parameters.

Properties Description
Merge Status Displays the icon that denotes the type of object. If there is a merge conflict, a merge conflict indicator (red cross) is displayed on the icon.
Merge Object Displays the merge object.
Type Displays the merge object type.
Merge Object Owner Displays the name of the merge object owner.
Mark Object Merged Check to resolve conflicts in the selected merge object. When this check box is checked, the merge conflict indicator is removed from the corresponding icon in the Merge Status column.


Name Description
Select All Selects all the items in the Mark Object Merged column.
Unselect All Unselects all the items in the Mark Object Merged column.
Fix Merge Conflicts Displays the Merge Conflict Resolution tab for the selected merge object.
Save Saves the selected merge object.
Save All Saves all the merge objects.

4.45.2 Merge Conflict Resolution

Use to resolve merge conflicts.


Name Description
Refresh Refreshes the results.
Go to First Difference Jumps to the first difference.
Go to Previous Difference Jumps to the previous difference.
Go to Next Difference Jumps to the next difference.
Go to Last Difference Jumps to the last difference.
Coloring and Filtering Displays the "Display Options Dialog", where colors can be assigned to fields and objects.
Reset all Filters Resets all filters to the default.
Expand All Expands all the nodes in the tree.
Collapse All Collapses all the nodes in the tree.
Generate Report Generates the report.
Overwrite the repository object with the source version Overwrites the repository object with the source version and marks the object conflict as resolved.
Use source version as the target repository object Uses the source version as the target repository object.
Edit repository object Edits repository objects.
Mark object conflicts as resolved Marks object conflicts as resolved.

"Integrating ODI with Version Control Systems" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator