B Managed Attachments Pages

This appendix describes the Managed Attachments user interface pages, including pages for viewing attachments and their information, and checking in, scanning, editing, and searching for attachments.

The Managed Attachments solution includes the following pages:


For more information about Content Server pages, see Using Oracle WebCenter Content.

B.1 Managed Attachments Page

Use this page to view, attach, scan, detach, and edit Content Server documents attached to the selected business application record. You can also use Content Server search options to locate Content Server documents to which you have access.

This page lists all Content Server documents attached to the selected business application record, and provides the options listed in the following table.

Element Icon or Button Description



Lists the native name (including extension) of each Content Server document attached to the business application record. Click the document's link to open or save a Web-viewable rendition of the document.



Displays the title of the attached Content Server document, assigned at check-in.



Identifies the person who last checked in the file.



Displays the size (KB/MB) of the attached Content Server document.



Displays the date on which the Content Server document was last checked in to Content Server.


The image shows a Revision icon.

Displays information about the attached revision. Depending on configuration, some items may not be shown.

  • Number: Indicates the revision number of the attachment.

  • Checked Out by Me icon (check mark): Indicates that the attachment is checked out by you. Click this icon to display the Content Information Page, and check in or undo the check-out.

  • Checked Out By icon (lock): Indicates that the attachment is checked out by another user. Hover the cursor over the icon to view the name of the user who checked out the attachment.

  • Newer Revision Available icon (page with up arrow): Indicates that a newer revision exists than the one attached. Click this icon to display the Content Information Page, and if needed, make the more recent revision the attached revision.


The image shows an Info icon.

Click this icon to display detailed information and content actions for the selected document on the Content Information Page.

View inAutoVue

The image shows a View in AutoVue icon.

Click this icon to view, print, collaborate, annotate, and mark up non-private (shared) attachments in the AutoVue document viewer, if configured.

The AutoVue icon is dimmed (grayed out) for private attachments, which cannot be viewed using AutoVue.


The image shows an Edit icon.

Click this icon to check out, open, and edit the attached Content Server document in its native application.



Click to attach a document to the selected business application record, by completing fields on the Content Check-In Form.



Click to scan or import a document and attach it to the business application record.

From Repository


Click to search for files on the Content Server and attach them to the business application record.

Search Within


Click to search within the Managed Attachments list on the Expanded Search Form.



Click to detach the selected document. Detaching removes the document from the business application entity, but not from Content Server.


The image shows a Configure icon.

Click to select and order fields for display in the Managed Attachments page using the Configure Fields for Display Page.


The image shows a Refresh icon.

Click to update the Managed Attachments Page display.

B.2 Content Check-In Form

Use this page to check in documents to Content Server, assign them metadata values, and attach them to the selected business application record.

To display this page, click the New button in the Managed Attachments Page.

Element Description


Select the option that best describes the type of file to be attached. The default document type is displayed. This field is required.


Enter a descriptive title for the document. This field is required.


Identifies the person who checked in the file.

Share Document

Select this field to make the document available to other Content Server users with appropriate access. Leave the field deselected (default) to make the document available when viewed through the business application but hidden from the standard Content Server user interface.

Security Group

Select a security group for the file. If shared, the file is available to users who have permission to the specified security group. This field is required.

Primary File

Specify a primary file using one of these methods:

  • Click Browse next to the field. Navigate to and select the native file, and then click Open.

  • Enter the complete path name and file name of the native file (for example, c:/My Documents/ABC Project/MyFile.doc).

This field is required.


Enter any notes about the file.

Check In

Click to check in the specified document using the settings selected on this page.


Click to cancel any entries and restore the default settings on this page.

B.3 Configure Fields for Display Page

Use this page to specify the attachment information to display in the Managed Attachments page.

To display this page, click the Configure button in the Managed Attachments Page.

Element Description

Available Fields

Lists fields available for display in the Managed Attachments page. Click the right arrow to move a selected field to the Main Information area. Fields selected for display are shown in dimmed characters.

Main Information

Lists fields selected for display in the Managed Attachments page. Fields are displayed left to right in the order in which they are listed in this area. Click the up or down arrow button to reposition a selected field.


Click to preview your changes in the Managed Attachments page. If needed, temporarily reposition the Configure Fields for Display page to view page changes.

