6.70 Variable Editor

Use to create and configure variables.

Variables can be used in any expression (SQL or others), as well as within the metadata of the repository. A variable is resolved when the command containing it is executed by the agent or the user interface.

The Variable Editor has the following tabs:

6.70.1 Definition

Properties Description
Name Name of the variable, in the form it will be used. This name should not contain characters that could be interpreted as word separators (blanks, and so forth) by the technologies the variable will be used on. Variable names are case-sensitive. That is, "YEAR" and "year" are considered to be two different variables.
Datatype Type of variable: Alphanumeric (250 characters), Date, Numeric (Maximum 10 digits), or Text (unlimited length).
Keep History Length of time the value of a variable is kept for:
  • No History: The value of the variable is kept in memory for a whole session.

  • Latest value: Oracle Data Integrator stores in its repository the latest value held by the variable.

  • All values: Oracle Data Integrator keeps the history of all the values held by this variable.

Secure Value Select Secure Value if you do not want the variable to be recorded. This is useful when the variable contains passwords or other sensitive data. If Secure Value is selected:
  • The variable is never tracked and is displayed as unresolved in the source or target code. The variable is not tracked in the repository and is not historized.

  • The Keep History parameter is automatically set to No History and cannot be edited.

Default Value Value assigned to the variable by default.
Description Detailed description of the variable.

6.70.2 Refreshing

Refreshing a variable allows assigning a new value based on the result of a SQL-type query. All expressions using this variable are subsequently executed with the new value until a new refresh is done.

Properties Description
Schema Logical schema, for identifying the connection on which the SQL query will be executed.
Select Query Select-type SQL query or any command (execution of a stored procedure) allowing a result array (Resultset) to be returned for a row and a column.

For example: Select max(order_no) from crm.order

Caution: Table names should be specified in full (catalog, schema, and so forth) because connection parameters do not allow positioning on the right physical schema.

Click Refresh to calculate the last value of the variable while executing the query entered above. An editor is displayed for entering the context and the execution agent. You check the execution in the log.

Note: If this variable is not persistent, you are not be able to display the value calculated.

Use the Expression Editor to define the WHERE expression. Click Launch the Expression Editor to open it.

Verify your expression by clicking Testing query on the DMBS.

6.70.3 History

This tab displays the history of the values of the variable with the context for variables with the "Historize" action, or the last value for a variable with the "last value" action.

Note: Each value is attached to the context in which the session was executed:

  • The Context Filter field lets you filter the entries for a given context.

  • Click Refresh to update the history.

  • Click Delete to delete a line of the history.

"Working with Variables" in the "Creating and Using Procedures, Variables, Sequences, and User Functions" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator