6.3 Attribute Matching Dialog

The Attribute Matching Dialog is displayed when a connector is drawn to a projector component (see: Projector Components) in the Mapping Editor. The Attribute Matching Dialog gives you an option to automatically create expressions to map attributes from the source to the target (or in some cases, from the target to the source) component based on a matching mechanism. It also gives the option to create new attributes on the target based on the source, or new attributes on the source based on the target.

Connection Path

Use when the source and/or target connection have multiple connection points.

Properties Description
From Source connection point to be used in this connection. Select New to create a new connection point.
To Target connection point to be used in this connection. Select New to create a new connection point.

Match Options

Properties Description
By Name Matches attribute names by exactly matching the name.
By Position Matches attributes by matching the position: The first source attribute is mapped to the first target attribute, and so on.
Ignore Case Ignores the case when matching attribute names.

Create Actions

Properties Description
Create Attributes On Source Creates every target attribute on the source if it does not exist already.
Create Attributes On Target Creates every source attribute on the target if it does not exist already.
Auto Map Creates map expressions on the target using the matching options. Newly created attributes are also mapped.
Preserve Existing Expressions If checked, do not overwrite existing expressions during Auto Map.

"Attribute Matching" in the "Creating and Using Mappings" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator

Oracle Fusion Middleware Integrating Big Data with Oracle Data Integrator