3 Events and Event Types

An event type is a data structure that defines the data contained in an event. When raw event data comes into the Oracle Stream Analytics application, the application binds that data to an event of a particular event type. In your application, you define the event type in terms of its data set and the corresponding data types.

This chapter includes the following sections:

3.1 How Events Function

An event is structured data that relates to something that happens or is happening. For example, if your application reacts to changes to a cluster of servers, events capture snapshot data that is collected by the device that monitors the servers.

Or if your application monitors trends and patterns related to stock market trades, events contain event data that corresponds to stock trades.

Event data can arrive at an application in many forms. By creating an event type to represent the data inside the application, you create a predictable way for application logic to work with the data.

Events carry event data through the event processing network (EPN). When you design the event type, keep in mind how you plan to access, process, and manipulate the event data in your code.

3.2 Choose a Data Structure for the Event Type

An event type can get its structure from a JavaBean class, a tuple, or a java.util.Map class. Oracle recommends that you use JavaBean classes to structure event types. JavaBeans provide greater flexibility within your application and simplify integration with existing systems.

JavaBean event types are flexible. For example, you assign a JavaBean event type to a property of a tuple or java.util.Map event type. The following code shows the event type Student that defines its address property as the JavaBean event type Address.

<wlevs:event-type type-name="Student">
    <wlevs:property name="name" type="char"/>
    <wlevs:property name="address" type="classpackage.Address"/>

JavaBeans also enable you to closely control event type instantiation by implementing an event type builder class. For more information on event type builder classes, see Control Event Type Instantiation with an Event Type Builder Class.

Table 3-1 compares JavaBean classes, tuples, and java.util.Map classes.

Table 3-1 Data Types for Event Types

Data Type Description Benefits and Limitations


A Java class written to JavaBean conventions. In addition to being used by logic you write, the type's accessor (get and set) methods will be used by the Oracle Stream Analytics server and Oracle CQL processor to retrieve and set event property values.

Benefits: This type is the best practice because it provides the greatest flexibility and ease of use for application logic that handles events. You access property values directly through accessor methods. A JavaBean class is more likely to be useful when integrating your Oracle Stream Analytics application with other systems. For control over how the type is instantiated, you can implement an event type builder class.

Limitations: Requires writing a JavaBean class, rather than simply declaring the event type in a configuration file. Oracle CQL does not support JavaBean properties in GROUP BY, PARTITION BY, and ORDER BY, although you can work around this by using an Oracle CQL view.


A structure that you create and register declaratively in the EPN assembly file.

For more information, see Create and Register a Tuple Event Type.

Benefits: Requires no Java programming to create the event type. An event type is created by declaring it in the EPN assembly file. Useful for quick prototyping.

Limitations: Using instances of this type in Java application logic requires programmatically accessing the event type repository to get the instance's property values. A tuple is also unlikely to be useful when integrating the Oracle Stream Analytics with other systems.


Based on an instance of java.util.Map. You don't implement or extend the Map interface. Rather, you specify that the interface should be used when configuring the event type in the EPN assembly file. If you write Java code to access the type instance, you treat it as a Map instance.

For more information, see Create and Register a Map Event Type.

Benefits: Requires no Java programming to create the type. An event type is created by declaring it in the EPN assembly file. Useful for quick prototyping.

Limitations: Does not perform as well as other types.

3.3 Design Constraints

Keep in mind the following CSV adapter and database table constraints when you design event types.

CSV Adapter Constraints

When you declaratively specify the properties of an event type for use with CSV adapters, you can only use the data types that Table 3-2 describes.

Table 3-2 CSV Adapter Types

Type Usage


Single or multiple character values. Use for both char and java.lang.String values.

Optionally, you may use the length attribute to specify the maximum length of the char value for the property with name id. The default length is 256 characters. If you need more than 256 characters you should specify an adequate length.


Numeric values in the range that java.lang.Integer specifies.


Numeric values in the range that java.lang.Float specifies.


Numeric values in the range that java.lang.Long specifies.


Numeric values in the range that java.lang.Double specifies.

For more information, see:

Database Table Constraints

You can use a relational database table as a source of event data, binding data from the table to your event type instance at runtime. When your event data source is a database table, you must follow the guidelines represented by the following tables.

When an event type will receive data from a database table, a property configured for the type will each receive data from a particular column in the database. When configuring the event type, note that its property child elements have attributes that have particular meanings and value constraints, as described in Table 3-3.

Table 3-3 EPN Assembly File event-type Element Property Attributes

Attribute Description


The name of the table column you want to access as specified in the SQL create table statement. You do not need to specify all columns.


The Oracle Stream Analytics Java type from Table 3-4 that corresponds to the column's SQL data type.


The column size as specified in the SQL create table statement.

When you specify the properties of an event type for use with a relational database table, you must observe the additional JDBC type restrictions listed in Table 3-4.

When you join a stream with the Derby database, where the join condition compares two timestamp values - one value is from the stream attribute and the other value is from the Derby data source attribute, the Derby database performs the predicate evaluation. However, the Derby database supports only the yyyy-MM-dd-HH.mm.ss[.nnnnnn] format. For the Derby database to perform the evaluation correctly, the stream timestamp value must use the Derby database format.

Table 3-4 SQL Column Types and Oracle Stream Analytics Type Equivalents

SQL Type Oracle Stream Analytics Java Type com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.Type Description




Array, of depth 1, of java.lang.Object.




An instance of java.math.BigInteger.




Array, of depth 1, of byte.




An instance of java.lang.Boolean.




Array, of depth 1, of byte.




An instance of java.lang.Boolean.




An instance of java.lang.Character.




Array, of depth 1, of byte.




An instance of java.sql.Date.




An instance of java.math.BigDecimal.




An instance of java.lang.Double




An instance of java.lang.Double




An instance of java.lang.Integer.




An instance of java.lang.Object.




Array, of depth 1, of char.




Array, of depth 1, of byte.




Array, of depth 1, of char.




Array, of depth 1, of char.




Array, of depth 1, of byte.




An instance of java.math.BigDecimal.




Array, of depth 1, of char.




An instance of java.lang.Object.




An instance of java.lang.Float




An instance of java.lang.Integer.








An instance of java.sql.Time.




An instance of java.sql.Timestamp.




An instance of java.lang.Integer.




Array, of depth 1, of byte.




Array, of depth 1, of char.

For more information, see: Configure a Table Source.

3.4 Event Type Repository

Oracle Stream Analytics manages event types in an event type repository. The Oracle Stream Analytics server accesses the assembly file at run time to retrieve the information it needs to manage the application.

The following example shows an event type entry in the repository:

  <wlevs:event-type type-name="TradeEvent">

To define and edit event types, you can use the Oracle JDeveloper Event tab, work in the assembly file directly, or call APIs from your application code. The Event tab displays when you open the EPN diagram for an Oracle JDeveloper project.

For more information, see Access the Event Type Repository.

3.5 Properties

When you create an event type, you add the <wlevs:properties> and <wlevs:property> elements to the <wlevs:event-type> element to define the event type properties.

Properties have name and type attributes that define the kind of information, such as ticker name, ticker symbol, and closing price, and the corresponding data type, such as String, String, and Double. For more information about the <wlevs:event-type> element, see wlevs:event-type in Schema Reference for Oracle Stream Analytics.

Assembly File

The following assembly file entries show a simple event type with one event type and one property defined by the <wlevs:class> element. The properties for this event type are defined in a JavaBean class.

    <wlevs:event-type type-name="TradeEvent">

The following assembly file entries show a message count event type with properties defined by the <wlevs:properties> element, which encloses three <wlevs:property> elements.

        <wlevs:event-type id="messagecounts" type-name="SimpleEvent">
                <wlevs:property name="msg" type="char" />
                <wlevs:property name="count" type="long" />
                <wlevs:property name="time_stamp" type="timestamp" />

3.6 Interval and Time Stamp Properties

Event types also support the day-to-second and year-to-month interval properties and the time stamp with local time zone properties.

3.6.1 Interval Properties

The following assembly file entries show the interval properties.

  <wlevs:event-type type-name="IntervalDataTypeEvent">
      <wlevs:property name="Comment" type="char" length="256" />
        <wlevs:property name="intervalProp" type="interval day(1) to second(2)"/>
        <wlevs:property name="intervalymProp" type="interval year(2) to month"/>
        <wlevs:property name="intervaldhProp" type="interval day to hour"/>
        <wlevs:property name="intervaldmProp" type="interval day to minute"/>
        <wlevs:property name="intervalhsProp" type="interval hour(1) 
                to second(2)"/>
        <wlevs:property name="intervalhmProp" type="interval hour to minute"/>
        <wlevs:property name="intervalmsProp" type="interval minute(2) 
                to second(2)"/>
        <wlevs:property name="intervaldProp" type="interval day(1)"/>
        <wlevs:property name="intervalyProp" type="interval year(2)"/>
        <wlevs:property name="intervalmProp" type="interval month"/>

Day-to-second combinations:

INTERVAL DAY[(day_precision)]
TO SECOND[(fractional_seconds_precision)]

day_precision is the number of digits in the DAY date-time field. Accepted values are 0 to 9. The default is 2.

fractional_seconds_precision is the number of digits in the fractional part of the SECOND date-time field. Accepted values are 0 to 9. The default value is 6.

Year-to-month combinations:

INTERVAL YEAR [(year_precision)] TO MONTH

year_precision is the number of digits in the YEAR date-time field. The default value for year_precision is 2.

3.6.2 Time Stamp with Local Time Zone Properties

The following assembly file entries show the time stamp with local time zone properties.

<wlevs:event-type type-name="IntervalDataTypeEvent">
  <wlevs:property name="Comment" type="char" length="256" />
  <wlevs:property name="timestamptzProp" type="timestamp with time zone"/>
  <wlevs:property name="timestampltzProp" type="timestamp with local time zone"/>

With time zone:

TIMESTAMP [(fractional_seconds_precision)] WITH TIME ZONE

fractional_seconds_precision optionally specifies the number of digits Oracle stores in the fractional part of the SECOND datetime field. When you create a column of this data type, the value can be a number in the range 0 to 9. The default value is 6.

With local time zone:

TIMESTAMP [(fractional_seconds_precision)] WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE

fractional_seconds_precision optionally specifies the number of digits Oracle stores in the fractional part of the SECOND datetime field. When you create a column of this data type, the value can be a number in the range 0 to 9. The default value is 6.

3.7 Create and Register a JavaBean Event Type

First, identify the event data that the event type carries and then decide the properties the event type requires. This section walks you through the following steps. To make the JavaBean an event source or sink, see Event Beans .

3.7.1 Data Types

You can use the following Java types for the properties:

  • The fully qualified name of a Java class. The name must conform to the Class.forName rules and be available in the application class loader.

  • A Java primitive such as int or float.

  • An array by appending square brackets ([])to the primitive or class name. For example, short[] or java.lang.Integer[].

3.7.2 Create a JavaBean Event Type Declaratively

  1. Create a JavaBean class to represent your event type.
    package com.bea.wlevs.example.algotrading.event;
    public final class MarketEvent {
        private final Long timestamp;
        private final String symbol;
        private final Double price;
        private final Long volume;
        private final Long latencyTimestamp;
        public MarketEvent() {}
        public Double getPrice() {
            return this.price;
        public void setPrice(Double price) {
            this.price = price;
        public String getSymbol() {
            return this.symbol;
        public void setSymbol(String symbol) {
            this.symbol = symbol;
        public Long getTimestamp() {
            return this.timestamp;
        public void setTimestamp(Long timestamp) {
            this.timestamp = timestamp;
        public Long getLatencyTimestamp() {
            return this.latencyTimestamp;
        public void setLatencyTimestamp(Long latencyTimestamp) {
            this.latencyTimestamp = latencyTimestamp;
        public Long getVolume() {
            return this.volume;
        public void setVolume(Long volume) {
            this.volume = volume;
        // Implementation for hashCode and equals methods.
  2. Compile the JavaBean class.
  3. Register your JavaBean event type in the Oracle Stream Analytics event type repository:
        <wlevs:event-type type-name="MarketEvent">

3.7.3 Create a JavaBean Event Type Programmatically

Steps 1 and 2 are the same as steps 1 and 2 in Create a JavaBean Event Type Declaratively. Then, for step 3, do the following.

To register a JavaBean event type programmatically, use the EventTypeRepository class as shown:

EventTypeRepository rep = getEventTypeRepository();
rep.registerEventType("MarketEvent",    com.bea.wlevs.example.algotrading.event.MarketEvent.getClass()

For more information, see Access the Event Type Repository.

