8.13 User Editor

Use to create and configure users.

A user is an Oracle Data Integrator user, and corresponds to the login name used for connecting to a repository.

The User Editor has the following tabs:

8.13.1 Definition

The user properties displayed depend on the authentication method currently in use in the master repository.


The Definition tab contains the following fields when internal authentication is used:

Properties Description
Name User name, used as login name.
Notes Enter information about the user.

Account Expiration

Properties Description
Allow expiration date Allows you to set an expiration date for the user.

Supervisor Access Privileges

Properties Description
Supervisor The Supervisor grants all privileges to the user and automatically overrides any privilege grant.

Note: Only users with Supervisor Access Privileges have access to this check box.

Caution: The Supervisor privilege should only be granted to a minimum number of users. It is granted by default to the user SUPERVISOR created when installing Oracle Data Integrator. It is recommended to grant this privilege only on this account, which should be used for maintenance and administration purposes.

User Profiles

Lists the available profiles from the Master Repository. Select one or more of these profiles to get access privileges from multiple profiles.

8.13.2 Authorization

Use to select the objects and methods to grant to the user.

Properties Description
Objects Lists all Objects that can be chosen to grant access to the user. Select an object to see its methods in the Methods table.
Methods Lists of all methods for the selected object.

Method column: Name of the method.

Assign column: If checked, user is granted access to this method.

"Managing Users" in the "Managing Security in Oracle Data Integrator" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle Data Integrator