Save And Exit

Click to save changes to the display configuration and return to the Managed Attachments page.


Click to cancel any changes and restore the default display settings.

B.4 Content Information Page

Use this page to view details about the attached file, view its web-viewable or native version, and check out or delete the document.

To display this page, click the Info button shown below for a selected attached document in the Managed Attachments Page.

Element Description


Displays the type that best describes the document.


Displays the title of the attached document, assigned at check-in.


Identifies the person who last checked in the document.


Displays additional notes about the document.

Security Group

Identifies access permission to the document.

Checked Out By

Identifies the user who checked out the document.


Identifies the document's current status. A status of Released indicates that the revision is available in the Content Server.


Identifies formats for the document.

Web Location

Click this link to view a web-viewable rendition of the attached document.

Native File

Click this link to either save a copy of the document or open it in its native application.


Lists revisions of the document, along with their release date, expiration date, and status. Click the Delete link to remove the corresponding revision.

Content Actions

Provides options for checking out the document, updating it, checking in a similar one, subscribing to it, or checking out and opening it.

If viewing this page after clicking the Newer Revision Available icon on the Managed Attachments page, an additional command is available: Choose Update Attachment to This Revision to make the newer revision the attached version.


Click the Send Link by E-mail link to open a new e-mail message that contains a URL to the selected document.

B.5 Info Update Form

Use this page to make changes to a selected document's metadata values. Users search for documents on the Content Server by their metadata values.

To display this page, click the Info icon for a selected attachment in the Managed Attachments Page, then choose Update from the Content Actions menu on the Content Information Page.

Element Description


Select the option that best describes the file.


Enter a descriptive title for the document.


Identifies the user who checked in the current document revision.

Share Document

Select this field to make the document available to other Content Server users with appropriate access. Leave the field deselected (default) to make the document available when viewed through the business application but hidden from the standard Content Server user interface.

Security Group

Specifies access permission to the file. You can enter text or select from the list of predefined values.


Enter notes about the document.

Submit Update

Click to save the metadata changes to the attached document.


Click to cancel metadata changes and restore them to their values upon displaying this page.

B.6 Scan Document Page

Use this page to specify the type of document to scan or import, and then attach to the business application entity.

To display this page, click the Scan button in the Managed Attachments Page.

Element Description

Document Classification

Identify the type of document to be scanned or imported.

Share Document

Select this field to make the document available to other Content Server users with appropriate access. Leave the field deselected (default) to make the document available when viewed through the business application but hidden from the standard Content Server user interface.

Security Group

Select a group for the document.

  • If you selected Share Document, the document becomes available to users who have permission to this group.

  • If you left Share Document deselected, selecting a security group is not needed; this field is grayed out.

Scan Document

Click to begin scanning or importing the document.


Click to exit without scanning or importing.


Click to cancel any selections and restore the default settings on this page.

B.7 Expanded Search Form

Use this page to search the Content Server for documents to attach to the selected business application record. After specifying search criteria and clicking Search, results are listed in the Search Results Page.

To display this page, click the From Repository button in the Managed Attachments Page. Alternatively, click the Search Within button to search within the results list.

Element Description


Select an operator and enter a document title.


Select an operator and select a document type.

Security Group

Select an operator and search for the document's security group. To search for private documents, select AFDocuments as the security group.


Select an operator and search for the person who checked in the file.


Specify an operator and search for files by their comments.

Results Per Page

Determines the number of results that are displayed on the search results page.

Sort By

Determines which of the following options are used to sort the targeted search results, and whether those results are listed in ascending or descending (default) order:

  • Release Date (default)

  • Title

Search Forms

Switch between the expanded and query builder search forms.


Click to perform the search using the selected search criteria.


Restores the page to its default settings.

B.8 Search Results Page

This page displays the results of a Content Server repository or Search Within search.

  • In the case of a repository search, the Search Results page allows you to attach one or more documents.

  • In the case of a Search Within search, the page is viewable but you cannot attach documents.

You can also save or restrict your search using standard Content Server query actions.

To display this page, click the From Repository or Search Within button in the Managed Attachments Page, specify a search in the Expanded Search Form, and click Search.

Element Description


Select one or more documents to attach. A dimmed box is displayed if a document is already attached to the business application record.


To attach the selected documents to the business application record, choose Attach to current Application Entity.

Change View

Select another Content Server results view.