3.7.4 Usages

Once you create a JavBean even type, you can reference it in your application Java code. The following code references the MarketEvent event type in the onInsertEvent method implementation. The onInsertEvent method is from an event sink class that receives events. For more information on event sinks, see Event Sink Interfaces.

public void onInsertEvent(Object event) throws EventRejectedException {
    if (event instanceof MarketEvent){
        MarketEvent marketEvent = (MarketEvent) event;
        System.out.println("Price: " + marketEvent.getPrice());

The following Oracle CQL rule shows how to reference the MarketEvent event type in a SELECT statement. It assumes an upstream channel called marketEventChannel with a MarketEvent event type.

<query id="helloworldRule">
    <![CDATA[ SELECT MarketEvent.price FROM marketEventChannel [NOW] >

Also, with property data types implemented as JavaBeans, Oracle CQL code can get values within those properties by using standard JavaBean-style property access. For example, the following configuration snippet declares a StudentType event type that is implemented as a JavaBean class. The school.Student class is a JavaBean with an address property that is an Address JavaBean class. The following query suggests how you might access values of the Address object underlying the address property. This query selects student addresses whose postal code begins with 97.

<query id="studentAddresses">
    FOR StudentType SELECT student.address
        StudentType as student
        student.address.postalCode LIKE '^97'

EventRejectedException Behavior in onInsertEvent Implementations

You need to explicitly throw EventRejectedException in onInsertEvent implementations for exceptions you do not want to get dropped. You can raise an EventProcessingException and it is propagated all the way to the source of the error through a CQL processor. An EventRejectedException can chain exceptions from its downstream listeners, in case there is more than one exception. The CQL processor converts the EventRejectedException to a soft exception. See Fault Handling for more information.

3.8 Create and Register a Tuple Event Type

First, identify the event data that the event type carries and then decide the properties the event type requires. When you design your event, you must restrict the properties to the data types described in Design Constraints.

With a tuple-based event type, your Java code must always set and get its property values with the EventTypeRepository APIs.


The order in which the EPN processes tuples with the same time stamp is not guaranteed when the EPN is made up of multiple streams.

Data Types

When you specify the tuple event type properties declaratively in the application assembly file, you can use any of the native Oracle CQL data types in the property type.

The following XML shows the use of different types in the application assembly file.

        <wlevs:event-type type-name="SimpleEvent">
                <wlevs:property name="id" type="char" length="1000" />
                <wlevs:property name="msg" type="char" />
                <wlevs:property name="count" type="double" />
                <wlevs:property name="time_stamp" type="timestamp" />


3.8.1 Create a Tuple Event Type in the Assembly File

Register your event type declaratively in the Oracle Stream Analytics event type repository with the wlevs:event-type-repository element and the wlevs:event-type child element.

Create a Tuple Event Type in the Assembly File

The following XML stanzas create a the CrossRateEvent tuple event type with the properties price, fromRate, and toRate.

    <wlevs:event-type type-name="CrossRateEvent">
            <wlevs:property name="price" type="double"/>
            <wlevs:property name="fromRate" type="char"/>
            <wlevs:property name="toRate" type="char"/>

See wlevs:event-type-repository in Schema Reference for Oracle Stream Analytics.

3.8.2 Use a Tuple Event Type in Java Code

Before you can use a tuple event type in Java code, you must create an event type repository. You use the event type repository to get the property names and values so you can work on them in your code. To create an event type repository, include the com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.EventTypeRepository class.

The following code is part of an event sink class. The code creates an event type repository with a call to the setEventTypeRespository method. The Oracle Stream Analytics server then calls the onInsertEvent method with an event parameter. The onInsertEvent method gets information about the event from the event type repository.

For more information about creating an EventTypeRepository object, see Access the Event Type Repository.

// Create an event type repository
public void setEventTypeRepository(EventTypeRepository etr) {
    etr_ = etr;
// Called by the server to pass in the event type instance.
public void onInsertEvent(Object event) throws EventRejectedException {

    // Get the event type for the current event instance
    EventType eventType = etr_.getEventType(event);

    // Get the event type name
    String eventTypeName = eventType.getTypeName();

    // Get the event property names
    String[] propNames = eventType.getPropertyNames();

    // See if property you're looking for is present
    if(eventType.isProperty("fromRate")) {
        // Get property value
        Object propValue = 
    // Throw com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.EventRejectedException to have an  
    // exception propagated up to senders. Other errors will be
    // logged and dropped.

3.8.3 Use a Tuple Event Type Instance in Oracle CQL Code

The following Oracle CQL rule shows how to reference the CrossRateEvent in a SELECT statement. FxQuoteStream is a channel with the CrossRateEvent event type.

<query id="FindCrossRatesRule"><![CDATA[
    select ((a.price * b.price) + 0.05) as internalPrice, 
        a.fromRate as crossRate1, 
        b.toRate as crossRate2 
    from FxQuoteStream [range 1] as a, FxQuoteStream [range 1] as b   
        NOT (a.price IS NULL)
        NOT (b.price IS NULL)
        a.toRate = b.fromRate

3.9 Create and Register a Map Event Type

First, identify the event data that the event type carries and then decide the properties the event type requires. You create a java.util.map event type by adding the configuration XML to the application assembly file.

An event type based on a hash map is called a map-based event type.

Data Types

You can use the following Java types for the properties:

  • The fully qualified name of a Java class. The name must conform to the Class.forName rules and be available in the application class loader.

  • A Java primitive such as int or float.

  • An array by appending square brackets ([])to the primitive or class name. For example, short[] or java.lang.Integer[].

The following XML code shows examples of event property declarations in the event repository.

    <wlevs:event-type type-name="AnotherEvent">
        <wlevs:properties type="map">
             <entry key="name" value="java.lang.String"/>
             <entry key="employeeId" value="java.lang.Integer[]"/>
             <entry key="salary" value="float"/>
             <entry key="projectIds" value="short[]"/>

To create and register a java.util.Map event type:

First, identify the event data that the event type carries and then decide the properties the event type requires.

  • To register declaratively, edit the EPN assembly file using the wlevs:event-type-repository element wlevs:event-type child element as shown:

        <wlevs:event-type type-name="AnotherEvent">
            <wlevs:properties type="map">
                <wlevs:property name="name" value="java.lang.String"/>
                <wlevs:property name="age" value="java.lang.Integer"/>
                <wlevs:property name="address" value="java.lang.String"/>
            </wlevs:properties >

    At runtime, Oracle Stream Analytics generates a bean instance of the AnotherEvent class for you. The AnotherEvent class has three properties: name, age, and address.

  • To register programmatically, use the EventTypeRepository class as shown:

    EventTypeRepository rep = getEventTypeRepository();
    java.util.Map map = new Map({name, java.lang.String}, 
        {age, java.lang.Integer}, {address, java.lang.String});
    rep.registerEventType("AnotherEvent", map);


public void onInsertEvent(Object event)
        throws EventRejectedException {

        java.util.Map anEvent = (java.util.Map) event;
        System.out.println("Age: " + anEvent.get("age"));

The following Oracle CQL rule shows how you can reference the MarketEvent in a SELECT statement:

<query id="helloworldRule">
    <![CDATA[ select age from eventChannel [now] >

3.10 Access the Event Type Repository

The Oracle Stream Analytics event type repository keeps track of the event types defined for your application. When you create an event type in Oracle JDeveloper, it becomes available to the Oracle Stream Analytics application.

In some cases, you might need to write code that explicitly accesses the repository. For example, when your event type is created as a tuple, Java logic that accesses instance of the type will need to first retrieve the type definition using the repository API, then use the API to access the instance property values.

The EventTypeRepository is a singleton OSGi service. Because it is a singleton, you only need to specify its interface name to identify it. You can get a service from OSGi in any of the following ways:

For more information, see Java API Reference for Oracle Stream Analytics.

3.10.1 EPN Assembly File

You can access the EventTypeRepository by specifying an osgi:reference in the EPN assembly file.

<osgi:reference id="etr" interface="com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.EventTypeRepository" />
<bean id="outputBean" class="com.acme.MyBean" >
    <property name="eventTypeRepository" ref="etr" />

Then, in the MyBean class, you can access the EventTypeRepository using the eventTypeRepository property initialized by Spring.

package com.acme;

import com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.EventTypeRepository;
import com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.EventType;

public class MyBean {
    private EventTypeRepository eventTypeRepository;

    public void setEventTypeRepository(EventTypeRepository eventTypeRepository) {
        this.eventTypeRepository = eventTypeRepository;

    public void onInsertEvent(Object event) throws EventRejectedException {
        // get the event type for the current event instance
        EventType eventType = eventTypeRepository.getEventType(event);
       // Throw com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.EventRejectedException to have an   
       // exception propagated up to senders. Other errors will be
       // logged and dropped.

3.10.2 Spring-DM @ServiceReference Annotation

You can access the EventTypeRepository by using the Spring-DM @ServiceReference annotation to initialize a property in your Java source.

import org.springframework.osgi.extensions.annotation.ServiceReference;
import com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.EventTypeRepository;
setEventTypeRepository(EventTypeRepository etr) {

3.10.3 Oracle Stream Analytics @Service Annotation

You can access the EventTypeRepository with the Oracle Stream Analytics @Service annotation to initialize a property in your Java source.

import com.bea.wlevs.util.Service;
import com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.EventTypeRepository;
setEventTypeRepository(EventTypeRepository etr) {

3.11 Share Event Types Between Application Bundles

Each Oracle Stream Analytics application gets its own Java classloader and loads application classes using that class loader. This means that, by default, one application cannot access the classes in another application.

However, because the event type repository is a singleton service, you can configure the repository in one bundle and then explicitly export the event type classes so that applications in separate bundles (deployed to the same Oracle Stream Analytics server) can use these shared event types.

The event type names in this case are scoped to the entire Oracle Stream Analytics server instance. This means that you will get an exception if you try to create an event type that has the same name as an event type that has been shared from another bundle, but the event type classes are different.

To share event type classes, add their package name to the Export-Package header of the MANIFEST.MF file of the bundle that contains the event type repository you want to share.

Be sure you deploy the bundle that contains the event type repository before all bundles that contain applications that use the shared event types, or you will get a deployment exception.

For more information, see:

3.12 Control Event Type Instantiation with an Event Type Builder Class

You can create an event type builder to have more control over how event type instances are created. For example, using an event type builder you can ensure that the properties of a configured event are correctly bound to the properties of an event type class, such as one you have implemented as a JavaBean.

You would need an event type builder in a case, for example, where event property names assumed in CQL code are different from the names of properties declared in the class.

For example, assume the event type has a firstname property, but the CQL rule that executes on the event type assumes the property is called fname. Assume also that you cannot change either the event type class (because you are using a shared event class from another bundle, for example) or the CQL rule to make them compatible with each other. In this case you can use an event type builder factory to change the way the event type instance is created so that the property is named fname rather than firstname.

At runtime, an event type builder class receives property values from the Oracle Event Processing server and uses those values to create an instance of the event type class you created. Your event type builder then returns the instance to the server. In this way, your builder class is in effect an intermediary, instantiating event types in cases where the server is unable to determine how to map configured properties to event type properties.

Creating and using an event type builder involves implementing the builder class and configuring a JavaBean event type to use the builder, as described in the following sections:

3.12.1 Implement an Event Type Builder Class

When you program the event type builder factory, you must implement the EventBuilder.Factory inner interface of the com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.EventBuilder interface; see the Java API Reference for Oracle Stream Analytics for details about the methods you must implement, such as createBuilder and createEvent.

The following example of an event type builder factory class is taken from the FX sample:

package com.bea.wlevs.example.fx;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import com.bea.wlevs.ede.api.EventBuilder;
import com.bea.wlevs.example.fx.OutputBean.ForeignExchangeEvent;

public class ForeignExchangeBuilderFactory implements EventBuilder.Factory {

    // Called by the server to get an instance of this builder.
    public EventBuilder createBuilder() {
        return new ForeignExchangeBuilder();

    // Inner interface implementation that is the builder.
    static class ForeignExchangeBuilder implements EventBuilder {

        // A Map instance to hold properties until the event type is instantiated.
        private Map<String,Object> values = new HashMap<String,Object>(10);

        // Called by the server to put an event type property. Values from the map 
        // will be used to instantiate the event type.
        public void put(String property, Object value) throws IllegalStateException {
            values.put(property, value);

        // Called by the server to create the event type instance once property
        // values have been received.
        public Object createEvent() {
            return new ForeignExchangeEvent(
                (String) values.get("symbol"),
                (Double) values.get("price"),
                (String) values.get("fromRate"),
                (String) values.get("toRate"));

3.12.2 An Event Type that Uses an Event Type Builder

When you register the event type in the EPN assembly file, use the <wlevs:property name="builderFactory"> child element of the wlevs:event-type element to specify the name of the event type builder class. The hard-coded builderFactory value of the name attribute alerts Oracle Stream Analytics that it should use the specified factory class, rather than its own default factory, when creating instances of this event. For example, in the FX example, the builder factory is registered as shown in bold:

  <wlevs:event-type type-name="ForeignExchangeEvent">
    <wlevs:property name="builderFactory">
      <bean id="builderFactory"